Dictation for the week Second Term Primary 5 Week 2

English Language 


Dictation Work 


Second Term Lesson Note


Week 2


Primary 5




Learning Objectives

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to 

  1. Spell the given words 
  2. Check out the dictionary meaning of the given words 
  3. Understand the given set of words and use the words in sentences 
  4. correctly spell the following words: superintend, extraordinaire, entrepreneur, official, saboteur, journalism, supercede, guarantee, isolation, evolutionary
  5. spell and use words related to entrepreneurship, management, and evolution in sentences.


Entry Behaviour

Pupils have previous knowledge of how to spell words



Instructional Materials

  • Audio Visual Resources 
  • Flash cards 
  • Online Dictionary 
  • Recommended English Textbook 
  • Handout with the list of words: superintend, extraordinaire, entrepreneur, official, saboteur, journalism, supercede, guarantee, isolation, evolutionary
  • Multi-choice questions
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Chart 
  • Hard copy dictionary 
  • Spelling list with the target words
  • Pencils and paper for writing
  • Word search worksheets with the target words (optional)


Methods of Teaching

  • Class Discussion
  • Group Discussion
  • Asking Questions
  • Explanation
  • Role Modelling
  • Role Delegation

Reference Materials 

  • Scheme of Work
  • Online Information
  • Textbooks
  • Workbooks
  • 9 Year Basic Education Scheme 

Spellings for the week. Primary 5 Week 2 Second Term

  1. superintend (soo-pur-in-tend)
  2. extraordinaire (ek-strawr-duh-ner)
  3. entrepreneur (on-truh-pruh-nur)
  4. official (uh-fish-uhl)
  5. saboteur (sab-uh-tur)
  6. journalism (jur-nuh-liz-uhm)
  7. supercede (soo-pur-seed)
  8. guarantee (gur-uhn-tee)
  9. isolation (ay-suh-ley-shun)
  10. evolutionary (ev-uh-loo-shun-air-ee)

Use the words in simple sentences

  1. superintend: to oversee or have general charge and direction of
  2. extraordinaire: being out of the ordinary; exceptional
  3. entrepreneur: a person who starts and manages a business venture, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit.
  4. official: having official authority or sanction; authorized; done in an official capacity; having formal sanction; recognized by authority; invested with the authority of an office; holding an office; appointed or elected to an office; acting in an official capacity
  5. saboteur: a person who engages in sabotage, or who is an advocate of sabotage
  6. journalism: the activity or profession of writing for newspapers, magazines, or news websites or preparing news to be broadcast
  7. supercede: to take the place of (another), especially in an official capacity
  8. guarantee: a pledge or assurance, especially one in writing, that the warranty of a product or service is valid or that the product or service will be provided as promised
  9. isolation: the state or fact of being isolated; separation from others; insulation; the act of isolating; the condition of being isolated
  10. evolutionary: of or relating to evolution or evolutionism, the gradual development of something, especially from a simple to a more complex form

Use the words that are for dictation for the week in sentences

  1. The construction manager was asked to superintend the building project.
  2. She is an extraordinaire chef, her dishes are always unique and delicious.
  3. He’s a successful entrepreneur and runs a chain of restaurants.
  4. The official statement from the company is that they will be laying off employees.
  5. The saboteur was caught trying to damage the factory’s machinery.
  6. She’s studying journalism at college to become a news reporter.
  7. The new technology has superceded the old one, it’s more efficient.
  8. The company guarantees the customer satisfaction with their products.
  9. The island’s inhabitants have lived in isolation for hundreds of years.
  10. The evolutionary process of animals adapting to their environment is fascinating.
  1. How is the word “superintend” spelled? a) superintend b) superintind c) supurintend
  2. How is the word “extraordinaire” pronounced? a) ek-strawr-duh-ner b) eks-tra-or-dun-air c) eks-tra-or-dun-aire
  3. How is the word “entrepreneur” spelled? a) entrepeneur b) entreprenur c) entrepreneur
  4. How is the word “official” pronounced? a) uh-fisher-ul b) offish-ul c) uh-fish-uhl
  5. How is the word “saboteur” spelled? a) sabatour b) sabatuer c) saboteur
  6. How is the word “journalism” pronounced? a) jur-nuh-liz-uhm b) jer-nal-ism c) jour-nal-ism
  7. How is the word “supercede” spelled? a) superceed b) superseed c) supercede
  8. How is the word “guarantee” pronounced? a) gur-uhn-tee b) gar-an-tee c) guar-an-tee
  9. How is the word “isolation” spelled? a) isloation b) isolasion c) isolation
  10. How is the word “evolutionary” spelled? a) evolvutionary b) evolustionary c) evolutionary
Class work 
  1. What is the occupation of a person who starts and manages a business venture, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit? a) Entrepreneur b) Artist c) Engineer
  2. What is the meaning of the word “superintend” in a sentence? a) To take the place of another b) to oversee or have general charge and direction of c) to guarantee
  3. The word “extraordinaire” is used to describe: a) Average b) Extraordinary c) Normal
  4. The word “official” can be used to describe: a) unofficial b) something that is authorized c) something that is unimportant
  5. What is the meaning of the word “saboteur”? a) A person who is an advocate of sabotage b) A person who builds things c) A person who is good at fixing things
  6. What is the field of study of someone who writes for newspapers, magazines, or news websites or prepares news to be broadcast? a) Journalism b) Medicine c) Law
  7. The word “supercede” can be used in a sentence when talking about: a) taking the place of another b) starting a business c) becoming an artist
  8. What is the meaning of the word “guarantee”? a) a pledge or assurance b) a threat c) a wish
  9. What is the meaning of the word “isolation”? a) The act of isolating; the condition of being isolated b) The state of being happy c) The state of being in a group
  10. The word “evolutionary” is related to which field of study a) Evolution b) History c) Literature

Lesson Presentation

The lesson is presented step by step

Step 1 :

Introduction (10 minutes):

  • Begin the class by reviewing the meaning of vocabulary words related to entrepreneurship, management and evolution.
  • Introduce the new words for the day and provide a brief definition for each word.

Step 2 :

Direct Instruction (20 minutes):

  • Have students work in pairs or small groups to complete the multi-choice questions on the words.
  • Give students a few minutes to compare their answers with their partners.
  • As a class, review the answers and have a few students explain their reasoning.
  • Write a few sample sentences on the board, using each word.

Step 3 :

Guided Practice (20 minutes):

  • Students will now work in pairs or small groups to create a short dialogue or skit, using at least 5 of the words from the list.
  • Encourage students to use the new words correctly in context and creatively
  • Let each group present their skit to the class.

Step 4 :

Independent Practice (10 minutes):

  • Provide students with a list of sentences, and ask them to identify and underline the words from the list.
  • Collect the work and check for comprehension.


Closure (5 minutes):

  • Have students summarize what they have learned and how they will use these new words in their writing and speaking.

Assignment / Evaluation

Assessment: The students will be assessed based on their participation in class discussions, their multi-choice questions, their skit, and their independent practice worksheet.


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