Rest and Sleep The Need For Nap Time

Subject : PHYSICAL AND HEALTH DEVELOPMENT LESSONS Topic : Rest and sleep Class : Nursery 1 Term : First Term Week : Week 6 Instructional Materials : Wall charts Pictures Videos   Reference Materials Scheme of Work Online Information Textbooks Workbooks 9 Year Basic Education Curriculum Previous Knowledge : The pupils have previous knowledge of

Functions of Bones

Subject : PHYSICAL AND HEALTH DEVELOPMENT LESSONS Topic : Functions of bones Class : Nursery 1 Term : First Term Week : Week 5 Instructional Materials : Wall charts Pictures Videos   Reference Materials Scheme of Work Online Information Textbooks Workbooks 9 Year Basic Education Curriculum Previous Knowledge : The pupils have previous knowledge of


Subject : PHYSICAL AND HEALTH DEVELOPMENT LESSONS Topic :  JOINTS Class : Nursery 1 Term : First Term Week : Week 4 Instructional Materials : Wall charts Pictures Videos   Reference Materials Scheme of Work Online Information Textbooks Workbooks 9 Year Basic Education Curriculum Previous Knowledge : The pupils have previous knowledge of Move your

Move your muscles

Subject : PHYSICAL AND HEALTH DEVELOPMENT LESSONS Topic : Move your muscles Class : Nursery 1 Term : First Term Week : Week 3 Instructional Materials : Wall charts Pictures Videos   Reference Materials Scheme of Work Online Information Textbooks Workbooks 9 Year Basic Education Curriculum Previous Knowledge : The pupils have previous knowledge of

Number of bones in the body

Subject : PHYSICAL AND HEALTH DEVELOPMENT LESSONS Topic : Meaning of bone Class : Nursery 1 Term : First Term Week : Week 3 Instructional Materials : Wall charts Pictures Videos   Reference Materials Scheme of Work Online Information Textbooks Workbooks 9 Year Basic Education Curriculum Previous Knowledge : The pupils have previous knowledge of

Meaning of Bones

Subject : PHYSICAL AND HEALTH DEVELOPMENT LESSONS Topic : Meaning of bone Class : Nursery 1 Term : First Term Week : Week 2 Instructional Materials : Wall charts Pictures Videos   Reference Materials Scheme of Work Online Information Textbooks Workbooks 9 Year Basic Education Curriculum Previous Knowledge : The pupils have previous knowledge of

My bones, muscles and joints

Subject : PHYSICAL AND HEALTH DEVELOPMENT LESSONS Topic : My bones, muscles and joints Class : Nursery 1 Term : First Term Week : Week 1 Instructional Materials : Wall charts Pictures Videos   Reference Materials Scheme of Work Online Information Textbooks Workbooks 9 Year Basic Education Curriculum Previous Knowledge : The pupils have previous

1st Term Examination HEALTH HABIT NURSERY 1

Subuode Gbaga Gasline Ogun State 1st Term Examination HEALTH HABIT NURSERY 1 Section A Attempt all questions Sickness is not good (a)yes (b)no It is good to prevent childhood disease (yes/no) We use cloth to cover our _________ (a)body (b)water ________ is a type of cloth (a)leaf (b)shirt Every human being live in a ________

Key Subjects Areas For Kindergarten

PERSONAL, SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT         (PSED) The goals of this subject area are: To help the children to develop positive feelings about themselves and people around To build and nurture positive relationships and respect among the children To develop positive skills, cultivate appropriate habits and build their self confidence To help the children to manage


EDU DELIGHT TUTORS (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 21 ERIYO STREET ITA OLUWO THIRD TERM PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATION 2021 CLASS: NURSERY II SUBJECT: BIBLE KNOWLEDGE NAME:………………………………… ____________ is our creator (a) God (b) man (c) mother Adam is the father of Cain and Abel (a) true (b) false (c) maybe Who climbed the tree to see Jesus Christ