Week 1 & 2

Topics: Grammar: Noun

Phonics: sh,ch

Composition: My family

Reading: Comprehension passage

Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to : 1. Define and identify nouns in sentences 2. Pronounce words that have sh and ch in them . 3. Say some expressions about their families- oral composition . 4. Read and answer questions from their class composition passages.

Lesson: 8 Lessons

Materials: phonics audio materials, textbooks, and notebooks

Activities: The techer should treat all the above topics adequately one after the other.

Evaluation: Ask relevant questions on each of the topic.

Week 3 & 4

Topics: Grammar: Introduce punctuation marks – capital letters and full stop

Phonics: gh as in light, oy as in boy

Composition : My pencil


Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to 1, identify and use punctuation marks 2. Pronounce words with gh and oy. 3. Write a simple composition on My pencil. a comprehension passage and answer the questions from it.

Lesson: 8 Lessons

Materials: phonics audio materials , textbooks and notebooks

Activities: as in week 1 & 2

PAGE 7 Evaluation: as in week 1 & 2

Week 5 & 6

Topic: Grammar – verbs

Phonics – sion, tion

Composition – My class


Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to 1. Define a verb and identify it in sentence 2. Pronounce words with- sion and – tion 3. Write a simple composition about his class 5. Answer questions on a simple comprehension passage

Lesson: 8 Lessons

Materials: phonics audio gadgets and pupils’ books

Evaluation: as above

Week 7 & 8

Topic: Grammar – prepositions and pronouns

Phonics – ow, ew

Composition- Myself


Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to 1. Define a preposition and a pronoun

2. Identify them in a sentence 3. Pronounce words with ow and ew e.g bow, cow, few, sew, blew etc.

3. Write a simple composition about himself/ herself 4. Answer questions from a simple comprehension passage.

Lesson: 8 Lessons

Materials: as above

Activities: as above

Evaluation: as above


PAGE 8 Week 9 & 10

Topic: Grammar – Introduce adjectives

Phonics- oi and ay

Composition- My dog


Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to 1. Define an adjective.

2.identify an adjective in a sentence

3. pronounce words with oi and ay e,g boil, day

4. write a simple composition about his/ her pet

5. answer oral questios from the comprehension passage

Lesso: 8 Lessons

Materials: phonics audio materials, textbooks and notebooks

Activities: as above

Evaluation: as above

Week 11 Revision, examination, closing.


1. Brighter grammar

2. Sound steps bks 1& 2

3. Phonics made easy – Harrowgate ventures


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