The need to forgive those who wrong us Strong desire for power breaks relationship


Christian Religious Knowledge


First Term


Week 10




Previous lesson: Pupils have previous knowledge of


Ways of reconciling broken relationships


that was taught in their previous lesson




The need to forgive those who wrong us Strong desire for power breaks relationship


Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to


  • What is forgiveness
  • What is breakup
  • What is reconciliation
  • what is desire
  • Explain the Consequences of Breakups


Instructional Materials:

  • Wall charts
  • Pictures
  • Related Online Video
  • Flash Cards

Methods of Teaching:

  • Class Discussion
  • Group Discussion
  • Asking Questions
  • Explanation
  • Role Modelling
  • Role Delegation


Reference Materials:

  • Scheme of Work
  • Online Information
  • Textbooks
  • Workbooks
  • 9 Year Basic Education Curriculum
  • Workbooks




The need to forgive those who wrong us Strong desire for power breaks relationship


Forgiveness is not an easy journey and it often requires help from others. When we forgive, we are not doing it for those who wronged us, but for our own sake. Forgiveness is not letting the other person off the hook while they hurt you, it’s a decision to let go off your negative feelings and wish them well. This influences our own health, peace and well-being because when we don’t love ourselves enough and make ourselves a priority then external sources become our only means of feeling good about ourselves (like success or money).

The need to forgive those who wrong us Strong desire for power breaks relationship

In order to forgive, you must first understand what forgiveness is.

Forgiveness is a state of mind where you allow yourself to let go of negative emotions and beliefs about someone else’s actions that may be holding you back from loving them fully right now. It’s an act of self-love because it allows us to move forward in our lives without being held back by old hurts or resentments from the past.

If we want to break free from feelings like anger, resentment, jealousy and other negative emotions associated with relationships then we have to learn how not only recognize but also deal with these feelings before they get out of control!

Forgiving someone who wronged you is not just in your best interest but also in the best interest of the other person.

Forgiveness is a gift you give to yourself, the other person and the relationship. It’s also a gift that you can give to the world.

When we refuse to forgive those who have wronged us, we are holding ourselves back from living our best lives. By refusing forgiveness, we are keeping ourselves stuck in an unhappy space where we hold onto anger, resentment and unforgiveness because they make us feel better about ourselves or our situation than they should be able to do alone without help from others.

Forgiving someone who wronged you isn’t just in your best interest; it’s also in their best interest because forgiving them will set both of your lives on a path towards happiness once again!

Forgiveness is not letting the other person off the hook while they hurt you, it’s a decision to let go off your negative feelings and wish them well.

Forgiveness is not letting the other person off the hook while they hurt you. It’s a decision to let go of your negative feelings and wish them well.

Forgiveness is an act of self-forgiveness, which means that we don’t forgive ourselves after forgiving another person. We focus on forgiving ourselves first before we can ask for forgiveness from anyone else (Romans 12:19).




It influences our own health, peace and well-being.

Forgiveness is not just in your best interest, it’s also in the best interest of the other person. When we forgive people who hurt us, it helps us to heal from the wounds they caused and makes space for our own healing.

Forgiveness doesn’t mean letting someone off the hook while they hurt you; it means releasing them from your negative feelings towards them and wishing them well!

This is not an easy journey and it often requires help from others.

We all have the desire to be powerful and in control of our lives, but this can lead us down a path of isolation. When we feel powerless, we often blame others for our problems or simply try to get by without acknowledging our feelings.

Forgiveness is a process that takes time and requires help from others on the journey towards freedom from bitterness and anger. You can seek help from friends and family members who will support your efforts towards forgiveness; they may need guidance themselves in order to receive support from you. You should also consider talking with a therapist who specializes in working with people struggling with issues related to powerlessness; he or she will be able to provide guidance on how best handle these kinds of situations so that everyone involved has success in their relationship goals!

When we forgive, we are not doing it for those who wronged us, but for our own sake.

Forgiveness is not about letting the other person off the hook. It’s about letting go of negative feelings, and moving forward. If you forgive your parents for beating you as a child, you don’t need to keep holding onto the anger in your heart because it won’t make them any happier or more forgiving.

Forgiveness is also not simply letting someone off with an apology—it requires us to let go of our desire for power over others (which comes from our ego), so that there can be peace between us instead.

The desire for power is rooted in a lack of self-worth and self-love.

The desire for power is rooted in a lack of self-worth and self-love. This can lead to unhealthy relationships with partners, children or friends. It can also cause people to act out, behave differently than they normally would in order to get what they want from others. In the workplace, it may mean that you are more likely to be successful because there is no room for compromise or negotiation with your superiors; if you have power over others then they must do as you say without question!

If you are someone who craves control over those around them (partners/friends) then this may mean that they will put up with abuse or even physical violence in return – because there’s no alternative way forward other than through compliance with whatever demands are made upon them by their abuser/abuser – which means giving up on trying towards resolution through discussion about how best things could be managed differently instead just accepting defeat again (or worse still allowing themselves being hurt again).

When we don’t love ourselves enough and make ourselves a priority, we turn to external sources to fill that void.

When you don’t love yourself enough and make yourself a priority, you turn to external sources to fill that void. When someone hurts us, we may want revenge or retribution. We may even want them to suffer for their actions—but this will not solve anything except add more pain on top of what already exists in your life.

Instead of focusing on what someone did wrong or how they hurt us (which only makes things worse), focus instead on how this person has hurt themselves by hurting others; learn from their mistakes so that the next time something similar happens again, it won’t happen again!

We seek success, recognition and money as validation for our self-worth.

We are not good enough.

We need to be better than others, and more successful than them.

We must be more successful than our parents.

When this happens, it becomes a constant battle to feel good about ourselves and what we do can become a means to gain power over others.

Self-love is the only antidote to such unhealthy desires. We seek success, recognition and money as validation for our self-worth. This desire can sometimes be so strong that everything else becomes less important including relationships with partners, children or friends.

When this happens, it becomes a constant battle to feel good about ourselves and what we do can become a means to gain power over others.

This desire can sometimes be so strong that everything else becomes less important including relationships with partners, children or friends.

This desire can sometimes be so strong that everything else becomes less important including relationships with partners, children or friends.

It’s important to be aware of the signs that you are seeking power over others:

  • Indecisiveness about what to do. You may find yourself unable to make a decision or take any action even though it appears very simple and straightforward (e.g., going shopping).
  • A need for constant reassurance from others that everything is going well for them (this may result in false praise).
  • Inability to ask for help when needed because you feel embarrassed or ashamed; instead, you tend to rely on other people’s support rather than rely on yourself alone.

Self-love is the only antidote to such unhealthy desires.

The only antidote to such unhealthy desires is self-love. When we are in a healthy relationship, it’s easy for us to see our partner as an extension of ourselves. We can easily give them what they want and expect from them because we know that they want the same thing from us.

This kind of connection with another person helps us feel loved and accepted, which in turn makes us more satisfied with ourselves—and therefore less likely to seek out new relationships or opportunities for power over others.





The topic is presented step by step


Step 1:

The class teacher revises the previous topics


Step 2.

He introduces the new topic


Step 3:

The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own examples and he corrects them when the needs arise




The class teacher wraps up or concludes the lesson by giving out a short note to summarize the topic that he or she has just taught.

The class teacher also goes round to make sure that the notes are well copied or well written by the pupils.

He or she makes the necessary corrections when and where the needs arise.







  1. Define national laws.
  2. What is forgiveness
  3. What is breakup
  4. What is reconciliation
  5. what is desire
  6. Explain the Consequences of Breakups
  7. Why do we need to be successful
  8. State the consequences of disobeying national laws.
  9. Mention some of the punishments a student will receive if he or she breaks school rules and regulations.
  10. What are the consequences of breaking national laws?




The key to overcoming these issues is self-love and forgiveness. We need to learn to forgive ourselves and those who have hurt us in order to move forward with our lives. This journey can be difficult but it will lead us towards happiness, peace and contentment.




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