Subject :
Term :
Class :
Topic :
Previous lesson:
The pupils have previous knowledge of
that was taught as a topic in the previous lesson
Behavioural objectives :
At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to
- say the meaning of stock exchange
- List people that are players in Nigeria stock exchange
Instructional Materials:
- Wall charts
- Pictures
- Related Online Video
- Flash Cards
Methods of Teaching:
- Class Discussion
- Group Discussion
- Asking Questions
- Explanation
- Role Modelling
- Role Delegation
Reference Materials:
- Scheme of Work
- Online Information
- Textbooks
- Workbooks
- 9 Year Basic Education Curriculum
- Workbooks
Content :
I.Meaning of stock exchange,
ii .People involve in stock exchange,
iii. Important of stock exchange.
Sub-Topic 1:
The activities of stock exchange are about selling part or all of an enterprise or corporation to numerous part-owners so as to generate money to finance that enterprise. The money which is called Capital is generated by a corporation or organization through the sales and distribution of parts or all to several part-owners is called Stock.
One unit of stock is called share, while the combination of those who bought shares i.e. those who contributed money towards the setting up of the business is called Shareholders.
The shareholders are given share certificate as a clear evidence of the amount of money contributed and that makes them a part-owners.
Share Certificate:
The document clearly shows the number of shares each holder contributed to the business and other relevant information.
What is stock exchange?
A stock exchange is an organization that provides a place where investors may buy and sell shears of a wide range of companies.
Stock exchange market in America.
In Nigeria this transactions are regulated by the Nigeria stock exchange (N.S.E). Buying and selling of stock exchange may be by physical exchange or electronic through the use of computer net working i.e. visual exchange which is commonly known as forex trading.
Stock exchange transactions are conducted by stock brokers, jobbers and staff. Stock brokers represents potential buyers binding specific price for stocks while other stock brokers represents potential sellers who offer specific price, when there is agreement between the binding and the offering price , the transaction takes place.
The Nigeria stock exchange is a good example of visual exchange; participants in any stock exchange include the buyers, seller and their representatives. Potential buyers who legally own one or more share or stock of a joint stock company are referred to as shareholders; they are entitled to participate in:
1. Vote during the election of the Board of Directors.
2. Share in the distribution of the company’s income
3. Purchase new shares of the company; and
4.Purchase the company’s assets when it becomes financially unviable.
Stock brokers are licensed to buy and sell company’s shares and they also have adequate information on the current values and quantities of various company shares available at any given time.
Examples of Agro-allied (Agribusiness) enterprises whose shares are traded in Nigeria stock exchange include:
1. Livestock Feed Plc.
2. Nigeria Breweries Plc.
3 Nestle Nigeria Plc.
4. Unilever Nigeria plc.
5. Flour Mills of Nigeria Plc etc.
6. Dunlop Nigeria Plc.
7 Nigeria Bottling Co. Plc
8. Cadbury Nigeria Plc.
Sub-Topic 2:
The people involved in stock exchange are as follow:
1. Buyers: these are potential investors who wish to buy shares of company and become shareholder.
2. Sellers: these are shareholders who decide to sell their shares to potential buyers or investors and they are also called spectators in that; they buy shares when the price is low and sell when the price increases.
3. Buyers and sellers: these are those that engage in the business of transaction on shares and the activities that are carried out in the place that is referred to as the stock market.
4. Representatives: These are stockbrokers, jobbers and staff. These individuals represent potential buyers binding for specific share of various companies.
Sub Topic 3:
1. It encourages investors in agriculture.
2. Redistribution of wealth.
3. It creates investment opportunities for small investors.
4. It creates employment for the youths.
5. It provides a wide range market for agricultural produce.
6. It boosts individuals, organizations and national economic status.
7. It attracts investment from bank of industry(BOI) through the use of provision of assistance from:
(I ) National Economic Reconstruction Fund(NERFUND)
(ii) Community bank i.e Agricultural Cooperative development bank,
(iii)Nigeria Export and import Banks (NEXIM).
8. It is an indicator of the state of the national economy.
The topic is presented step by step
Step 1:
The class teacher revises the previous topics
Step 2.
He introduces the new topic
Step 3:
The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own examples and he corrects them when the needs arise
Objective Test:
1. The money generated by the organization is called………
A. capital B. profit C. company money D. salary.
2. One unit of stock is called………A. property B. capital C shares D profit.
3The combination of those who bought share is called….
A. stock B. company personnel C. shareholders D. farmers.
4. When the company could not continue, the company sell the properties to..
A. farmers B market women C shareholder D stock.
5. One of people is not part of stock exchange
Seller B buyer C student D representatives
6. The sale representative in the stock exchange is called …………
Share B. Shareholder C. stockbroker D.
7. Which of these is not an important of stock exchange?
A. It encourages investors in agriculture.
B Redistribution of wealth.
C It creates investment opportunities for small investors.
D none of the above.
8.. The organization that provides investment opportunity in agriculture is…
A. education.B training C. stock exchange.D. farming.
9.. The document that indicates the number of share an individual has is called…….
A. share certificate B. school certificate C. stock certificate D stock certificate.
10.…………is the head of Stock Exchange Company. A. principal B. president C. the share holder
D the Board of Director.
Part B
1. Define the following: stock exchange, shares, stock.
2. Discuss the functions of stock brokers
3. Explain five ways in which stock exchange is important to agriculture.
4. List the people that are involved in stock exchange
The class teacher wraps up or concludes the lesson by giving out short notes to summarize the topic that he or she has just taught.
The class teacher also goes round to make sure that the notes are well copied or well written by the pupils.
He or she does the necessary corrections when and where the needs arise.