Bible Knowledge Primary 4 Second Term Examination


  1. __________ means to commit an offence or break God’s law (a) pardon (b) forgive (c) sin
  2. Examples of people who received forgiveness in the bible are ______ and ______(a) Paul and Silas (b) James and John (c) the Prodigal Son and the Paralytic man
  3. One of the conditions for forgiveness is _______ (a) lying (b) repentance (c) pardon
  4. When he saw their faith he said “My son, your sins are forgiven”. Who said this statement?(a) John (b) Silas (c) Jesus Christ
  5. The statement in number four was said to ____ (a) Lazarus (b) Paul (c) the paralytic man
  6. When we are forgiven, we become children of ______ (a) Mary (b) Paul (c) God
  7. ________ is an act of communicating with God (a) sleeping (b) walking (c) prayer
  8. Jesus prayed to receive ______ (a) healing (b) baptism (c) power
  9. The content of Jesus’ Prayer are _________ and _________(a) food /manna (b) bread/butter (c) adoration/request
  10. There are things to pray for except _____ (a) wisdom and the gift if Holy Spirit(b) forgiveness of our sins (c) having many wives and concubines
  11. Jesus encouraged His disciples to pray in _____ (a) love (b) fight (c) faith
  12. Jesus taught His disciples the _____ prayer (a) Satan’s (b) food’s (c) Lord’s
  13. Did Jesus has the power to forgive sins?(a) No, He didn’t (b) Yes, He did (c) Yes or no, He didn’t
  14. “I have sinned against heaven and before you; I am no longer fit to be called your son” Who said this statement? (a) john the Baptist (b) Zacchaeus (c) the prodigal son
  15. The statement in question 14 was spoken _____ (a) his mother (b) his father (c) his uncle
  16. The statements in question 14 and 15 shows example of _____ Jesus was talking about(a) sin (b) forgiveness (c) praye
  17. One of the sacrifices involved in Jesus giving His life for us is__ (a) His birth by Virgin Mary (b) the trial and sufferings of Jesus (c) His feeding of the multitude
  18. One of the reasons why Jesus gave His life for us is______(a) to make us wealthy (b) to give good health (c) to have eternal life
  19. “Father forgive them, for they don’t know what they do”, This statement was said by who? (a) Barnabas (b) John (c) Jesus Christ
  20. ‘Remember me when you come into your kingdom’. Who said this statement?  (a) Pilate (b) the thief on the cross (c) Jesus
Section B:
  1. What is sin? _________________________________________________________________
  2. Simply define prayer __________________________________________________________
  3. What is forgiveness? __________________________________________________________
  4. Mention three importance of prayer
    1. _______________________________
    2. _______________________________
    3. _____________________________
  5. List two conditions necessary for forgiveness of sin
    • ________________________________
    • _______________________________
  6. The content of Jesus prayer are ___________________ and ____________________
  7. Mention five things to pray for
  •  ________________________________
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  • ________________________________
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