1. A first aider prevent a victorious condition from ____(a) improving (b) worsening (c) recovering

2. A first aider _________lives (a) destroys (b) kill (c) save

3. A first aider provides relief from ______(a) pain (b) health (c) sleep

4. Should first aid be given to a victim of poison (a) yes (b0 no (c) non

5. Safety is the protection from the risk of harm or ____(a) injury (b) help (c) welfare

6. Physical education include gymnastics Athletics, team sports and other form of Physical _______taught in School (a) fight (b) exercise (c) map

7. Safety is very important in Physical education (a) yes (b) no (c) maybe

8. Is safety needed in Gymnastics? (a) yes (b) No (c) not sure

9. What should we do before any physical activity (a) orderly (b) disorderly (c) disorganized

10.Physical activity intended to keep person fit and ____(a) healthy (b) unhealthy (c) unsuitable


.11. ________ is a sign of illness

(a) Hunger (b) Fever (c) Thirst


.12.  A sick person should be treated in the ____________

(a) Home (b) School (c) Hospital


.13. The heart beats (a) Yes (b) No


14.. The breakdown of food is known as ______________ system

(a) Muscular (b) Digestive (c) Skeletal


.15. The following are components of physical fitness except _____________

(a) strength (b) power (c) terror


.16. _______________ gives us energy

(a) Protein (b) vitamin (c) Carbohydrate

Don’t enter a pool unless I asked to do so

(a) Yes (b) No

. 17.___________ is freedom from danger

(a) Exposure (b) Safety (c) Nutrition

.18.  Malaria is caused by ________________

(a) Housefly (b) Bug (c) Mosquito

. 19.We should take _________ while eating

(a) Water (b) Alcohol (c) Blood

20 . ________ is a sign of illness

(a) Hunger (b) Fever (c) Thirst

21. A sick person should be treated in the ____________

(a) Home (b) School (c) Hospital


22. . The heart beats (a) Yes (b) No


23. The breakdown of food is known as ______________ system

(a) Muscular (b) Digestive (c) Skeletal


24. The following are components of physical fitness except _____________

(a) strength (b) power (c) terror


25. _______________ gives us energy

(a) Protein (b) vitamin (c) Carbohydrate


26. . Don’t enter a pool unless I asked to do so

(a) Yes (b) No


27. . ___________ is freedom from danger

(a) Exposure (b) Safety (c) Nutrition

30. Malaria is caused by ________________

(a) Housefly (b) Bug (c) Mosquito





1(a) What is environmental health?

B.State two environmental hazards

2(a) What is physical fitness?

3. Mention any two physical fitness components

4. List out any three classes of food







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