Section A: Comprehension
Adewale Jones, the shepherd, once took his herd of cattle to a grassy fertile pasture. He was rich, for his animals always fetched a good price in the market. He liked to be lousy , naughty, funny and people often laughed at his jokes.
Adewale Jones became bored on afternoon and wanted to have some fun. He ran to the village shouting ‘lion! lion! lion!’ The villagers ran to help him when they heard the alarm. They thought that a lion was attacking his cattle. They became very surprised and angry when they saw that there was no lion, and the animals were feeding quite undisturbed. Adewale Jones stared to laugh. ‘A tick, a joke,’ he told the villagers who soon went back to their homes.
A month later, a lion actually came, attacked the cattle and killed some of them. In fear, Adewale Jones ran speedily to the village, calling for help. Nobody came to his aid because they thought it was another trick. The killing of Adewale Jones’ sheep made him poor and he learnt the great lesson never to raise false alarms in future.
In the questions below, only one answer is correct. Pick out the correct answer.
- Adewale Jones took his flock to ________________________
(a) the waterside (b) find more grass (c) the market (d) the uplands (e) the wolf
- When the villagers heard the alarm they _______________
(a) cried, ‘Wolf! Wolf! Wolf!’ (b) attacked the sheep (c) ran to save the sheep
(d) liked to have some fun (e) laughed at his jokes
- The villagers became annoyed when _______________________
(a) they heard the alarm (b) they saw thecattle were eating peacefully
(c) the wolf came to the lowland (d) Adewale Jones shouted, ‘Wolf! Wolf! Wolf!’
(e) the wolf was attacking Adewale Jones’s sheep.
- Adewale Jones laughed and told the villagers that _____________________
(a) he was at the grassy lowland (b) he had been bored (c) a wolf was nearby
(d) it was all a piece of fun (e) they had heard the alarm
- One month afterwards, _________________________________
(a) a lion appeared (b) the animals were quite disturbed (c) they saw no wolf
(d) the villagers laughed at his jokes (e) they soon went back to their homes
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