Tag: Primary 2

Third Term Examinations Primary 2 Yoruba

THIRD TERM SUBJECT: YORUBA                                          CLASS: KILAASI  KEJI Dahun  gbogbo  awon  ibeere  wonyi Bawo ni a se  n ki  eniyan  ni  akoko  oye   (a)  e ku  idaraya  (b)  E ku  otutu  (d) E ku  odun

Third Term Examinations Primary Schools

Third Term Examinations Primary 6 Third Term Examinations Primary 6 Social Studies Third Term Examinations Primary 6 Christian Religious Studies (CRS) Third Term Examinations Primary 6 Home Economics Third Term Examinations Primary 6 Civic Education Third Term Examinations Primary 6 Agricultural Science Third Term Examinations Primary 6 Physical and Health Education (PHE) Third Term Examinations

Third Term Examinations Primary 2 Verbal Reasoning

THIRD TERM SUBJECT: VERBAL APTITUDE                               CLASS: PRIMARY 2  Fill with a suitable answer  Bakery ,    restaurant,        barrack,    Orphanage,        school  1)    A place where flour is baked into bread is a                   2)    A place where pupils learn to read and write

Third Term Examinations Primary 2 English Grammar

THIRD TERM SUBJECT: ENGLISH STUDIES                      CLASS: PRIMARY 2  Read the comprehension passage and answer the following question  Baking Cupcakes     Today we are going to bake some cupcakes, “said Chidera, “will you help me?” “yes, I will, “Said Rotimi. “Great! “Said  Chidera. “We are going to need three cups of

Third Term Examinations Primary 2 Civic Education

THIRD TERM SUBJECT: RNV    (CIVIC EDUCATION)                      CLASS: PRIMARY 2  1)        and        are kind of work in our traditional community (a)Fishing and farming (b)pilot and doctor          (c)police and pastor  2)    Humility means         (a)being humble (b)being proud  (c)being rude  3)    Man’s feeling when he does good and evil

Third Term Examinations Primary 2 CRS

THIRD TERM SUBJECT: C.R.S                          CLASS: PRIMARY 2  1)    Abraham is from Ur in             (a)Ikeja   (b)Babylon   (c)Nain  2)    God said to Abram to leave his country and relatives and go to a land called         (a)Canaan (b)Galilee (c)London  3)    How old was Abraham when

Third Term Examinations Primary 2 Basic Science

THIRD TERM SUBJECT: B.S.T                          CLASS: PRIMARY 2  1)        is the top layer of the earth surface on which plants grow(a)Solid   (b)soil   (C)suffer  2)    There are             are types of soil (a)6    (b)4   (c)3  3)            soil retain water most (a)sand  

Third Term Examinations Primary 2 Home Economics

THIRD TERM SUBJECT: HOME ECONOMICS                           CLASS: PRIMARY 2  1)    Food should be stored in a          environment (a)bad   (b)clean  (c)dirty  2)    Eating bad food can make us              (a)ill    (b)strong 

Third Term Examinations Primary 2 Creative Art

THIRD TERM SUBJECT: CREATIVE ART                                  CLASS: PRIMARY TWO Underline the correct answer  1)    Which of these is functional art work? (a)Container   (b)mat    (c)glass  2)    Local artefact are objects made by             (a)sound  (b)God   (c)Man  3)    Which of these is local artefact? (a)Echoe 

Third Term Examinations Primary 2 ICT

THIRD TERM SUBJECT:INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CLASS: PRIMARY 2   Instruction:Answer all questions Section A   1)Printer is an __________device (a)Input (b)Output (c)Putput 2)Printer prints information on___________(a)biro (b)pencil (c)paper 3)Printers comes in different shapes and sizes. Yes/No 4)Printer is ________in shape (a)rectangular (b)circular (c)divided 5)System unit is part of __________(a)computer (b)monitor (C)mouse 6)System unit has a _______button
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