Examination Questions Verbal Reasoning Primary 4 First Term



Example: chair is to sit as shoe is to foot.


Drum is to beat as trumpet is to __(blow, sound,strike)


Boys are to men as girls are to ________


(women, aunt, uncle)


Atlas and maps; dictionary and ___


(hook, learning, meaning)


Feather is to bird as fin is to ___(goat , fish, hen)


Pick out the wrong member


Example: owl , eagle, rose, pigeon , rose


Hat coat Jacket shirt __________________


Cassava , yam , mango , potato ________________


Ugly , heavy, handsome, pretty, __________________


Bungalow , mansion, hut, farm , __________________


Give a general name for each of the list below


Cockroach , grasshopper, bee insects


netball , hockey, tennis ________________


Dictionary, textbook, diary, ____________________


Abuja , Accra, Abidjan , __________________


Car, Bicycle , bus , ____________________


Underline from the bracket two words that goes together


Boys: Men (mother, girls, sister, women)


Pig: Pork (sheep , beef, veal, mutton)


Morning: evening (youth, boy , midday, aged)


Butcher: Meat (cane, fishmonger, mutton, fish)


Example: Giant is to giantess as god is to goddess


Nephew is to niece as ______________ is to priestess.


Brother is to sister as _____________ is to lioness.


_____________ is to landlady as Jew is to Jewess


Choose a word from the options to complete these


Example: Back and behind; finish and complete (start, stop, complete)


Profit and gain; ancient and ____(fresh, aged, poor, old)


Fall and drop; tiny and ___(large , small, scanty, big)


Consent and agree; gift and ____(book, present, honour, take)


Deceive and cheat; robust and ___(slim, fat, small, slender).


Choose from the list a word which is opposite in meaning to the first word.


Example: sharpclever, keen, even, Blunt


Below over, above, law, High


Doctor criminal, nurse, patient, student


Proud gentle, humble, arrogant, kind


fat fair, flesh, thin, Big


Choose the correct answer


Example: A building where goods are kept is called warehouse


Horses are kept in a ___(stable, garage, nest)


Boutique is where ______ are sold. (dresses, food, drinks)


The building for acting drama is a ___(hospital , hotel, theatre)


______is where football is played (barracks, football field, Abattoir)

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