NAME: CLASS: PRIMARY 3 SUBJECT: Civic Education OBJECTIVES Instruction: Answer all the questions Civic education is taught in the _______________ (a) zoo (b) school (c) kitchen Civic Education is made
NAME: CLASS: PRIMARY 4 SUBJECT: Civic Education Instruction: Answer all the questions OBJECTIVES: __________ is not a major athnic group in Nigeria (a) Tiv (b) Hausa (c) Yoruba _____ is not a right attitude to cultural diversity. (a) ignorance (b) Tolerance (c) Co-operative __________ is an example of values (a) disobedience (b)
NAME: CLASS: Primary 1 SUBJECT: Civic Education Drug abuse can lead to ___________ (a) death (b) health (c) wealth ___________ means being truthful in words and action.(a) honesty (b) co-operation (c) self-reliance The love for one’s country and support for her is called __________(a) honesty (b) tolerance (c) patriotism
FIRST Examination malpractices may lead to a repeat of the subject or suspensions don’t be involved. SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION CLASS: JSS1 TIME: 2HRS Instruction : choose the correct option Good Values can be developed values
FIRST TERM EXAMINATION FOR JSS 2 EDU DELIGHT TUTORS FIRST TERM Examination malpractices may lead to a repeat of the subject or suspensions don’t be involved. Subject: CIVIC EDUCATION Duration: 1HR 30MINS Class: JSS 2 The willingness to work hard and give your energy and time to a job or activity is called (A) spiritual
FIRST Examination malpractices may lead to a repeat of the subject or suspensions don’t be involved. SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION TIME: 2HRS CLASS: JSS 3 Negative behavior simply means? (a) unjustifiable behaviors (b) social unacceptable behavior (c) social unpopular behavior (d) socially accepted behavior Census figure can be used for
FIRST TERM Examination malpractices may lead to a repeat of the subject or suspensions don’t be involved. SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION TIME: 2HRS CLASS: SS 3 All these are major consequences of human rights abuse except (a) Refusal of citizens to cooperate with leaders. (b) Violent protest by citizens (c) Increase in lawyers
Examination malpractices may lead to a repeat of the subject or suspensions don’t be involved. SUBJECT: C.R.S TIME: 2HRS CLASS: SS 2 According to Joseph’s interpretation to Pharaoh’s dream; the seven empty ears blighted by the east wind represented seven years of (a) Famine (b) Abundance (c) Farming (d) Harvest Moses was born at
FIRST TERM Examination malpractices may lead to a repeat of the subject or suspensions don’t be involved. SUBJECT: COMMERCE TIME: 2HRS CLASS: SS 2 OBJECTIVE A person who sells goods belonging to another person in his own name and receives commission is a. a. wholesaler b. retailer c. sole trader
FIRST TERM Examination malpractices may lead to a repeat of the subject or suspensions don’t be involved. SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION TIME: 2HRS CLASS: SS 2 An active citizen is known for all the except (a) Paying his tax (b)Wining laurels for the country (c) Partially obeying traffic laws (d) Displaying high level of patriotism