Primary 5 Class 5 Basic 5 Second Term Examination




  1. Which of the following a characteristics of living things

(a) growth (b) respirations (c) collaborations (d) excretion

  1. MR NIGER D is an acronym used to represent the characteristics of _____

(a) non-living things (b) living things (c) living crops (d) living vegetation

  1. ______ is a liquid substance which turns blue litmus paper red

(a) base (b) hydrogen (c) carbonated water (d) acid

  1. A test was carried out on a liquid substance wing red litmus paper and the paper turns blue, this shows that the liquid is _____ (a) acid (b) base (c) hydrogen peroxide (d) water
  2. The reaction between caustic potash or caustic soda and oil to form soap is called ____

(a) saconification (b) satonification (c) saponification (d) sabonification

  1. Basically we have two types of soap, they are (a) hard and dry soap (b) soft and wet soap (c) soft and hard soap (d) dry and wet soap
  2. The two examples of metals are ______ (a) porous and non-porous

(b) ferrous and non-forrous (c) corrous and non-corrous (d) terrazzo and non-terrazo

  1. _____ is a state of preventing danger or harm to ourselves or somebody

(a) accident (b) first aid (c) danger (d) safety

  1. _____ are light strong synthetic material produced through chemical processes by man

(a) wood (b) rubber (c) plastics (d) metals

  1. Mishaps that can cause harm, damages and even death are called _____________

(a) danger (b) accidents (c) safety (d) first aid

  1. The ability of living things to produce young ones of their kind is known as ____

(a) respiration (b) reproduction (c) excretion (d0 nutrition

  1. The female part of a flower is called _____ (a) pistil (b) stamen (c) auther (d) style
  2. _____ is the ability to do work (a) power (b) conversion (c) energy (d) work
  3. Which of the following is not a form of energy (a) solar (b) electrical (c) heat (d) water
  4. The transfer of heat from one end of an iron spoon to the other end is known as ____

(a) convection (b) radiation (c) conduction (d) electrification

  1. The degree of hotness or coldness of a substance or a place is called ____

(a) energy (b) pressure (c) heat (d) temperature

  1. _____ is the standard instrument used to measure temperature

(a) barometer (b) thermometer (c) rainguage (d) wind vane

  1. The boiling point of water is ____ (a) 900c (b) 00c (c) 1000c (d) 990c
  2. The freezing point of water is ______ (a) 00c (b) 350c (c) 1000c (d) 900c
  3. ____ is the energy generated from the sun

(a) light energy (b) solar energy (c) nuclear energy (d) mechanical energy

Section B

  1. Define reproduction

b.) The female part of a flower is called ______________________________________

  1. What is an accident?

b.) Explain the word safety

  1. What is conduction in metals

b.) Mention the two types of metal

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

  1. Explain saponification

b.) Mention the two types of soap

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

  1. Write out the full meaning of this acronym MR NIGER D





  1. _____ are the people who are committed to promoting and safeguarding the right of all individuals (a) Human activities (b) Human right activist (c) Human right activities (d) human left activists
  2. Which of the following acronyms does not belong or is not a pressure group

(a) IBBS (b) NLC (c) NUJ (d) NUT

  1. __ is someone who directs or guides others (a) A boss (b) A master (c) A leader (d) leadership
  2. A political party is an organization that seeks to gain or maintain power within the government (a) False (b) True (c) all of the above (d) none of the above
  3. The movement of the earth around the sun is called __________
  4. evolution (b) rotation (c) solar system (d) revolution
  5. The movement of the earth in a spinning notion from West to East is called ____
  6. solar system (b) rotation (c) revolution (d) evolution
  7. _____ is a sudden event that causes great damage or loss of life
  8. rainfall (b) sunset (c) disaster (d) drainage
  9. Which of the following is not a natural disaster
  10. Floods (b) hurricanes (c) plane crash (d) earth quake
  11. The major occupation of people living in the northern part of Nigeria ____
  12. Banking (b) farming (c) engineering (d) trading
  13. Sokoto and Kaduna are located in the _____ part of Nigeria
  14. Southern (b) Western (c) Northern (d) Eastern
  15. The exchange of goods for goods is known as _____
  16. Trade by money (b) Goods exchange (c) Exchange of goods (d) trade by barter
  17. The goods and services a country sells to other countries are called ____
  18. imports (b) exports (c) trading (d) exchange
  19. ______ is an institution that accepts money from people in the form of deposits

(a) An insurance (b) A bank (c) An ATM (d) Central Bank

  1. Which of the following is not a banking industry in Nigeria
  2. GTBank (b) First Bank (c) Barclays Bank (d) Zenith Bank
  3. The state of having no job that pays you income is referred to as ____
  4. Education (b) unemployment (c) employment (d) opportunity
  5. Solution to unemployment include the following except ____
  6. entrepreneurship (b) crime (c) skills enhancement (d) encourage agriculture
  7. _____ is the money an individual or a business receives in exchange for labour and service (a) capital (b) payment (c) income (d) labour
  8. In an organization the level of education is used to determine the salaries pay to the workers (a) True (b) False (c) All of the above (d) None of the above
  9. A borrowed sum of money that is expected to be paid back with interest is known as _____ (a) capital (b) loan (c) income (d) salary
  10. Drugs taken without doctors advice is called _____ (a) drug prescription

(b) drug administered (c) drug abuse (d) drug regulation

Section B

  1. What is disaster ______________________________________________________________

b.) List the two types of disaster

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

  1. Define unemployment

b.) State any three solutions to unemployment in Nigeria

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ________________________________

  1. Who are human right activist

b.) Define a leader ______________________________________________________________

  1. What is a bank _______________________________________________________________

b.) Explain a loan _______________________________________________________________

  1. Define revolution of the teeth ___________________________________________________

b.) What is rotation of the earth? ___________________________________________________






Complete these sentences

Example: Shoes are to feet as gloves are to hands

  1. House is to man as nest is to _________________
  2. Food is to hungry as drink is to _______________
  3. Sheep is to mutton as pig is to ________________
  4. School is to pupils as army is to _______________
  5. Feather is to bird as fin is to __________________
  6. What are these letters called A, E, I, O, U __________
  7. Find a word to continue this series: wave, weave, lash, leash, pace, _____________
  8. Pill, peal, sill, seal, hill ______________
  9. Shape, ape, divine, vine, lesson _______________
  10. Road, rod, feed, fed, goat _____________
  11. Out, bout, up, cup, in _____________

Palindrone: This is a word or phrase that reads the same backwards as forwards

Examples: Madam – Madam

Non – Non

Write any other two words on your own for number 12 and 13

  1. __________________________
  2. __________________________

Complete the following with the best answers from the brackets

  1. Water and food work _____________

(hand in hand, mouth in mouth, book in book)

  1. Without food, man will be ________ (thirsty, tried, staring)
  2. Food and water are important to _______ (chair, lorry, man)
  3. Without water, man cannot _____ (grow, live, play)

Underline the correct spelt words from the following set of words

  1. Enterprenour, Entrepreneur, Enterpreneur
  2. Satellite, Satelite, Sartillite
  3. Commssione, Commissions, Commission
  4. Which of these words cannot be formed from AEROPLANE?

(a) Plane (b) raft (c) ear (d) rope

  1. What are the consecutive letters in the words NEIGH? _______________________
  2. Which is the last vowel letter of the alphabet ___________________________
  3. Write the letter which will end the first and begin the second word, Lov_____nd
  4. Write the alphabet in alternative order up to I ______, ______, ______, ______, ______
  5. Birds have __________________ (mouths, beaks, tongues)
  6. Rose flower is (red, blue, black)
  7. When you write with a pen, you may make ______ (letters, mistakes, blots)
  8. Three dozens is ______ (thirty-four, thirty-six, thirty-two)
  9. Giraffe, Zebra are wild animals because of their ______________________

(feeding, habitation, respiratory system)





  1. What is texture?

  1. Lagos is the home of _____________________________ festival
  2. What is a gallery

  1. What are of art does painting and sculpture belongs?

  1. Define still-life drawing

  1. The two branches of art are ________________________ and _________________________
  2. What are values

  1. List any two importance of values

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

  1. Draw a hut and colour it
  2. Draw a canoe






The Dark Continent

Until the latter half of the nineteenth century, the Europeans knew little about the interior of Africa. By then much had been learnt about America, Asia and Australia. Because the Europeans knew little about Africa then this was the chief reason why Stanley, the British explorer, called Africa, the Dark Continent.

Stanley explored the Congo Basin. The Stanley falls on this river is called after his name. Most of the inhabitants of Africa are black in complexion and perhaps this was the second reason the words Dark continent were applied to Africa.

One may ask why the inland part of Africa was unknown until about one hundred years ago. Many are of the opinion that this was because the natives of Africa were not friendly towards Europeans until then, Arab slave raiders had been enslaving Africans. This made many Negroes look upon all white people as slave dealers. But we must not for forget the difficulties in exploring Africa. The Sahara Desert, the rapids on rivers and the thick forests made travelling very difficult. The damp, heat, mosquitoes and tse-tse flies cause illness to European explorers.


Choose the correct answer

  1. Who called Africa the Dark continue (a) explorers (b) the British (c) Stanley
  2. What was their chief reason for calling Africa this name? (a) because of a bad climate

(b) because most the continent was unexplored by Europeans (c) other continents are nearer to Europe than Africa.

  1. What part of Africa was explored by Stanley

(a) The Congo Basin (b) the African Coast (c) Near the Stanley falls

  1. Give the second reason why Africa was called the Dark Continent
  2. there are rivers and deserts (b) Africa is the interior (c) it’s people are black in complexion
  3. What difficulties did travelers have in Africa? (a) The Sahara desert and tsetse flies

(b) the Sahara desert, the rapids, the think forests and illness (c) the Arab slave raiders

  1. He _____ to give ____ to his creator (a) preys (b) prays (c) praise
  2. (him, hymn) I asked _____________ to sing a ___________ for me

Put ‘a’, ‘an’ or ‘the’

  1. ___________ man who came here is ______ drive
  2. _________ earth moves round ____________ sun
  3. _________ kind farmer has ___________ dog and __________ ewe.

Turn these sentences to direct speech

  1. The boy said that he was jumping _______________________________________________

  1. They said that their brother was absent ___________________________________________

Choose the correct answer

  1. A doctor who treats eye diseases is a ______ (a) mason (b) occultist (c) chief
  2. A person who shoots with bows and arrows is a/an _____ (a) army (b) thrower (c) archer
  3. A person in charge of a college is a ______ (a) dentist (b) principal (c) miner

Lexis and Structure

Choose the correct answer

  1. Morning and evening, youth and ______ (a) mid-day (b) twilight (c) age
  2. Merchant and selling, artist and _____ (a) paints (b) painting (c) oil
  3. Cow and milk, bee and _____ (a) pollen (b) sting (c) honey
  4. Mr. Okoye ______ in Uyo (a) live (b) lives (c) living
  5. I don’t understand ______ you mean (a) where (b) why (c) what

The Hidden Truth

  1. Why is Alero startled? ________________________________________
  2. The lioness in the scene refers to ________________________________
  3. Who is referred to as an antelope ________________________________
  4. Who does Alero want to marry __________________________________
  5. What is the name of the Pastor that intervened in the fight ___________________________


Write few sentences about your teacher





  1. The crop that produces small grains are called _____ (a) cereals (b) legumes (c) tubers
  2. The crops that are used to make nourishing drinks are called ________________

(a) drugs (b) alcohol (c) beverages

  1. Weathering is the breaking down of _____ into smaller pieces to form soil

(a) plain (b) rocks (c) stone

  1. The stomach of ruminant animals are divided into ________ (a) 2 (b) 6 (c) 4
  2. Terrestrial animals are also called _____ living animals (a) land (b) water (c) air
  3. To plant maize, the first step to take is to _________________

(a) stump the land (b) clear the land (c) market the product

  1. Animal husbandry is the management of ________________

(a) bird (b) domestic animals (c) farm animals

  1. The animals or insect that can be harmful to plants and man are called ____________

(a) parasites (b) pests (c) control

  1. One of the following makes holes in yam (a) Grasshopper (b) beetle (c) weevil
  2. Plant diseases are caused by _____ (a) organism (b) microscope (c) micro-organism
  3. A condition where the normal growth if plant is affected is called ____________

(a) diseases (b) plant disease (c) Agent

  1. Maize smut is caused by _____ (a) bacteria (b) fungi (c) nematodes
  2. The insects and small animals that live in or on the body of farm animals and feed on them is called ____ (a) disease (b) parasite (c) attack
  3. Scabies is a skin infection caused by ______ (a) cattle (b) cough (c) mites
  4. Excessive production of foamy mixture of saliva at mouth is ____

(a) mouth diseases (b) bird flu (c) foot rot

  1. The organism in which the parasite lives is called _____ (a) host (b) hostess (c) hostile
  2. The parasites that live inside the body of the farm animal is called ____

(a) worm (b) tick (c) endo parasite

  1. Ectoparasite live ______ the body of animals (a) in (b) on (c) under
  2. _________ is the growing of crops and nearing of animals

(a) agriculture (b) science (c) farming

  1. Monocotyledonous plants have ____ seed or cotyledon (a) one (b) five (c) three

Section B

  1. What is farming

  1. Explain:
  2. Endoparasite

b.) Ectoprasite

  1. Mention five examples of terrestrial animals

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________

(e) ________________________________

  1. Mention three effects of eating infected meat or animals

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ________________________________

  1. Explain
  2. Carnivorous animals

  1. Herbivorous animals

  1. Ominivorous animals




  1. Household pests are ______ and animals which are harmful to man and his surroundings

(a) insects (b) plants (c) disease

  1. Household pests are of ______ types (a) two (b) three (c) four
  2. _____ are materials that we can use to cover the surfaces within the home.

(a ) surfaces (b) floor coverings (c) tiles

  1. Surfaces are the are surfaces opposite the ____ (a) floor (b) rug (c) ceiling
  2. One of the these pests can cause cholera (a) mosquito (b) mice (c) housefly
  3. The wastes that can easily decay are called _____

(a) organic waste (b) solid waste (c) broken glasses

  1. A room or place where cooking activities are done is called ____

(a) palour (b) kitchen (c) verandah

  1. Kitchen hygiene helps to prevent the _____ of food (a) safety (b) contamination (c0 richness
  2. Children who sleep on mats should air them outside every morning (a) true (b) false (c) maybe
  3. The frying method used to cook egg is called (a) deep (b) shallow (c) express
  4. The method of cooking for moimoi is _____ (a) frying (b) steaming (c) roasting
  5. Spinach, tomatoes, potatoes and lettuce are all examples of ____

(a) plant (b) vegetable (c) roots

  1. The diet that contains the classes of food in the right proportion is ____

(a) super diet (b) balanced diet (c) supplement

  1. We throw our dirts in the ________ (a) dust bin (b) ward robe (c) nylon
  2. _____ agents are materials that we can use to clean items in the home

(a) home (b) general (c) cleaning

  1. Mud, terrazzo, wood, tiles are examples of ___________

(a) floor covering (b) surfaces (c) ground floor

  1. The food items that can easily get spoilt are called ____ foods

(a) perishable (b) non-perishable (c) groceries

  1. Doughnut, puff-puff, chinchin are examples of _____ (a) foods (b) deserts (c) snacks
  2. One major ingredient to prepare chin-chin is ____ (a) flour (b) water (c) oil
  3. Linoleum is made from _____ (a) wire (b) rubber (c) tin

Section B

  1. What are household pests?

a.) Mention the types of pests

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________

b.) Give five examples of pests

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________

(e) ________________________________

2.) Mention five steps that can be used to prevent household pests

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________

(e) ________________________________

b.) Explain the word ‘kitchen’ and mention ten tools that can be found in the kitchen

3.) What is kitchen hygiene

b.) Mention three items that can be used to maintain kitchen hygiene

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ________________________________

4.) Mention five methods of cooking

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________

(e) ________________________________

5.) What are the ingredients that can be used to prepare burns

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________





  1. The branch of learning that enables us to understand the activities of government is ____

(a) social education (b) civic education (c) social injustice

  1. One of the reasons why many people do not own a house is _____

(a) high cost of building materials (b) sufficient fund (c) availability of land

  1. _____ are ideas and beliefs that guide people’s action (a) sense (b) intelligence (c) values
  2. The machinery for carrying out the business of a state is called _____

(a) governor (b) government (c) federal

  1. A _____ is someone that guides, directs and makes other people do what he/she wants

(a) leadership (b) leader (c) ruler

  1. The office or position which directs and guides other people to do things is called

(a) leadership (b) leader (c) ruler

  1. Disasters that are caused by natural forces are called _____

(a) natural disaster (b) manmade (c) flood

  1. One of the following does not improve the economy of the state

(a) working in industries (b) farming (c) wedding

  1. The act of showing support or allegiance to a person or an institution is _______

(a) loyalty (b) family (c) caution

  1. How many arms of government do we have? (a) 3 (b) 5 (c) 9
  2. The arm of government that makes law is the ____ (a) legislative (b) loyalty (c) legumilature
  3. At what age can someone start voting (a) 16 (b) 18 (c) 20
  4. When the rights of citizens are not equally distributed in the society, it is called _____

(a) social injustice (b) socialization (c) loyalty

  1. One of the following is a way through which workers protest

(a) praying (b) strike action (c) love

  1. One of the following is not a natural disasters

(a) heavy rain (b) road accidents (c) climate changes

  1. The services provided by the government which satisfy certain qualities is known as ____ (a) quality of services (b) satisfaction (c) policies
  2. One evidence of loyalty is ____ (a) obedience (b) impoliteness (c) rudeness
  3. What is the name of the Senate President (a) Ahmed Duru (b) Sani Ahmed (c) Bukola Saraki
  4. Nigeria’s democracy day is celebrated on every _____ of the year
  5. March 30 (b) June 12 (c) May 29
  6. The body that safeguards every edible items and drugs is known as ___


Section B

  1. Mention four quality of services that should be provided by the government

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________

  1. Write out the National pledge
  2. Mention four examples of man-made disaster

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________

  1. Mention four ways people can assist government to provide services

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________

  1. Mention five rights of citizens

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________

(e) ________________________________





  1. There are ____ kinds of hair beautification (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4
  2. What among the following is calabash not used for (a) shoe (b) musical instrument (c) jugs
  3. _____ is a profession of making wares with clay (a) calabash (b) pottery (c) sculpture
  4. ____ is a list of dishes available at a restaurant (a) mal book (b) menu (c) dishes book
  5. Someone who cooks professionally especially in a restaurant is called ____

(a) chef (b) caterer (c) food seller

  1. Entrepreneurship requires special education (a) true (b) false (c) maybe
  2. The ability to be able to exercise self-control and maintain focus in business is ___

(a) passion (b) creativity (c) discipline

  1. When two or more metals are combined to form another metal, it is called ____

(a) copper (b) allow (c) gold

  1. Someone whose job is making and repairing iron and metal objects is called ____

(a) blacksmith (b) iron bender (c) goldsmith

  1. To remove stains from cloth one needs (a) starch (b) pressing iron (c) stain remover
  2. Clothes are kept before and after cleaning in a ____

(a) washing machine (b) laundry basket (c) wheel barrow

  1. A place where sculptor works is a (a) studio (b) palace (c) hospital
  2. Cutting and shaping a material such as wood or stone is called ____

(a) casting (b) assembling (c) carving

  1. Drills are used for _____ (a) cutting (b) making holes (c) smothering surfaces
  2. Palm oil is obtained from the nut of palm tree called ____

(a) oil seed (b) palm kernel (c) red seed

  1. Bunch chopping facilitate manual removal of fruit (a) true (b) false (c) all of the above
  2. Soap is a _____ agent (a) drying (b) cleansing (c) water
  3. Shoes are made by _____ (a) cobbler (b) sculptor (c) manufacturer
  4. The following are examples of tools used by a caterer except (a) apron (b) radio (c) pots
  5. One of the following is not used by a florist (a) glue gum (b) scissors (c) hacksaw

Section B

  1. Who is a florist

  1. Mention five tools used in floristry

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________

(e) ________________________________

  1. Mention four things leather can be used to produce

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________

  1. Explain logging

  1. Mention four items produced by a goldsmith

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________





  1. When God created the earth at first, it was _____ (a) empty (b) full of people (c) lighted
  2. God made man from _____ (a) clay (b) water (c) dust
  3. The third person in the trinity is _____ (a) Angels (b) Holy Spirit (c) God
  4. Where can this word “for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son be found in the Bible? (a) Romans 3:23 (b) John 19:30 (c) John 19:30
  5. The power given to someone to do something extra-ordinary is called ____

(a) Holy Spirit (b) Inspiration (c) Ability

  1. The Holy Spirit helps us to _____ one another (a) hate (b) judge (c) love
  2. God wants us to be _____ to those who are unkind to us (a) cruel (b) kind (c) wicked
  3. The Holy Spirit guides us with the _____ (a) truth (b) lying (c) food
  4. _____ is the coming of the Holy Spirit in the apostles (a) fire (b) transformation (c) Pentecost
  5. An example of a faithful servant that was stoned to death was ____

(a) Peter (b) Stephen (c) Jesus

  1. One of the disciples of Christ that betrayed Him was ___________

(a) Peter (b) Moses (c) Judas Iscariot

  1. _____ is any physical or mental activity aimed at doing or making something

(a) power (b) energy (c) work

  1. The story of the prodigal son is an example of God’s _____

(a) prudence (b) forgiveness (c) importance

  1. The seventh day is also known as the _____ day (a) Holy (b) work (c) free
  2. One of the disciples of Christ that doubted Jsus resurrection was ____

(a) Peter (b) Thomas (c) Jude

  1. Who wrote the book of psalms (a) Moses (b) Daniel (c) David
  2. Houses, cars, money, factories etc are examples of what ____ made

(a) God (b) Angels (c) Man

  1. The first man of earth was placed in the garden of _____

(a) Eden (b) Gethsemane (c) Adam

  1. How many books are in the Bible (a) 66 (b) 96 (c) 76
  2. The Epistles of Paul the Apostle can be seen in the ____ testament

(a) old (b) new (c) modern

Section B

  1. Explain the events of the day of Pentecost

  1. Write five significance of the day of Pentecost

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________

(e) ________________________________

  1. Itemize five things the Holy Spirit help us to do

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________

(e) ________________________________

  1. Itemize ten jobs that people do in the society

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________

(e) ________________________________ (f) ________________________________

(g) ________________________________ (h) ________________________________

(i) ________________________________ (j) ________________________________






Section A:

  1. What is the value of 62 + 122 (a) 220 (b) 190 (c) 180 (d) 108
  2. Calculate 172 – 82 (a) 25 (b) 9 (c) 21 (d) 11
  3. Find the L.C.M of 16, 32 and 40 (a) 120 (b) 88 (c) 146 (d) 160
  4. The H.C.F of 18 and 30 is (a) 6 (b) 8 (c) 5 (d) 7
  5. Divide N6000 in the ratio of 1:2 (a) N1200 and N3800 (b) N2000 and N4000

(c) N4000 and N2000 (d) N3000 and N3000

  1. Musa sleeps 8 hours in a day. What is the ratio of the time he is awake to the time he is asleep (a) 2: 1 (b) 1: 2 (c) 2: 3 (d) 1: 3
  2. Express 40cm as a percentage of 2m (a) 40% (b) 30% (c) 20% (d) 50%
  3. If 1/8 = y%, find y (a) 12 (b) 14 (c) 11.5 (d) 12.5
  4. Find z, if 171 ÷ z = 19 (a) 8 (b) 7 (c) 9 (d) 11
  5. Find the value of x in the equation x + 1/3 = 3 (a) 1½ (b) 22/3 (c) 31/3 (d) 23/2
  6. What is the simple interest on N8000 for 4 years at 2% per annum

(a) 624 (b) 640 (c) 460 (d) 246

  1. Find the simple interest on N13,500 for 2 years at 6% per annum

(a) 1220 (b) 2016 (c) 1620 (d) 6201

  1. Find the perimeter if a rectangle where length is 7cm and breadth is 5cm

(a) 42cm (b) 32cm (c) 27cm (d) 24cm

  1. Find the circumference of a circle whose diameters is given as 7cm ( π = 22/7)

(a) 23cm (b) 24cm (c) 22cm (d) 20cm

  1. If 1.4cm is the ratio of a circle, find its circumference ( π = 22/7)

(a) 8.8cm (b) 9.8cm (c) 7.7cm (d) 7.6cm

  1. Find the area of the diagram below



(a) 5cm (b) 12cm (c) 10cm (d) 9cm

  1. What is the area of a right-angled triangle with sides 6cm, 9cm

(a) 8.5cm (b) 7.5cm (c) 5.8cm (d) 7.0cm

  1. Calculate the perimeter of the shape below



(a) 47cm (b) 54cm (c) 44cm (d) 22cm

  1. Add in base 2, 112 + 1012 (a) 101012 (b) 10002 (c) 10012 (d) 1100
  2. Subtract in base 2, 11012 – 10112 (a) 112 (b) 102 (c) 1012 (d) 1002

Section B

  1. Simplify y – 232/3 = 19 ½

b.) Express this as a single numeral 3000 + 3 + 3/100

  1. Find the value of 502 ÷ 52

b.) Calculate 1224/25 – 14

  1. A load of sand weighing 7tonnes 700kg is divided into two smaller loads in the ratio 3: 4. What are the weights of the two smaller loads?

b.) Divide N8000 in the ratio 3: 5

  1. Calculate the volume of a cylinder with radius 7cm and height 10cm (Taken π = 22/7)

b.) Calculate its perimeter



  1. Express the commission rate of 25k per N10 in percentage

b.) Calculate the circumference of a circle with diameter 12cm (Given π = 22/7)


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