Living in the family. Social studies Primary 2 Second term
Class 2 Social
Week 1/2
Topic:- Living
in the Family
- A family consists of the father, mother and children.
- The father is the head of the family.
Duties of
Parents and
Children at
- Father provides for the needs of the family.
- He settles any quarrel that arises within the family.
- Mother cooks food for the members of the family.
- She cares for the family as well.
- The children sweep the floor, wash the plates and dust the furniture.
Class 2
Social Studies
Week 2/2
Topic:- Our Culture –
Our Food, Our
Dress and Hair Styles
- Culture means people’s way of life.
Our Food
- We eat different types of food.
- These are: yam, rice, beans, gari, fish, meat, vegetables, banana, orange, mangoes, millet, guinea corn and others.
- Our food can be prepared in different ways.
Our Dresses
- We dress in different ways to suit different occasions e.g. when going to school we put on our school uniform.
- Our school uniform must be neat and tidy, not torn and dirty.
- We put on clothes to look nice.
Our Hair Styles
- We take great care of our hair.
- We wash it when it is dirty.
- Some people cut their hair short.
- Our hair is kept in various styles e.g. weaving, plaiting etc.[mediator_tech]
Class 2 Social
Studies Week
3/2 Topic:-
(Christian &
Moslem) How
we worship
1. God is called different names in Nigeria.
a. | The Yorubas call him Olorun. | |
2. | b. c. a. |
The Ibo people call him Chineke. The Hausa people and the Moslems call him Allah. Christians worship in churches. |
b. | Moslems worship in Mosques. |
- Some people also worship their traditional gods in the shrine e.g. Ogun, Sango, Osun, Esu, Oya etc.
things in our
- We pray to God.
- We adore Him.
- We thank Him and we praise Him.
- We ask for mercies from Him.
Class 2 Social
Studies Week
4/2 Topic:- Our
(Respect for
Teachers and
Sense of
Values of
- The name of our school is Ladybird Nursery/Primary School.
- We learn how to read and write and about many things around us.
- We obey school rules and listen to our teachers.
Class 2 Social
Studies Week
Topic:- Our Culture – Marriage, Naming Ceremony (Ceremonies and Entertainment)
- We get married when we are old enough.
- There are four types of marriage in Nigeria.
- Christian marriage
- Moslem marriage
- Court marriage
- Traditional marriage
- We are happy when a child is born.
- The child is given a name.
- The name is chosen by the parents or relations.
- We have traditional, Christian and Moslem naming ceremonies.
Class 2 Social
Studies Week
6/2 Topic:- Our
Community –
Division of
- A community means a group of people living together.
- We do different types of work like carpenter, doctor, electrician, engineer, farmer, teacher etc.
- We help other people through the work we do.
- No person can do everything.[mediator_tech]
Class 2 Social
Studies Week
7/2 Topic:-
in Nigeria –
Means of
in Nigeria
- Means of Transportation are things that help us to move from place to place.
- There are three types of transportation e.g. on land, water and in the air.
- Means of Transportation on land are: by bicycles, motorcycle, lorry, car, train, horse, foot etc.
- Means of Transportation on water are: by canoe, boats, streamers, raft, ship etc.
- Means of Transportation in the air are: by aeroplane, helicopter, jets etc.
- Means of Transportation are things that help us to move from place to place.
Class 2 Social
Studies Week
8/2 Topic:-
in Nigeria –
in Nigeria
Revision of previous note
Class 2 Social
Studies Week
9/2 Topic:-
revision of all
the topics
Class 2 Social Studies Week 12/2 Topic:- Our Community – Growth, Agents and Factors
- A community means a group of people living together.
- In a community, we live like brothers and sisters.
- We develop our community in many ways for example:
- By making good roads.
- Help one another to build houses.
- Building schools and markets.