Computer Primary 6 First Term Examination




NAME: …………………………………………………………

1.) A person who operates the computer is known as ___________

(a) computer man (b) humanware (c) hardware

2.) Which of the following is a system software

(a) windows 7 (b) Microsoft word (c) games

3.) Word processing package is an example of ____________________

(a) application software (b) flash disk (c) computer games

4.) __________ is an example of device used in WAN connection

(a) Bluetooth (b) cable (c) wire

5.) Computer hardware components are divided into _______ main parts.

(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 5

6.) The inter-connection of computers within a limited geographical location is_______ (a) WAN (b) LAN (c) MAN

7.) The computer devices have gone through ____________ generations.

(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 5

8.) __________ computers represent data in continuous form using physical quantities

(a) digital (b) analog (c) digianalog

9.) The smallest, cheapest and most commonly used computer is called ________

(a) mini computer (b) micro computer (c) super computer

10.) WAN uses _____________ device of its connection (a) wire (b) cable (c) wireless

11.) Micro-computers are also known as ____________

(a) Personal computer (b) super computer (c) analog computer

12.) The technology used by first generation computer was __________

(a) vacuum tube (b) transistors (c) integrated circuit

13.) Desktop, palmtop and laptop are examples of _________________________

14.) ________________ allows users of computer to communicate with each other

(a) computer study (b) computer network (c) start

15.) States can make use of ____ network for their connection (a) WAN (b) SAN (c) LAN

16.) The technology used by second generation computer was __________

(a) vacuum tube (b) transistors (c) integrated circuit

17.) A wall clock is an example of ___________ computer

(a) analog (b) hybrid (c) digital

18.) Offices can make use of _______ network for connection (a) LAN (b) WAN (c) SAN

19.) The technology used by third generation computer was __________

(a) vacuum tube (b) transistors (c) integrated circuit

20.) ________________ enables and allows set of instruction in a computer system

(a) humanware (b) software (c) hardware


1.) What is networking? ________________________________________________________


b.) List two types of computer network

(a) ________________________________ (b) __________________________________

3.) Mention two advantages of computer network

(a) _______________________________________________________________________

(b) _______________________________________________________________________

4.) List two Personal Computers

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

b.) _____________________ computer is designed to perform one specific task at a time.

5.) Write the full meaning of the following

(a) LAN: __________________________________________________________

(b) WAN: _________________________________________________________

























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