Primary 5 Third Term Examination Security Education






Choose the correct answer from the options.

1. The following are ways of preventing crimes except

[a] not leaving attractive item on window [b] supporting criminals

[c] parking our cars safely in the garage

2. The following are tools that can be used for criminals activities except

[a] ladder [b] knife [c] bible

3. Criminals should be ____________

[a] celebrate [b] rejoice [c] reported

4. Anti – social behaviour causes __________ to other people

[a] trust [b] gain [c] harm

5. The following are anti social behaviour except __________

[a] stealing [b] fighting [c] praying

6. Anti – social behaviour is a _____________ attitude

[a] good [b] selfish [c] better

7. Manslaughter, kidnapping are _______________

[a] violent offences [b] means of praying [c] showing love

8. Reducing speed, not drinking when driving are solution to ____________

[a] road accident [b] violence [c] drug abuse

9. Vehicle must always be in ____________ condition when driving

[a] bad [b] good [c] worse

10. Obeying traffic rules is a solution to road accident

[a] true [b] false [c] maybe

11. Incest involves sexual intercourse with ____________

[a] family members [b] strangers [c] married couple

12. Theft simply means _____________

[a] stealing [b] lying [c] cheating

13. Peer pressure can influence a person’s _____________

[a] behaviour [b] eating mode [c] money

14. Peer pressure can be inform of _____________

[a] encouragement [b] disappointment [c] monitoring

15. Gangs always have a ___________________ goal

[a] common [b] rare [c] different


Attempt all question in this section

1. What is peer pressure ?

b. Mention 3 ways peer group can influence a person’s behaviour

2. Define a gang

b. State 3 characteristics of a gang

3. What is contentment ?

b. List 5 characteristics of contentment.

4. Explain the concept family

b. List 3 advantages of a good family.

5. Mention 5 anti – social behaviours in the society.


1. Draw an aeroplane

2. Draw a big tree with fruits


Primary 5 Third Term Examination Civic Education



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