Manuscript- longhand, abbreviations, standard printer’s correction signs

Junior Secondary  School Business Studies JSS 3










Subject : 

Business Studies

Term :



Week 3

Class :


Topic :

Applied Keyboarding:

(a) Manuscript- longhand, abbreviations, standard printer’s correction signs

(b) Erasing Technique using rubber , eraser, correction fluid or liquid, correction paper.

(c) Erasing on: top copy, carbon copy or carbon copies.

(d) Memorandum: i. Purpose. ii. Layout. iii. Special features.

Previous lesson : 

The pupils have previous knowledge of

Applied Keyboarding: (a) Types of paper sizes, uses of each type, number of spaces available on each type: i. Horizontally ii. Vertically (b) Display: i. Methods- : horizontal, vertical, blocked. Ii. Types of display headings- main headings, sub-headings, shoulder heading, side heading.

Behavioural objectives :

At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to


  • Describe Manuscript- longhand, abbreviations, standard printer’s correction signs
  • Explain  Erasing Technique using rubber , eraser, correction fluid or liquid, correction paper.
  • Say how to use the Erasing on: top copy, carbon copy or carbon copies
  • Explain  Memorandum in relationship to  i. Purpose. ii. Layout. iii. Special features.


Instructional Materials :

  • Wall charts
  • Pictures
  • Related Online Video
  • Flash Cards

Methods of Teaching :

  • Class Discussion
  • Group Discussion
  • Asking Questions
  • Explanation
  • Role Modelling
  • Role Delegation


Reference Materials :

  • Scheme of Work
  • Online Information
  • Textbooks
  • Workbooks
  • 9 Year Basic Education Curriculum
  • Workbooks


Content :




  1. Meaning of manuscript
  2. Abbreviations
  3. Standard printers connection signs
  4. Erasing techniques
  5. Memoranda, purpose, layout and special features.


Meaning of Manuscript: – these are handwritten and disjointed materials which need to be typed in a readable and meaningful way. Type script is the original typewritten form of an authorize book.

Abbreviations: – this is a short form of a word for faster development of writing skills. Some words and their abbreviations are written below:

Longhand Abbreviations

Abbreviation Words in full

A1———————————————————first class





B/e——————————————————–bill of exchange

B/l——————————————————-bill of landing

Bs——————————————————–balance sheet


Cf——————————————————– compare






E&OE———————————————errors and omission expected

E.g————————————————-for example






%—————————————————————— percent


Via——————————————————————-by way of


At any time these signs are written in the margin, they are usually followed by the shilling stroke. The main reason for this is that there may be more than one correction per line and it is therefore necessary to have the drilling stroke after each, to act as a division.


Abbreviations word(s) in full

NITEL Nigerian Telecommunications

NIPOST Nigerian Postal Department

NAPEP Nigerian Poverty Empowerment Programme

NIDB Nigerian Industrial Development Programme

WAI War Against Indiscipline

UNO United Nations Organization

NLC Nigerian Labour Congress

ASUU Academic Staff Union of Universities

PTA Parents Teachers Association


  1. List 10 longhand abbreviations and words in full, 15 standard abbreviations and words in full.
  2. Type the following on A5 landscape paper using double line spacing and all abbreviations should be typed in full.

Thank you very much for yr ltr dated 16th june 2012 abt the gds we requested. The amt you stated as the price of the gds is acceptable to us.

I enclose a postal order no.234567 tog w delivery charges as specified by you to be pd before the order is recd at yola a/cs dept.


Corrections on manuscripts going to a printer for typesetting may either be (a) a briefly worded instruction or (b) through the use of correction signs. All corrections must be made when the passage

is typed, below are some correction signs. C:\Users\RAHILA UWEM UDOAKA\Documents\My Received Files\bus 001.jpg

Exercise: exercise 3 and 3a (page 44 and 45) in the spectrum business studies 3 for junior secondary school project book.

Proof Reading : This is a process whereby a good typist checks and carefully read the document typed to ensure its error free.

Proof reading stand for:

p- practice your proof reading skills

r- re-read if necessary

o- only be satisfied with perfection

  1. One error not corrected is too many

f- find and correct all errors

r- refer to the dictionary often

e- erase neatly and completely

  1. Always proof read

d- divide words properly.


These are means of cleaning or correcting mistakes made in the processing data. There are four (4) erasing techniques and these includes

  • Rubber eraser
  • Mechanical eraser
  • Double typing
  • Half space correcting.


  1. Rubber eraser: – this is a means of erasing an error while typing by moving the carriage to the left or right to prevent the eraser dust from falling into the type writer. Erase the error carefully so as not to tear the paper and blow the dust away from the machine before typing the correct stroke or word.
  2. Mechanical erasers: – these consist of chemically treated strips of paper / correction paper, fluid and powder.
  3. To use the paper strip to correct your error(s) you only backspace the stroke or word to be erased. Place the strip over the error with the imprinted side towards you, retype the same error through the strip and then remove the strip from the machine. You should then back space and type the correct stroke or words. E strip can be used as many times as possible.
  4. Liquid paint can also be used by turning up at least three lines, paint over the error let it dry and then you retype the stroke or word correctly. This is also referred to as correcting fluid
  5. For some typewriters like IBM electric, there are special erasing ribbons fixed to them which can be changed as quickly as possible when they are finished. It is easy to correct errors with ribbons by backspacing, retyping the errors made, backspacing again and type the correct stroke or word.
  6. DOUBLE TYPING: – This is the process of typing the correct stroke or word on the error made without erasing it. This is called over typing or double typing. This process is heavily penalized in typewriting examinations.
  7. HALF SPACING CORRECTING: – This process is used in correcting a three character word or four character word by using a back spacer, press down the key firmly the carriage moves one spacing from the right to the left but when you depress the key half way, the carriage will give a half space which is what is required to insert the fourth character. E.g. words like any to many.
  8. Correction paper- These are papers use for correction and it involve the following:[mediator_tech]
  • Back space to the error
  • Place the correcting paper over the error with the coated side towards the paper
  • Type the error made in order to (coat) the error from the word
  • Remove the correcting paper
  • Type the correct letter or word.

MEMORANDUM: – These are medium of sending messages within an establishment, firms usually have their memo random printed in forms they desire. The layout of the headings varies from one organization to another. Example is stated below:

A layout of a memorandum

Pele-Wura & company limited

From To

Our Ref. Date



The purpose of the memorandum is sending messages from organization to another.


  • No salutation
  • No complimentary closure is necessary
  • It should be typed in single line spacing with double line spacing between paragraphs.
  • If there are dotted lines after the headings, you must type slightly above the dotted lines
  • Spaces are provided for the sender’s and recipient’s names and/or designation.











The topic is presented step by step


Step 1:

The class teacher revises the previous topics


Step 2.

He introduces the new topic


Step 3:

The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own examples and he corrects them when the needs arise




  1. What is the meaning of Meaning of manuscript
  2. Write out five abbreviations with their meaning
  3. Standard printers connection signs
  4. Mention four Erasing techniques
  5. What is Memoranda,
  6. Write out two purposes of memoranda
  7. Explain the layout of a memoranda
  8. Write out four  special features of memoranda.





The class teacher wraps up or conclude the lesson by giving out short note to summarize the topic that he or she has just taught.

The class teacher also goes round to make sure that the notes are well copied or well written by the pupils.

He or she does the necessary corrections when and where  the needs arise.






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