Understanding God’s Promises and Fulfillment in the Birth of Isaac and the Promises to Abraham

Subject : Christian Religious Studies

Class : Primary 5

Term : Third Term

Week : Week 2

Topic : Understanding God’s Promises and Fulfillment in the Birth of Isaac and the Promises to Abraham

Objective: To teach Primary 5 students about God’s faithfulness in fulfilling His promises, particularly in the story of the Birth of Isaac and the things that God promised Abraham.


  • Bible
  • Picture of Abraham and Sarah
  • Picture of Isaac
  • Whiteboard or blackboard and markers
  • Fill-in-the-gap worksheet with multiple-choice options


God’s promises and fulfillment:

  1. God is faithful and always keeps His promises to us.
  2. Throughout the Bible, we see many examples of God making promises to His people and fulfilling them.
  3. When God promises something, it will always come true, even if it takes a long time.

The Birth of Isaac:

  1. Abraham and his wife Sarah were very old and had no children.
  2. God promised Abraham that he would have many descendants and that they would be as numerous as the stars in the sky.
  3. Abraham and Sarah had a hard time believing this promise because they were so old and had no children.
  4. But God was faithful to His promise, and Sarah miraculously gave birth to a son named Isaac.
  5. Isaac became the father of Jacob, who later became the father of the twelve tribes of Israel.

Things that God promised Abraham:

  1. God promised Abraham that he would make him into a great nation and that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars in the sky.
  2. God promised Abraham that he would bless him and make his name great.
  3. God promised Abraham that he would bless those who blessed him and curse those who cursed him.
  4. God promised Abraham that all nations on earth would be blessed through him



  1. God always __________ His promises to us. a) breaks b) keeps c) forgets
  2. Abraham and his wife Sarah had no ___________. a) children b) cars c) pets
  3. God promised Abraham that he would have many __________. a) houses b) descendants c) friends
  4. Abraham and Sarah had a hard time believing God’s promise because they were __________. a) young b) old c) tall
  5. God promised Abraham that he would make him into a great __________. a) farmer b) nation c) chef
  6. Sarah gave birth to a son named __________. a) Jacob b) Isaac c) David
  7. Isaac became the father of __________. a) Joseph b) Jacob c) Moses
  8. God promised Abraham that his descendants would be as numerous as the __________. a) cars on the road b) fish in the sea c) stars in the sky
  9. God promised Abraham that he would bless him and make his name __________. a) small b) great c) average
  10. God promised Abraham that he would bless those who __________ him. a) bless b) hurt c) ignore

Lesson Plan Presentation 

Previous Lesson


  1. Begin by asking the students if they know what a promise is.
  2. Ask them if they have ever made a promise to someone, and what it means to keep a promise.
  3. Explain that in today’s lesson, we will learn about God’s promises and how He always keeps them.


  1. Read the story of the Birth of Isaac from Genesis 17:15-21 and Genesis 21:1-7.
  2. Use pictures of Abraham, Sarah, and Isaac to help illustrate the story and keep the students engaged.
  3. Emphasize how God promised Abraham that he would have many descendants, even though he and Sarah were very old and had no children.
  4. Explain how Abraham and Sarah had a hard time believing this promise, but God was faithful to His word and Sarah miraculously gave birth to a son named Isaac.
  5. Discuss how Isaac became the father of Jacob, who later became the father of the twelve tribes of Israel.
  6. Review the things that God promised Abraham, such as making him into a great nation, blessing him and his name, blessing those who bless him and cursing those who curse him, and blessing all nations on earth through him.


  1. Recap the main points of the lesson, emphasizing how God always keeps His promises to His people.
  2. Distribute the fill-in-the-gap worksheet with multiple-choice options to assess the students’ understanding of the lesson.
  3. Encourage the students to remember that God is faithful to His promises, and we can trust Him always.


The fill-in-the-gap worksheet with multiple-choice options will serve as the assessment tool to test the students’ comprehension of the lesson. [mediator_tech]

Weekly Assessment /Test 

  1. God promised Abraham that he would curse those who __________ him. a) bless b) hurt c) ignore
  2. God promised Abraham that all nations on earth would be __________ through him. a) blessed b) cursed c) ignored
  3. God is always __________ to His promises. a) unfaithful b) faithful c) forgetful
  4. When God promises something, it will always come true, even if it takes a __________ time. a) short b) long c) medium
  5. Abraham and Sarah were very __________ and had no children. a) happy b) sad c) confused
  6. Isaac became the father of the __________ tribes of Israel. a) six b) twelve c) three
  7. Abraham and Sarah had a hard time believing God’s promise because they were so __________. a) young b) old c) rich
  8. God promised Abraham that he would bless those who bless him and __________ those who curse him. a) love b) bless c) curse
  9. God promised Abraham that his descendants would be as numerous as the __________ in the sky. a) clouds b) stars c) moon
  10. Sarah miraculously gave birth to a son named __________. a) Isaac b) Jacob c) Joseph


  1. What does Isaac mean?
  2. What name was given to Abram when God changed his name
  3. Why did Sarah laughed when she heard that she would give birth to a baby
  4. List any two promises of God to Abraham
  5. Mention what God said that He would do to anyone that bless or curse Abraham [mediator_tech]
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