Answer the following questions.



1. The musical letters range from ___ to ___

A. A, A

B. A, D

C. B, C

D. C, C

E. D, G

2. The following musical instruments are

locally made in Nigeria except ___

A. Bàtà

B. Oja

C. Sekere

D. udu

E. saxophone


3. The 6th line of a great stave is

A. B

B. C

C. E

D. F

E. G

4. Which of these is a simple duple time



5. The musical letters range from to


B. A.G




6. What name is the imaginary line that divides the Great stave into two




7. Which line of the staff did the F clef below derives its name?

A. C

B. D

C. F

D. E

E. A


8. The Great staff consists of ___ lines and —


A. 11 and 10

B. 5 and 4

C. 4 and 5

D. 9 and 10

E. 7 and 8

9. What is the letter name given to the second line of the treble stave?

A. A

B. B

C. F

D. D

E. G

10. Bata drum are commonly found in

A. Lagos

B. Libya

C. America

D. Accra

E. Nigeria


11. Sacred music is used for  ___ purpose

A. educational

B. information

C. political

D. religious

E. social

12. The “Ekwe” produces sound by


A. blowing

B. bowing

C. plucking

D. shaking

E. striking


13. How many strings does a Violin have?

A. 2

B. 3

C. 4

D. 5

E. 6


14. “Common time” is written as







15. —- is used in joining the treble and bass staves together to make up a Great staff


A. clef

B. pause

C. brace

D. slur

E. ledger

F. lines

16 The song normally used in sending babies

to sleep is called—

A. oratorio.

B. dirge

C. lullaby

D. cantata

E. opera

17. The third space of the treble staff is

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. E

E. F


18. A person who plays the Trumpet is know

as —

A. Organist

B. trumpeter

C. violinist

D. cellonist

E. Drummer


19. Music is an art of —

A. arranging sounds in a pleasant


B. drawing musical instruments

C. enjoyment

D. making a noise

E. organizing any sound.


20. A musical staff is made up of

A. 5 lines and 3 spaces

B. 5 lines and 6 spaces

C. 5 lines and 2 spaces

D. 5 lines and 4 spaces

E. 5 lines and 5 spaces


21.The following instruments are made in Nigeria EXCEPT

A. Gangan

B Udu

C. Gong

D. Oboe

E. Agogo


22. A shaded note with stem and two hook


A. semiquaver

B. quaver

C. crotchet

D. Minim

E. Semibreve


23. Unwanted sound is otherwise referred


A. Music

B. Melody

C. Pitch

D. Noise

E. Harmony


24. Another name for bass clef is __ clef

A. E

B. F

C. D

D. B

E. A


25. Another name for tone quality is ___

A. Element

B. Timbre

C. Goodtone

D. Tempo

E. Pitch


26. The African xylophone is an example of

A. Aeroplane

B. Membranophone

C. Idiophone

D. Chordophone

E. Cellophone


27. When a Treble and Bass staves are joined together with a brace,it becomes


A. long staff

B. mighty staff

C. musical staff

D. note staff

E. great staff




28. What is the appropriate clef suitable for the given note below


A. bass clef

B. treble clef

C. alto clef

D. tenor clef

E. alto clef


29. An oval shaped note is


A. semibreve

B. minim

C. quaver

D. crotchet

E. semiquaver

30.What are the names given to the

spaces below?






31. Instruments made of skin are classified as

A. Aerophones

B. Cacophonie

C. chordophones

D. idiophones

E. membranophones


32. __3/4_ is an example of

A. Simple Triple Time signature

B. Simple Duple Time signature

C. Simple quadruple Time signature

D. Compound duple Time signature

E. Compound Triple Time signature


33. Which symbol is used to n

A. brace

B. clef

C. flat

D. sharp

E. slur


34. The treble staff is the sam

A. C

B. D

C. E

D. F

E. G

35. Identify the cheapest musical instrument among these


A. agogo

B. drum

C. Flute

D. Mouth

E. Sekere


36. How many are the musical alphabets

A. 5

B. 6

C. 7

D. 8

E. 9

37. One of the following tribes is known w

the instrument called “Iya ilu”


A. Hausas

B. Ibibios

C. Ibos

D. Tivs

E. Yorubas


38. Which of the following is referred to the “length of sound”?



39. The person who stands in front of a group of musicians /singers that uses hands or gestures to direct music is called a


A. trumpeter

B. conductor

C. producer

D. coordinator

E. driver


40. —— are musical characters used to represent sounds and its value


A. pitch

B. rhythm

C. notes

D. staff

E. stave




41. —– is used to divide a piece of music into equal bars

A. bar lines

B. pitch

C. Ledger

D. Sound

E. Rhythm



42. Identify an indigenous instrument among the following


A. electric piano

B. saxophone

C. Flute

D. Guitar

E. Agogo



43. — is used to put an end to a piece of


A. bar line

B. cross line

C. cross barline

D. double bar line

E. two lines


44. A simple time signature has one of thes

as its upper figure

A. 2,8,9

B. 4,6,8

C. 3,6,9

D. 2,3,4

E. 6,9,12


45. “Kakaki” is a type of trumpet found in

Northern part of

A. America

B. Alapere

C. Africa

D. Agege

E. Abúlé Ẹ̀gbá



46. African instruments can be grouped into

A. five

B. four

C. seven

D. six

E. three


47. Which of these produce sound when



A. bata

B. iya-ilu

C. kakaki

D. kalangu

E. sekere


48. Which of these is NOT a simple time?







49. Which stave has its space nickname as

Cow Eat Grass?

A. Alto

B. bass

C. Great

D. Tenor

E. Treble


50. Which of these describes the high and low of sound?


A. duration

B. harmony

C. intensity

D. pitch

E. timbre






1) Mention the FOUR classifications of the indigenous musical instrument with an example each


2)Draw a Great staff and name the lines and spaces correctly


3) Mention the FOUR properties of sound and explain

4) Define music and write two importance of music



5) Draw the 3 types of clefs


6 ) Mention any TWO musical notes and describe them by writing short notes on them


7)Define the following




a) Time signature



b) Bar lines


c) Great staff


8) Mention TWO examples each


a) simple duple time signature

b) simple triple time signature





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