Third Term Examination Primary 5 Cultural And Creative Art Primary 5




Part A Objective Questions with Options

  1. Yoruba men greet elders by ______. a) waving
    b) prostrating
    c) jumping
    d) nodding
  2. Igbo women often greet by ______. a) kneeling slightly
    b) shouting
    c) clapping
    d) running
  3. Hausa men place their ______ on their chest while greeting. a) feet
    b) head
    c) hand
    d) back
  4. Tiv people usually greet by ______ or hugging. a) jumping
    b) shaking hands
    c) dancing
    d) whistling
  5. A benefit of greeting is that it shows ______. a) happiness
    b) respect
    c) anger
    d) boredom
  6. Greeting helps in building ______ with others. a) fences
    b) houses
    c) relationships
    d) cars
  7. Good manners are shown when you ______ people. a) ignore
    b) greet
    c) laugh at
    d) shout at
  8. A greeting can create a ______ atmosphere. a) negative
    b) dull
    c) positive
    d) quiet
  9. Greeting others encourages ______. a) fighting
    b) eating
    c) communication
    d) silence
  10. You should greet people in the morning by saying ______. a) Good morning
    b) Good night
    c) Good afternoon
    d) Goodbye
  11. When you arrive at school, you should greet your ______. a) pets
    b) teachers
    c) food
    d) books
  12. At home, greet your family members when you ______. a) wake up
    b) sleep
    c) play games
    d) read
  13. It is polite to greet people when you attend ______. a) events
    b) exams
    c) libraries
    d) hospitals
  14. In a religious place, you greet fellow ______. a) students
    b) worshippers
    c) shoppers
    d) players
  15. Rhythmic patterns in music create ______. a) noise
    b) structure
    c) confusion
    d) silence
  16. In music, a rhythmic pattern is a sequence of ______. a) colors
    b) shapes
    c) sounds
    d) words
  17. Timbre in music refers to the ______ of a sound. a) color
    b) texture
    c) height
    d) taste
  18. A drum produces ______ sound. a) soft
    b) sweet
    c) rhythmic
    d) sour
  19. A xylophone is classified as a ______ instrument. a) string
    b) wind
    c) percussion
    d) electronic
  20. Papier mache is an art technique using paper and ______. a) glue
    b) paint
    c) cloth
    d) wood
  21. To make papier mache, you need strips of ______. a) metal
    b) paper
    c) plastic
    d) glass
  22. Tie and dye is a method of ______ fabric. a) cutting
    b) dyeing
    c) sewing
    d) washing
  23. A popular design in tie and dye is the ______ pattern. a) stripe
    b) polka dot
    c) spiral
    d) checkered
  24. Drama in arts involves ______. a) acting
    b) painting
    c) singing
    d) drawing
  25. Drama helps to improve ______ skills. a) cooking
    b) dancing
    c) communication
    d) reading
  26. Theatre is the place where ______ is performed. a) music
    b) dance
    c) drama
    d) sports
  27. Dance is an art form that involves ______. a) running
    b) jumping
    c) painting
    d) movement
  28. A type of traditional Nigerian dance is ______. a) ballet
    b) hip-hop
    c) bata
    d) jazz
  29. People often dance during ______. a) exams
    b) festivals
    c) meetings
    d) sleep
  30. One benefit of dance is that it helps to keep the body ______. a) tired
    b) weak
    c) fit
    d) lazy
  31. Fabric decoration using tie and dye requires ______. a) dye
    b) ink
    c) paper
    d) plastic
  32. To create a spiral pattern in tie and dye, you need to ______ the fabric. a) fold
    b) twist
    c) cut
    d) paint
  33. In drama, actors use ______ to tell a story. a) books
    b) words
    c) movements
    d) costumes
  34. A theatre performance usually includes ______. a) reading
    b) acting
    c) sleeping
    d) eating
  35. Good communication skills are important in ______. a) drama
    b) sports
    c) cooking
    d) gardening
  36. In Yoruba culture, people greet by ______. a) dancing
    b) jumping
    c) prostrating
    d) singing
  37. Tiv men greet each other by ______. a) shaking hands
    b) shouting
    c) dancing
    d) waving
  38. A common Igbo greeting includes a slight ______. a) laugh
    b) bow
    c) dance
    d) jump
  39. Hausa women often greet by ______. a) clapping
    b) shaking hands
    c) singing
    d) shouting
  40. Greeting helps to promote ______ among people. a) conflict
    b) misunderstanding
    c) unity
    d) sadness
  41. A rhythmic pattern is created by repeating ______ sounds. a) random
    b) similar
    c) different
    d) unrelated
  42. Timbre in music helps to identify different ______. a) instruments
    b) colors
    c) shapes
    d) sizes
  43. The sound of a flute is ______. a) soft
    b) loud
    c) rough
    d) silent
  44. Papier mache can be used to make ______. a) sculptures
    b) food
    c) clothing
    d) buildings
  45. To create a papier mache bowl, you need to use a ______ as a mold. a) book
    b) bowl
    c) stick
    d) box
  46. A tie and dye design can be made by tying the fabric with ______. a) string
    b) metal
    c) paper
    d) glue
  47. Drama involves the use of ______ to express emotions. a) colors
    b) sounds
    c) movements
    d) food
  48. In drama, the setting is the ______. a) story
    b) place
    c) time
    d) character
  49. Traditional dances are often performed during ______. a) work
    b) festivals
    c) exams
    d) sleep
  50. Dance can be a form of ______. a) exercise
    b) eating
    c) reading
    d) writing
  51. Tie and dye can be used to decorate ______. a) fabric
    b) metal
    c) plastic
    d) wood
  52. A popular tie and dye color is ______. a) red
    b) blue
    c) green
    d) yellow
  53. Drama helps improve ______ skills. a) acting
    b) cooking
    c) running
    d) singing
  54. A theatre is a place where ______ are performed. a) sports
    b) plays
    c) books
    d) meals
  55. Greeting elders shows ______. a) anger
    b) respect
    c) fear
    d) excitement
  56. A xylophone makes ______ sounds. a) silent
    b) rhythmic
    c) random
    d) loud
  57. In Hausa culture, men greet by ______. a) dancing
    b) bowing
    c) shaking hands
    d) placing hand on chest
  58. Greeting others is a sign of ______. a) rudeness
    b) respect
    c) anger
    d) indifference
  59. Drama can be performed in a ______. a) school
    b) market
    c) theatre
    d) garden
  60. Dance performances often involve ______. a) sitting
    b) running b) movement  c) eating  d) reading

Papier Mache Cultural and Creative Arts Primary 5 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 1

Fabric Decoration By Tie and Dye Methods Cultural and Creative Arts Primary 5 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 4

Part B

Theory Questions

  1. What is the Yoruba way of greeting elders?
  2. How do Igbo women greet?
  3. What is the Hausa men’s greeting gesture?
  4. What benefit does greeting have in relationships?
  5. Why is it important to greet your teachers?
  6. What should you say when you greet someone in the morning?
  7. How does greeting create a positive atmosphere?
  8. Name one traditional Nigerian dance.
  9. What materials do you need for papier mache?
  10. Describe a spiral pattern in tie and dye.
  11. What skills does drama help improve?
  12. Where is drama performed?
  13. What is the purpose of rhythmic patterns in music?
  14. How do you create a design in tie and dye?
  15. What are the elements of drama?
  16. What does the term “timbre” refer to in music?
  17. Name a percussion instrument.
  18. What is one benefit of dancing?
  19. Why is communication important in drama?
  20. What is the difference between drama and theatre?
  21. How do Tiv people greet?
  22. How does greeting show respect?
  23. What kind of sounds does a drum produce?
  24. Name one thing that can be made using papier mache.
  25. How do you prepare fabric for tie and dye?
  26. What are the uses of drama in society?
  27. When is it appropriate to greet people?
  28. How does drama help in storytelling?
  29. Name a common greeting in Nigeria.
  30. What occasions call for dance performances?
  31. What is the primary material needed for tie and dye?
  32. How does greeting encourage communication?
  33. Describe one greeting custom in Nigeria.
  34. What is the role of a theatre in drama?
  35. Why is greeting important at home?
  36. What do actors use to express emotions in drama?
  37. How can dance keep you fit?
  38. What is a common color used in tie and dye?
  39. How do traditional dances differ from modern dances?
  40. What is the first step in making a papier mache project?
  41. What does greeting elders show in Yoruba culture?
  42. How does greeting help in building relationships?
  43. What is a key feature of Igbo greetings?
  44. Name one occasion when it is important to greet others.
  45. How does drama improve communication skills?
  46. What is the purpose of rhythmic patterns in music?
  47. What materials are used in papier mache?
  48. Name a benefit of dancing.
  49. How do Tiv people greet each other?
  50. What does the term “timbre” refer to in music?
  51. Describe a greeting in Hausa culture.
  52. What are the uses of tie and dye in fabric decoration?
  53. How does greeting create a positive atmosphere?
  54. Why is it important to greet your family members?
  55. How can dance be a form of exercise?
  56. What is the difference between drama and theatre?
  57. How do you create a spiral pattern in tie and dye?
  58. What is the role of actors in drama?
  59. How does greeting show good manners?
  60. Describe one traditional Nigerian dance.

Second Term Examination Cultural and Creative Arts Primary 5 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 12

Second Term Examination Cultural and Creative Arts Primary 3 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 12


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