As a trainee in Education, why do you need the knowledge of the History of Education

As a trainee in Education, why do you need the knowledge of the History of Education?


A. The study of history of education helps teachers in training to appreciate the various aspects of their past educational process so as to link them to the present

B. It enables teachers in training to know what type of education we had and the

purpose it served in the past

C. History of education gives teachers in training the opportunity of studying other people’s educational ideas and programmes with the aim of developing ours

D. History of education guides teachers in training to proffer some positive solution to our present day educational problems

E. It helps teachers in training to understand some major trends and developments our educational system

F. It helps teachers in training to formulate and implement better philosophies of education

G. History of education is a good academic exercise to improve teachers in training knowledge

H. It widens the scope and knowledge of the teacher and makes him more comfortable and competent in his class;

I. Knowledge of history of education can help teachers in training to be competent in handling any political appointment on education, nationally or internationally






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