Revision Primary 3 Third Term CRS

Christian Religious Knowledge (C.R.K)

Christian Religious Studies (C.R.S)

Bible Knowledge (B.K)

Third Term 


Basic 3 / Grade 3 /Primary 3

Revision Primary 3 Third Term CRS


Answer all Questions

  1. ___________ led the Isrealite out of Egypt. (a) Pharaoh (b) Moses (c) David (d) Noah
  2. ___________ is the father of all nations that God promise to bless. (a) Job (b) Abraham (c) David (d) Elijah
  3. Jacob is the son of ______________ (a) Isaac (b) Abraham (c) Noah (d) Joseph
  4. ______________ was the king of Egypt (a) Isaac (b) Pharaoh (c) Elijah (d) Moses
  5. Joseph became a leader in __________ (a) Jerusalem (b) Egypt (c) Israel (d) Moses
  6. Jesus Christ is the son of _____________ (a) David (b) God (c) Noah 9d) Elijah
  7. The Christians worship in the _____________ (a) Mosque (b) Church (c) House (d) School
  8. God gave moses how many commandments (a) 5 (b) 6 (c) 10 (d) 12
  9. A ___________ was killed to mark the Passover celebration (a) goat (b) lamb (c) cow (d) dog
  10. The angel of the lord killed the first ___________ of the Egyptians (a) Newphew (b) Born 9c) daughter (d) grand father
  11. God provided ______________ for the children of Israel in the wilderness. (a) rice (b) beans (c) manner (d) yam
  12. Who created heaven and earth? (a) Moses (b) God (c) Jesus (d) Noah
  13. Isaac is the son of ________ (a) Noah (b) Stephen (c) Abraham (d) Joseph
  14. God killed the children of Isreal in the wilderness because of ___________ (a) Disobedience (b) Obedience (c) suffering (d) all of the above
  15. Who said, “Thou shall not worship any other god except me”? (a) Noah (b) God (c) Abraham (d) None of the above
  16. Emmanuel means ____________________ (a) God with us (b) God is not with us (c) Jesus is coming (d) All of the above
  17. Jesus had _____________ disciples (a) 10 (b) 12 (c) 6 (d) 18
  18. The earthly father of Jesus Christ was ____________ (a) Joseph the Carpenter (b) Thomas (c) Noah (d) All of the above
  19. Prayer means ________________ (a) The act of communicating to God (b) To laugh with God (c) To argue with God (d) All of the above
  20. Disobedient is a sin (a) True (b) False (c) None of the above


Section B

  • What is Passover?
  • List five commandment of God
  • List five disciples of Jesus Christ
  • Give five qualities of a good leader



1 describe the moral responsibility of loving, and being unselfish to others.

2 describe the kind of love which Jonathan had for David.

3 explain what a true friend will do for a friend in need.

4 point out how people of today show love and unselfishness to other people.




How old was Abraham when God called him to leave his land and family.

(a) ninety-two years             (b) seventy-five years      (c) fifty-five years


___________ was Abraham’s wife.

(a) Sarah          (b) Haggai             (c) Mary


The children of Israel crossed the _____________

(a) Nile Sea                (b) Red Sea           (c) Niger Sea


Jacob dreamt about ____________ going up and down a ladder

(a) Children               (b) lamps              (c) Angels


To Passover means to _______

(a) crossover     (b) jump over                 (c) dance over


What is the name of the promise land God gave Abraham

(a) Canaan                 (b) Israel               (c) Haran


Jacob used a ________ as a pillow when he had a dream

(a) sand            (b) slippers            (c) stone


The name Moses means ______________

(a) I drew him out of water            (b) I picked him from the floor (c) I dragged him


Jacob had _________ sons

(a) 22               (b) 12                   (c) 19


God delivered Israel from ____________

(a) Egypt          (b) Canaan            (c) London


Jacob and _______ were Isaac’s sons

(a) Joseph        (b) Esau                (c) Laban


The Passover lamb was a ___________ male

(a) Black          (b) Brown             (c) White


Moses hit the Red Sea with his ___________

(a) Rod            (b) Wire                (c) Cane


God punished the Egyptians with _________ plagues

(a) fourteen                (b) nine                 (c) ten


Jesus is the ___________ Lamb

(a) Passover               (b) loop                (c) scape


The ___________ announced the birth of Jesus

(a) friends                  (b) angels              (c) family


Prophet __________________ talked about the birth of Jesus.

(a) Isaiah          (b) Elijah              (c) Jacob


Emmanuel means ______________

(a) God with us                   (b) Jesus saves                (c) teacher saves


Jesus love ____________________

(a) some people                   (b) everybody                 (c) nobody


_____________ is the mother of Jesus.

(a) Mary           (b) Hagar              (c) Esther



State two Passover rules given to the Israelites.

(a) ______________________________________________________________

(b) ______________________________________________________________


Write one importance of the Passover

(a) ______________________________________________________________


Where did Jacob move to ____________________________________________


Abraham gave birth to _______________________________________________




1 describe the moral responsibility of loving, and being unselfish to others

.2 describe the kind of love which Jonathan had for David

.3 explain what a true friend will do for a friend in need.

4 point out how people of today show love and unselfishness to other




. Exercise

1 Mention the kind of love which Jonathan had for David.

2 Tell a story illustrating the saying that, ‘A friend in need is a friend indeed’.

3 Explain the kind of love that should exist among pupils.

Fill in the gaps with correct answers.

4 David was the son of ______________.

5 Saul was the father of _____________.

6 A friend in need is a friend_____________.





1 identify the stages at which Jesus suffered.

2 state reasons why Jesus had to suffer.

3 identify the importance of Christ’s suffering for mankind.


1 Jesus suffered so that we can be forgiven, and delivered from our sins.

2 Pilate responded to the demand of the Jews to condemn Jesus to death.


1 identify the stages at which Jesus suffered.

2 state reasons why Jesus had to suffer.

3 identify the importance of Christ’s suffering for mankind.

Wrap up( conclusion): Teacher goes over the topic once again to enhance better understanding.


Give three reasons why Jesus had to suffer for us.

2 Why did Pilate release Barnabas for the Jews?







1 narrate the stories of the death and resurrection of Jesus.

2 identify the importance of the death and resurrection of Christ.

3 explain the appearance as evidence of resurrection.




Prepare for the next lesson by reading about



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