Living in the family. Social studies Primary 2 Second term

Class 2 Social


Week 1/2

Topic:- Living

in the Family

  1. A family consists of the father, mother and children.
  2. The father is the head of the family.

Duties of

Parents and

Children at


    1. Father provides for the needs of the family.
    2. He settles any quarrel that arises within the family.
    3. Mother cooks food for the members of the family.
    4. She cares for the family as well.
    5. The children sweep the floor, wash the plates and dust the furniture.

Class 2

Social  Studies

Week 2/2

Topic:- Our Culture –

Our Food, Our

Dress and Hair Styles

  1. Culture means people’s way of life.

Our Food

    1. We eat different types of food.
    2. These are: yam, rice, beans, gari, fish, meat, vegetables, banana, orange, mangoes, millet, guinea corn and others.
    3. Our food can be prepared in different ways.

Our Dresses

  1. We dress in different ways to suit different occasions e.g. when going to school we put on our school uniform.
  2. Our school uniform must be neat and tidy, not torn and dirty.
  3. We put on clothes to look nice.

Our Hair Styles

    1. We take great care of our hair.
    2. We wash it when it is dirty.
    3. Some people cut their hair short.
    4. Our hair is kept in various styles e.g. weaving, plaiting etc.[mediator_tech]

Class 2 Social

Studies Week

3/2 Topic:-


(Christian &

Moslem) How

we worship


1. God is called different names in Nigeria.

a. The Yorubas call him Olorun.
2. b.



The Ibo people call him Chineke.

The Hausa people and the Moslems call him Allah. Christians worship in churches.

b. Moslems worship in Mosques.
  1. Some people also worship their traditional gods in the shrine e.g. Ogun, Sango, Osun, Esu, Oya etc.


things in our


    1. We pray to God.
    2. We adore Him.
    3. We thank Him and we praise Him.
    4. We ask for mercies from Him.

Class 2 Social

Studies Week

4/2 Topic:- Our


(Respect for

Teachers and

Sense of

Values of


  1. The name of our school is Ladybird Nursery/Primary School.
  2. We learn how to read and write and about many things around us.
  3. We obey school rules and listen to our teachers.

Class 2 Social

Studies Week


Topic:- Our Culture – Marriage, Naming Ceremony (Ceremonies and Entertainment)

  1. We get married when we are old enough.
  2. There are four types of marriage in Nigeria.
    1. Christian marriage
    2. Moslem marriage
    3. Court marriage
    4. Traditional marriage



  1. We are happy when a child is born.
  2. The child is given a name.
  3. The name is chosen by the parents or relations.
  4. We have traditional, Christian and Moslem naming ceremonies.

Class 2 Social

Studies Week

6/2 Topic:- Our

Community –

Division of


  1. A community means a group of people living together.
  2. We do different types of work like carpenter, doctor, electrician, engineer, farmer, teacher etc.
  3. We help other people through the work we do.
  4. No person can do everything.[mediator_tech]

Class 2 Social

Studies Week

7/2 Topic:-


in Nigeria –


Means of


in Nigeria

    1. Means of Transportation are things that help us to move from place to place.
      1. There are three types of transportation e.g. on land, water and in the air.
      2. Means of Transportation on land are: by bicycles, motorcycle, lorry, car, train, horse, foot etc.
      3. Means of Transportation on water are: by canoe, boats, streamers, raft, ship etc.
      4. Means of Transportation in the air are: by aeroplane, helicopter, jets etc.

Class 2 Social

Studies Week

8/2 Topic:-


in Nigeria –





in Nigeria


Revision of previous note

Class 2 Social

Studies Week

9/2 Topic:-


revision of all

the topics


Class 2 Social Studies Week 12/2 Topic:- Our Community – Growth, Agents and Factors

  1. A community means a group of people living together.
  2. In a community, we live like brothers and sisters.
  3. We develop our community in many ways for example:
    1. By making good roads.
    2. Help one another to build houses.
    3. Building schools and markets.