Precautionary Measures On Personal Security

First Term Lesson Notes Security Education Primary 6


Security Education







Primary 6/Basic 6


Precautionary Measures On Personal Security


Previous lesson: 

The pupils have previous knowledge of

Importance of Personal Security

that was taught as a topic in the previous lesson


Behavioural objectives:

By the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to

  • List the precautionary Measures on personal security
  • Discuss the precaution measures on personal security
  • Analyse precautionary Measures such as technology devices like cctv camera
  • Formulate security policies


Instructional Materials:

  • Wall charts
  • Pictures
  • Related Online Video
  • Flash Cards
  • Cctv camera



Methods of Teaching:

  • Class Discussion
  • Group Discussion
  • Asking Questions
  • Explanation
  • Role Modelling
  • Role Delegation


Reference Materials:

  • Scheme of Work
  • Online Information
  • Textbooks
  • Workbooks
  • 9 Year Basic Education Curriculum
  • Cyber cafe
  • Free security video



Precautionary Measures On Personal Security


Precautionary Measures On Personal Security that can be taken by pupils in primary 6.

1. Always be alert and aware of your surroundings when out in public. This is especially important when walking to or from school, as you are more vulnerable to potential dangers in these situations.

2. Avoid talking to strangers or accepting anything from them, even if they seem friendly or helpful. Make sure that this is a rule that is reinforced by your parents and teachers at home and school.

3. Always keep your personal belongings, such as your phone or wallet, close to you when in public. This will help prevent them from being stolen or lost, which could potentially put you at risk.

4. Consider carrying a small self-defense tool, such as pepper spray or a stun gun, with you in case of an emergency. These tools can help you defend yourself if you ever encounter someone who is threatening or violent.

5. Be mindful about what information you share on social media and other online platforms. This includes things like your address, phone number, school schedule, and other personal details that could potentially be used against you by predators.

6. Take advantage of any safety resources or programs that may be available to you at school or in your community, such as school safety patrols or self-defense classes. These can help keep you safe and better prepared for potential threats in the future.

7. Stay aware of your surroundings at all times and be mindful of who is around you. This can help minimize your chances of encountering dangerous or harmful situations, such as being followed or approached by a stranger.

8. Always try to travel in groups when possible, whether you are walking to school or going out with friends after class. This will help ensure that there are always people around you to provide support and protection in the event of an emergency.

9. Make sure that you are familiar with any safety procedures or protocols at your school, such as emergency drills or evacuation plans. This can help keep you better prepared for potential threats and ensure that you know how to take action if needed.

10. If you ever feel unsafe or threatened, don’t hesitate to seek help from a trusted adult, such as a parent, teacher, or school counselor. This can help ensure that you get the support and protection you need in order to stay safe and avoid potential dangers.


  1. What is the most effective way to protect yourself from personal security threats? a) Always carrying a weapon b) Staying aware of your surroundings and being proactive in protecting yourself c) Wearing protective clothing d) Relying on others to protect you
  2. When walking alone at night, what should you do to ensure your personal safety? a) Avoid using headphones or being distracted by your phone b) Take the most direct route, even if it is not well-lit c) Stay in areas with lots of people d) All of the above
  3. How can you protect your personal information online? a) Use strong and unique passwords for all of your accounts b) Avoid sharing personal information on social media or online forms c) Use a virtual private network (VPN) when accessing the internet d) All of the above
  4. When meeting someone for the first time, what precautions should you take to ensure your personal safety? a) Meet in a public place b) Tell a trusted friend or family member about the meeting and provide them with details about the person you are meeting c) Keep your phone charged and with you in case you need to call for help d) All of the above
  5. How can you protect your home from potential burglars? a) Keep windows and doors locked at all times b) Use a security system c) Leave lights on when you are not home d) All of the above
  6. How can you protect yourself from cybercrime? a) Use strong and unique passwords for all of your accounts b) Avoid clicking on links or downloading attachments from unknown sources c) Keep your computer and other devices updated with the latest security software d) All of the above
  7. If you are in a potentially dangerous situation, what is the best course of action to take? a) Try to defuse the situation by talking to the person b) Run away as fast as you can c) Call for help d) All of the above
  8. When driving, what precautions can you take to ensure your personal safety? a) Wear a seatbelt at all times b) Keep a safe distance from other vehicles c) Avoid driving while tired or under the influence of alcohol or drugs d) All of the above
  9. If you are being followed, what should you do? a) Try to lose the person by making sudden turns or going into a store b) Go to a well-lit, public area c) Call the police d) All of the above
  10. If you are being threatened or harassed, what should you do? a) Try to calm the person down and deescalate the situation b) Leave the area if possible c) Call the police d) All of the above



Answers to the evaluation questions 

  1. b) Staying aware of your surroundings and being proactive in protecting yourself
  2. d) All of the above
  3. d) All of the above
  4. d) All of the above
  5. d) All of the above
  6. d) All of the above
  7. d) All of the above
  8. d) All of the above
  9. d) All of the above
  10. d) All of the above


Safety Precautionary Measures For Every Pupil in Basic 6

  1. Some ways that pupils in grade 6 can keep themselves safe when walking to and from school include: staying alert and aware of their surroundings, avoiding shortcuts through isolated areas or alleys, and walking with a friend or in a group. They should also be cautious when crossing streets and use crosswalks when available.
  2. Pupils in grade 6 can protect their personal belongings by keeping them close and secure at all times, such as by using a lock or combination lock on their backpack or lockers. They can also be cautious about sharing personal information or location online, and be aware of their surroundings when using electronic devices in public.
  3. To stay safe when using the internet, pupils in grade 6 should be mindful of the information they share online, including their full name, address, phone number, and other personal details. They should also be careful about who they communicate with online, and avoid sharing any sensitive information with strangers. It’s also important to use strong and unique passwords for all online accounts and to be cautious when clicking on links or downloading files from unknown sources.
  4. If pupils in grade 6 feel threatened or in danger while at school or in public, they should seek help from a trusted adult, such as a teacher or parent. They can also consider telling a school counselor or contacting the police if they feel unsafe.
  5. To stay safe when encountering strangers or unfamiliar situations, pupils in grade 6 should follow the “stranger danger” rule, which means not talking to or going with strangers. They should also trust their instincts and be prepared to seek help if they feel uncomfortable or in danger. It can also be helpful to have a plan in place for what to do in emergency situations, such as knowing how to reach a trusted adult or where to go for help.


Technology safety devices for precautionary personal security.

1. Security cameras: Security cameras are a great way to monitor your home and help deter possible intruders from entering the premises. These devices can be equipped with motion detectors that alert you via email or text when there is suspicious activity around your property.

2. Alarm systems: Alarm systems offer another layer of security for your home and can be used to alert you when there is an intruder. They are equipped with motion detectors and loud sirens that will instantly wake you if someone breaks into your home.

3. Smart locks: Smart locks offer a high-tech alternative to traditional door locks and can be programmed to automatically lock as soon as they sense movement in the area. This makes it much more difficult for intruders to gain entry into your home, as they would need to get past both the smart lock and any security systems you have set up.

4. Security doors: Security doors are another great way to protect your home from potential intruders. These devices are made of heavy-duty steel or other durable material and can be reinforced with security bars or other safety features to prevent forced entry.

5. Security gates: In addition to installing a security door, you may also want to consider adding a security gate around your property as well. These gates are typically made of high-strength steel or metal and can be programmed to open only when you are present.

6. Guard dogs: Another option for safeguarding your home is to invest in a guard dog. These animals can be trained to alert you when someone approaches the property, and they can also help to deter potential intruders from approaching your home at all.

7. Motion sensor lighting: Motion sensor lighting is another great way to improve your home’s security and make it more difficult for potential intruders to approach undetected. These devices are activated when they sense movement in the area, which lights up an entire room or hallway instantaneously, making it much harder for someone to hide or sneak around your property.

8. Smart locks: Finally, remember to always take the necessary safety precautions when it comes to your online accounts and devices. Use strong passwords, choose two-factor authentication when possible, and back up all of your data on a regular basis in order to minimize the risk of losing any important information if an attack were to occur.

9. Personal safety apps: There are also a number of personal safety apps available that can help you stay connected with your loved ones and alert authorities if you become in danger. These apps allow you to set up a safety plan so that your friends, family, or emergency services are automatically informed if something happens, helping ensure that you get the help you need as quickly as possible.

10. Software tools: Finally, make sure to stay up-to-date with the latest security threats and software patches available for your devices. By keeping your software current, you can reduce your chances of being hacked and help ensure that any sensitive data stored on your device is kept safe at all times.​



The topic is presented step by step


Step 1:

The class teacher revises the previous topics


Step 2.

He introduces the new topic. Pupils are encouraged to explain personal security. Pupils in pairs are to suggest people that they can reach out to when in harm, fear or danger.


Step 3:

The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own examples and he corrects them when the needs arise. The class teacher makes the pupils to know the reasons for person security


  1. Which of the following is a device that is worn around the neck and can be activated in case of an emergency to alert authorities or a predetermined contact? A. Panic button B. GPS tracker C. Smart lock D. Security camera
  2. Which of the following devices can be used to remotely lock and unlock a door, as well as track who is coming and going? A. Panic button B. GPS tracker C. Smart lock D. Security camera
  3. Which of the following devices can be used to track a person’s location using satellite technology? A. Panic button B. GPS tracker C. Smart lock D. Security camera
  4. Which of the following devices can be used to record and transmit video and audio for the purpose of security and surveillance? A. Panic button B. GPS tracker C. Smart lock D. Security camera
  5. Which of the following devices can be used to detect and alert the user to the presence of carbon monoxide in their environment? A. Smoke detector B. Fire alarm C. Carbon monoxide detector D. First aid kit
  6. Which of the following devices can be used to detect and alert the user to the presence of smoke in their environment? A. Smoke detector B. Fire alarm C. Carbon monoxide detector D. First aid kit
  7. Which of the following devices can be used to provide a loud warning signal in case of a fire? A. Smoke detector B. Fire alarm C. Carbon monoxide detector D. First aid kit
  8. Which of the following devices can be used to provide medical supplies and instructions for treating injuries or illnesses? A. Smoke detector B. Fire alarm C. Carbon monoxide detector D. First aid kit
  9. Which of the following devices can be used to detect and alert the user to the presence of water leaks or flooding in their home or business? A. Water sensor B. Temperature sensor C. Motion sensor D. Door sensor
  10. Which of the following devices can be used to detect and alert the user to changes in temperature in their home or business? A. Water sensor B. Temperature sensor C. Motion sensor



  1. A. Panic button
  2. C. Smart lock
  3. B. GPS tracker
  4. D. Security camera
  5. C. Carbon monoxide detector
  6. A. Smoke detector
  7. B. Fire alarm
  8. D. First aid kit
  9. A. Water sensor
  10. B. Temperature sensor


The class teacher wraps up or concludes the lesson by giving out short notes to summarize the topic that he or she has just taught.

The class teacher also goes round to make sure that the notes are well copied or well written by the pupils.

He or she does the necessary corrections when and where the needs arise.



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