Js 2 Basic Science First Term Examination

1.The following are invertebrates EXCEPT_______

  1. Centipede
  2. Earthworm
  3. Millipede
  4. Mouse


  1. One of these is NOT an excretory product _______
  1.  sweat
  2. urine
  3. carbon(iv)oxide
  4. feaces



  1. Excretory organs include the following


  1. urethra
  2. skin
  3. kidney
  4. lungs


  1. The outer layer of the human skin is

known as_______

  1. dermis
  2. epidermis
  3. sweat gland
  4. sweat pores



  1. Which of the following characteristics

does NOT exhibit the uniqueness of man?_______

  1. highly developed brain
  2. forward facing eyes
  3. breast feed to young ones with milk
  4. handle tools due to the position of their thumb


  1. The following are water borne diseases


  1. dysentery
  2. diarrhoea
  3. pneumonia
  4. cholera



  1. Which of these organisms is a mammal


  1. Pigeon
  2. Rat
  3. Toad
  4. Lizard


  1. An example of non-hallucinogenic

substance is  _______

  1. caffeine
  2. cocaine
  3. marijuana
  4. paracetamol


  1. The following are non-communicable

diseases EXCEPT

  1. kwashiorkor
  2. scurvy
  3. cholera
  4. eczema


  1. The vector that transmit pathogen that

causes elephantiasis is

  1. Culex mosquito
  2. Aedes mosquito
  3. rat
  4. Anopheles mosquito


  1. Personal cleanliness cannot be improved by regular
  1. bathing
  2. brushing of the teeth
  3. cutting of finger nail
  4. eating


  1. Which of the following differentiate

duck’s feet from the feet of other birds.

They have

  1. made of cartilage
  2. scaly
  3. webbed
  4. water proof


  1. Tendon is a connective tissue which


  1. bone to another bone
  2. cartilage to another cartilage
  3. cartilage to bone
  4. muscle to bone


  1. Which of the following must be present for

rusting to occur


  1. water only
  2. water and carbon dioxide
  3. water and hydrogen
  4. water and  Air


  1. Causes of drug abuse include the

following EXCEPT

  1. curiosity
  2. education
  3. peer group
  4. frustration


  1. The following are types of terrestrial  habitat EXCEPT
  1. arid land
  2. marine
  3. forest
  4. grass land
  1. Rusting cannot be prevented by the following EXCEPT
  1. galvanizing
  2. greasing
  3. heating
  4. painting


  1. The stomach is part of _____ system


  1. circulatory
  2. digestive
  3. Nervous
  4. Skeletal


  1. The digestive juice, ptyalin is found in the


  1. liver
  2. mouth
  3. pancreas
  4. small intestine


  1. Which of the following organs excrete urine
  1. Kidney
  2. Liver
  3. Lung
  4. Pancreas
  1. The following are examples of movable joints, EXCEPT
  1. ball and socket
  2. gliding joint
  3. hinge joint
  4. suture


  1. The removal of undigested remains of food from the alimentary canal is called
  1. digestion
  2. egestion
  3. elimination
  4. excretion


  1. Which of the following diseases is NOT

transmitted by a vector?

  1. malaria
  2. pneumonia
  3. river blindness
  4. sleeping sickness


  1. The structure that helps in the absorption

of food in the small intestine is called


  1. artery
  2. capillary
  3. villi
  4. rectum


  1. An example of a physical change is


  1. burning of magnesium air
  2. explosion of hydrogen in air
  3. melting of ice
  4. rusting of iron


  1. Interaction between organisms and their

environment is known as


  1. pathology
  2. biology
  3. ecology
  4. sociology


  1. Saliva contains a digestive enzyme which begins the digestion of
  1. fat
  2. mineral salt
  3. protein
  4. starch




  1. An organism that is eaten by another one

is called

  1. predator
  2. parasite
  3. prey
  4. commensal


  1. Which of these is NOT an adaptation of a

desert plant

  1. poorly developed root system
  2. reduced leaves
  3. succulent tissues on stem
  4. Adventitious root


  1. Man belongs to a special group of animals


  1. ape
  2. Pisces
  3. primates
  4. herbivores


  1. Human development can be measured by_____ of an individual
  1. body size
  2. weight
  3. performance
  4. height


  1. The following are examples of water pollutants EXCEPT
  1. CFC
  2. oil spillage
  3. Sewage
  4. Acids


  1. Which of the following insects helps to

pollinate flowers?

  1. Bedbug
  2. Butterfly
  3. Housefly
  4. Mosquito


  1. The movement of food down the gullet to

stomach is called


  1. ingestion
  2. egestion
  3. peristalsis
  4. absorption


35 The skin performs all the following

functions EXCEPT

  1. storage
  2. sensitivity
  3. temperature regulation
  4. excretion



  1. Which of these factors does NOT affect

growth and development?

  1. Diseases
  2. Food
  3. Emigration
  4. Gland



  1. The bones at the joint are held together by


  1. fibre
  2. ligament
  3. muscles
  4. tendon


  1. Hinge joints are found in the following

parts of the body EXCEPT at the


  1. elbow
  2. knees
  3. shoulders
  4. toes


  1. Which of the following is NOT a function.

of skeleton in man?


  1. allows movement
  2. helps us to breath
  3. protects delicate organs
  4. helps in sneezing


  1. Which of the following will be absorbed in

the large intestine?


  1. water
  2. amino acid
  3. starch
  4. glucose
  1. The acid present in protein is


  1. amino
  2. lactic
  3. carbolic
  4. citrio


  1. ____ is a source of chemical energy
  1. Dynamo
  2. Petroleum
  3. Sun
  4. Water


  1. The removal of waste products from the body of an organism is called ______
  1. assimilation
  2. defecation
  3. excretion
  4. respiration


  1. The part of the alimentary canal where food is chewed is the _____
  1. anus
  2. large intestine
  3. mouth
  4. stomach


  1. Gastric juice is found in the _____
  1. small intestine
  2. stomach
  3. anus
  4. rectum


  1. Iodine was added to food substance, it changed to black-black. This shows that the food substance contains ______
  1. amino – acid
  2. fats
  3. starch
  4. protein


  1. The chemical use in testing for protein is _____
  1. Iodine
  2. Million reagent
  3. Sudan (iii) solution
  4. Millon reagent


  1. The following are types of aquatic habitat EXCEPT
  1. forest
  2. fresh water
  3. ocean
  4. river


  1. Lifelong, delayed and Periodic are types of ___
  1. Adolescence
  2. Abstinence
  3. Longevity
  4. sexuality


  1. Abstaining from a habit for a while is ____
  1. Periodic abstinence
  2. Delayed abstinence
  3. Lifelong abstinence
  4. Monitoring



Section B




  1. In a tabular form, classify the following organisms into exoskeleton, endoskeleton and hydrostatic Skeleton
    1. Jellyfish.
    2. Grasshopper
    3. Toad
    4. Earthworm
    5. Ant
    6. Fish
  2. Mention two functions of the skeletal system
  3. Define joints.
  4. Mention one example of immovable joint
  5. Mention any four modes of transmitting diseases
  6. Mention any four disease vectors and the disease they transmit
  7. Define excretion
  8. Mention three excretory of the human body
  9. Mention any five parts of the human Digestive system.
  10. Explain enzymes
  11. What is vertebrate
  12. State three characteristics of mammals
  13. In a tabular form, state four differences between man and other primates
  14. State two uniqueness of man among other primates.
  15. What is a habitat
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