Basic 5    Subject: English Language. Topic: Tests 



Class: Basic 5 


  Subject: English Language.


Topic: Tests 


 Instructions : Change the following sentences to reported speech.


1). John told Cynthia, ” I can write very well.”


2). ” Is the teacher coming? ” asked Isaac.


3). The old man asked Rebecca, “Has my wife been here?”


4). ” When will aunty come? ” Joseph asked his mother.


5). Naomi said to Mary, “Don’t copy my work”


 Instructions : Change the following sentences to direct speech.


6). The fisherman said that he could swim across the lagoon.


7). Ayo asked Emmanuel where his book was.


8). Mother said that she hoped he wouldn’t come today.


9). The woman complained that she had lost her purse.


10). Yesterday, my friend asked if I was hungry.


Choose the question that has sentence as the correct answer.


11). He sang loudly during the concert.

A. Where did he sing?

B. How shall he sing?

C. How did he sing?

D. When will he sing?


12). No, she can’t

A. She can pass the test,can she?

B. She can pass the test, can’t she?

C. She can’t pass the test, can’t she?

D. She can’t pass the test, can she?


13). Mr Bello is an engineer.

A. Where does Mr Bello work?

B. Does Mr Bello like his work?

C. Who is that man?

D. What is Mr Bello’s occupation?


14). The snake was hiding beneath the dry leaves.

A. How long has the snake been hiding?

B. Was the snake climbing?

C. What was the snake doing?

D. Where was the snake hiding?


5). I’m sure he did.

A. When will John go to Abuja?

B. When did he leave for Abuja?

C. Do you know when John will go to Abuja?

D. Did John go to Abuja yesterday’s? 

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