SECOND TERM EXAMINATION . CLASS: NURSERY 1 SUBJECT: ENGLISH LANGUAGE Choose the correct word in the fill in the gap of each sentence below. I can _______ my teeth. (brush , fight) I can eat food in my ______ (plate, cup) The bottle is on the _______ (cup, table) Jack and Jill _______
Edu Delight Tutors Subuode Gbaga Gasline Shimawa Ogun State 1st Term Examination HEALTH HABIT NURSERY 1 Name:……………………………… Instruction: Attempt all questions Sickness sis not good (a)yes (b)no It is good to prevent childhood disease (YES/NO) We use cloth to cover our _______ (a)body (b)water ________ is a type of cloth (a)leaf (b)shirt Every human
Nursery 1 CLASS: NUR 1 SCHOOL:….. SUBJECT: C.R.S CLASS: NUR 1 Obedience to God brings us _______ (a) hatred (b) blessing _______obey God (a) Abraham (b) Devil God created man in His own ____ (a) image (b) skin God is _____ [a] able [b] not able As Christian we must go to (a) church
Nursery 1 CLASS: NUR 1 SUBJECT: ENGLISH STUDIES CLASS: NUR 1 Simple sentences 1.What is this? It is a (a) Table cup tree 2.What are these? They are _________(a) baskets, balls apples ) 3.What is this? It is a ____________(a) House, bed man ) 4.What is this? (ball,
Nursery 1 SUBJECT: HEALTH HABIT CLASS: NUR 1 Living in dirty environment can cause illness (a) yes (b) No We sweep the bedroom with (a) broom (b) wiper We should bath _________daily (a) twice (b) once in a month We have _____states in Nigeria (a) 36 (b) 42 We should brush our teeth __daily
Nursery 1 Third Term Nursery School Suggested Notes and Scheme of work For Nursery 1 Age 1 to 3 years Third Term 3RD TERM EXAMINATION CLASS: Nursery I SUBJECT: MATHEMATICS CLASS: NUR 1 H T U H T U 8 4 3 0 5 7 +
Nursery 1 Third Term Nursery School Suggested Notes and Scheme of work For Nursery 1 Age 1 to 3 years Third Term 3RD TERM EXAMINATION CLASS: Nursery I SCHOOL:….. 3RD TERM EXAMINATION CLASS: Nursery I 3rd TERM EXAMINATION SUBJECT: SOCIAL HABIT CLASS: NUR 1 Answer
Nursery 1 Third Term Nursery School Suggested Notes and Scheme of work For Nursery 1 Age 1 to 3 years Third Term 3RD TERM EXAMINATION CLASS: Nursery I SCHOOL:….. 3RD TERM EXAMINATION CLASS: Nursery I SCHOOL:….. 3RD TERM EXAMINATION CLASS:
Nursery 1 Third Term Nursery School Suggested Notes and Scheme of work For Nursery 1 Age 1 to 3 years Third Term 3RD TERM EXAMINATION CLASS: Nursery I SUBJECT: Basic Science ______and ______are shaper objects a. corn and bean meat and fish c. blade and scissor ________can be found
Nursery 1 Third Term Nursery School Suggested Notes and Scheme of work For Nursery 1 Age 1 to 3 years Third Term SCHOOL:….. 3RD TERM EXAMINATION CLASS: Nursery I SUBJECT: Computer INSTRUCTION: Tick Yes or No 1. Computer is an electronic machine – Yes / No 2. Monitor looks