Third Term Examinations Primary 5 English Grammar


SUBJECT: ENGLISH LANGUAGE                          


Comprehension Passage 

Once upon a time, a dog was carrying a piece of meat in his mouth. Although his home was far away, he wanted to keep the meat to eat there. He did not want to have to share it with anyone. 

    On his way home, he came to a bridge over a river. He walked across the bridge, still carrying his piece of meat carefully in his mouth. Half way across, he stopped to look at the water flowing under the bridge. He was surprised! There was another dog with a piece of meat in his mouth in the water below! He did not realize that it was his own reflection. 

    The dog wanted to have that piece of meat as well. ‘if I can get that, I will have two piece of meat, “ he thought. ‘ I will make that dog drop his meat and run away”. 

    So he snapped at his reflection. As he opened his mouth, the piece of meat fell out. It dropped into the water below and was carried off by the river. 

    The dog tried to catch it but it was too late. His meat had gone.  And so, the dog had nothing to eat when he got home. 

1)    Where was the dog going? ____________                    

2)    Why was he carrying a piece of meat?                  ____________   

3)    How did he cross the river?                            ____________

4)    What did he see in the water beneath the bridge?                 ____________          

5)    What did he think this was?                            ____________

6)    What did the dog have to eat when he got home?            ____________                    

7)    What lesson does this story teach us?                     ____________  

Write true or false 

8)    The dog wanted to share his meat with the dog in the water               ____________    

9)    The dog fell into the water         ____________              

10)    The dog had more meat to eat       ____________        

Write three questions as indirect speech 

11)    “ How are you feeling today?” asked his mother                     ____________             

12)    “ Do you know where the library is”? asked the boy                   ____________        

Write these in Direct speech 

13)    The boy said that he was feeling tired            ____________                        

14)    The teacher said that we should sit down            ____________                    

Fill in the right article (a, an, the) 

15)      ____________     baby is in     ____________      cot 

16)    There is     ____________      elephant in             jungle 

17)        ____________   umbrella is used for covering 

18)        ____________      apple on     ____________      table 

Correctly punctuate the following sentences 

19)    my father is a lawyer                            

20)    i have a book pen paper and a table                                

21)    get out of here                            


Fill in the correct word 

22)    As gentle as a               ____________    

23)    As white as                     ____________   

24)    As simple as                    ____________

25)    As brave as a                 ____________   

26)    As cunny as a                 ____________   

Replace the words written in bold with the right synonyms 

27)    Western countries celebrate the beginning of the New year on the 1st of January 


28)    They decided to stop any bad  habits they have. 


29)    Looking after a baby can be a hard work. 

Give the antonyms of the following words 

30)    asleep                ____________

31)    beginning             ____________

32)    different             ____________

33)    sunset                ____________

Use the right conjunctions in brackets to join these sentences (but, because, although) 

34)    I wore a rain coat____________I still get wet

35)    It’s nearly exam time____________I am studying hard

36)    I ran home quickly ____________It was late

37)    She practiced hard____________She did not wii the match

Use the correct word to fill the sentences 

38)    The transport     ____________      was not             (fair, fare) 

39)    The     ____________          ladies went                 the farm             (to, too, two) 

40)    I     ____________      the book       ____________     I left it at home (bought, but) 



Circle the correct spellings in the following



Answer any one (1) of the questions 

1)    Write an essay on   ‘ what I want to be in future’ 

2)    Write a composition on ‘How I spent my last Holiday’ 

3)    Write a letter to your friend who lost his grand parent. 


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