The Poor Farmer and his three wishes Oral and Written Comprehension English Grammar Primary 3 Third Term Week 3

Subject: English Grammar

Class : Primary 3

Term : Third Term

Week : Week 3

Grade Level: Primary 3

Duration: 60 minutes


Topic : Oral and Written Comprehension English Grammar Primary 3 Third Term Week 3

Learning Objectives:

  1. Students will be able to understand the story of “The Greedy Farmer and the Powerful Mermaid.”
  2. Students will identify and discuss the consequences of greed.
  3. Students will practice reading comprehension skills through a discussion of the story.
  4. Students will strengthen their grammar skills by using appropriate vocabulary and verb tenses.
  5. Students will reflect on the moral lessons conveyed in the story


Embedded Core Skills:

  1. Reading comprehension
  2. Vocabulary building
  3. Verbs and verb tenses
  4. Moral reasoning
  5. Critical thinking

Learning Materials:

  1. Storybook: “The Greedy Farmer and the Powerful Mermaid”
  2. Whiteboard/Blackboard and markers/chalk
  3. Chart paper and markers
  4. Worksheet with comprehension questions (optional)

Previous Lessons

  1. Vocabulary Building English Grammar Primary 3 Third Term Week 3
  2. Oral and Written Comprehension Honesty is the best policy English Grammar Primary 3 Third Term Week 2


Title: The Greedy Farmer and the Powerful Mermaid

Once upon a time, in the beautiful village of Anthony in Lagos State, there lived a poor farmer. His name was Ahmed, and he worked hard on his small farm to make a living. Every day, he would tend to his crops, hoping for a better life.

One sunny morning, something extraordinary happened. As Ahmed was watering his plants, a powerful mermaid emerged from the nearby river. The mermaid had heard of the farmer’s struggles and decided to grant him three wishes to change his life.

Overwhelmed with excitement, Ahmed couldn’t believe his luck. Without much thought, he hastily made his first wish, “I wish to be rich! Gold and jewels, everywhere!” Instantly, his fields turned into piles of glittering treasures. Ahmed’s eyes widened with delight as he imagined a life of luxury and comfort.

However, his greed got the best of him. He wasted his second wish, asking for even more wealth. The mermaid, disappointed by his selfishness, granted his wish. Ahmed’s farm transformed into a grand mansion with servants at his beck and call. [mediator_tech]

Unsatisfied and blinded by his greed, Ahmed made his final wish, “I want to be the richest man in the world!” The mermaid, saddened by his lack of wisdom, granted his wish. Suddenly, Ahmed found himself surrounded by mountains of gold and endless riches. But something was terribly wrong.

Despite his immense wealth, Ahmed was all alone. His family and friends had abandoned him, unable to bear his greediness. The villagers he once helped now despised him. Ahmed realized the true cost of his wishes – he had lost everything that truly mattered.

From that day on, Ahmed learned the value of contentment and the consequences of greed. He worked hard to rebuild his farm and mended his ways. He became known as a humble and generous farmer, spreading joy and kindness to those around him.

The tale of the poor farmer and his three wishes reminds us that true happiness lies not in wealth, but in the warmth of our relationships and the contentment in our hearts.



  1. The poor farmer lived in ___________ village. a) Anthony b) Lagos c) Victoria
  2. The farmer was visited by a ___________. a) mermaid b) wizard c) fairy
  3. The mermaid granted the farmer ___________ wishes. a) three b) five c) two
  4. The farmer wasted all his wishes because he was ___________. a) greedy b) kind c) generous
  5. The farmer’s first wish was to become ___________. a) rich b) famous c) powerful
  6. The mermaid was ___________ by the farmer’s greed. a) disappointed b) happy c) surprised
  7. The farmer’s second wish was to have even more ___________. a) wealth b) friends c) time
  8. The farmer’s final wish was to be the ___________ man in the world. a) richest b) tallest c) smartest
  9. The farmer lost everything that ___________ to him. a) mattered b) happened c) flew
  10. The farmer learned the value of ___________ and generosity. a) contentment b) sadness c) anger

Please note that the correct answers for these fill-in-the-blank questions are as follows:

  1. a) Anthony
  2. a) mermaid
  3. a) three
  4. a) greedy
  5. a) rich
  6. a) disappointed
  7. a) wealth
  8. a) richest
  9. a) mattered
  10. a) contentment


Fill the gaps with the right answer

  1. I _____ to school every day. a) walk b) walked c) walking
  2. The cat _____ on the mat. a) is sleeping b) sleeping c) sleeps
  3. My sister _____ a beautiful picture. a) draws b) drew c) drawing
  4. We _____ a picnic last Sunday. a) had b) have c) has
  5. They _____ playing football in the park. a) are b) is c) am
  6. I _____ a book when the phone rang. a) read b) am reading c) was reading
  7. She _____ a cake for her birthday. a) baked b) bakes c) baking
  8. The birds _____ in the sky. a) fly b) flew c) flying
  9. The baby _____ loudly. a) cries b) cry c) crying
  10. They _____ their homework yesterday. a) finished b) finishes c) finish

Please note that the correct answers for these fill-in-the-blank questions are as follows:

  1. a) walk
  2. a) is sleeping
  3. a) draws
  4. a) had
  5. a) are
  6. c) was reading
  7. a) baked
  8. a) fly
  9. a) cries
  10. a) finished


Lesson Plan Presentation: The Greedy Farmer and the Powerful Mermaid


I. Introduction (5 minutes)

  • Greet the students and introduce the topic: “Today, we will be learning about a story called ‘The Greedy Farmer and the Powerful Mermaid.'”
  • Display the storybook and ask students if they have heard of mermaids before.
  • Discuss the importance of listening carefully and understanding the consequences of our actions.

II. Storytelling and Comprehension (15 minutes)

  • Read the story aloud, pausing at appropriate moments to engage the students in discussions.
  • Encourage students to ask questions and make predictions about the story’s outcome.
  • After reading, lead a comprehension discussion by asking questions about the main characters, setting, and events. [mediator_tech]

III. Vocabulary and Grammar (10 minutes)

  • Write selected vocabulary words from the story on the board (e.g., farmer, mermaid, greedy, wishes).
  • Discuss the meanings of these words and have students provide their own definitions.
  • Explain the concept of verb tenses (past, present, future) and their importance in storytelling.
  • Provide examples of verbs in the story and ask students to identify their tenses.

IV. Moral Lesson (10 minutes)

  • Introduce the concept of moral lessons and discuss the consequences of greed.
  • Ask students to share their thoughts on the farmer’s actions and the effects of his greed.
  • Facilitate a class discussion on the importance of being content and appreciating what we have

V. Assessment and Evaluation (5 minutes)

  • Distribute a worksheet with comprehension questions related to the story (optional).
  • Monitor students as they complete the worksheet or conduct an oral assessment.
  • Collect the worksheets and evaluate students’ comprehension and grammar skills.

VI. Conclusion (5 minutes)

  • Summarize the key points discussed during the lesson.
  • Reinforce the moral lesson of the story and its relevance in our daily lives.
  • Encourage students to reflect on their own actions and strive to be content and generous.

Evaluation Questions:

  1. Who were the main characters in the story?
  2. What were the three wishes the farmer made?
  3. Why did the mermaid grant the farmer’s wishes?
  4. What happened to the farmer after making his wishes?
  5. How did the farmer feel about his wishes at the end of the story?
  6. What is the moral lesson of the story?
  7. Why is it important to be content with what we have?
  8. Can you think of a time when you felt content with something you had?
  9. How does greed affect relationships with others?
  10. How can we avoid being greedy?

Conclusion: In this lesson, we explored the story of “The Greedy Farmer and the Powerful Mermaid.” We discussed the consequences of greed and the importance of being content with what we have. Through reading comprehension activities and grammar discussions, students were able to practice their language skills and develop moral reasoning. By reflecting on the story’s message, students gained a deeper understanding of the negative impact of greed and the value of contentment.


Throughout the lesson, students actively participated in discussions, shared their thoughts, and engaged in comprehension activities. By assessing their comprehension through worksheets or oral assessments, teachers were able to gauge students’ understanding of the story and their grammar skills.

To reinforce the lesson, teachers can assign a writing task where students express their own wishes and reflect on the importance of being content with what they have. This will encourage critical thinking and application of the moral lesson.

By incorporating engaging activities and fostering discussions, teachers help students not only develop their language skills but also cultivate important values such as gratitude, empathy, and self-awareness. It is essential to continually reinforce these lessons in students’ daily lives, encouraging them to make wise choices and consider the consequences of their actions.

Remember, the story of “The Greedy Farmer and the Powerful Mermaid” serves as a reminder that true happiness lies not in material possessions but in our relationships, contentment, and acts of kindness towards others.

Note: The duration of each section may vary based on the pace of the class and the specific needs of the students. The lesson plan can be adjusted accordingly to accommodate the available time and resources.


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