1st Term Exams French All Primary Classes

1st Term Examination

Subject: FRENCH Class: BASIC 1

Name: __________________________________ Time: 1 Hour

SECTION A: Objective

Instruction: Answer all questions in this section/: Respondez tout aux questions

Underline the correct meaning of the following greetings

  1. Comment cava is ………….. A. Good morning B. Good evening C. How are you
  2. Bon après – midi is ……. A. Good afternoon B. Good morning C. Good night
  3. Bonjour monsieur means ………A. Good morning Sir B. Good morning Ma C. Welcome sir
  4. Bonsoir is ………. A. Good morning B. Good night C. Good evening
  5. Bon – nuit is ………. A. Good night B. Good after noon C. Good evening
  6. Cava bien merci is …….. A. How are you B. Fine thank you C. Bye bye
  7. Aurevoir means ……… A. Good night B. Good evening C. Bye bye
  8. Levez – vous et saluer means ……… A. Sit down and wait B. Stand up and great C. Welldone
  9. Assez – vous means A. Stand up B. Sit down C. Come here
  10. Applaudis ez ………. A. Stand up B. Clap C. Sit down
  11. A pencil is ………. in French A. un crayon B. un stylo C. un tableau
  12. An eraser is ……….. A. un sac B. un regie C. une gomme
  13. A ruler is ………. A. une regle B. un sac C. un chaise
  14. A board is ……… A. un sac B. un tableau C. une regle
  15. A bag is ………. A. un crayon B. un sac C. une regle
  16. One is ………. A. deux B. un C. quatre
  17. Two is ……….. A. trois B. cinq C. deux
  18. Four is ……… A. quatre B. un C. deux
  19. Three is ……….. A. deux B. trois C. un
  20. Five is ………… A. quatre B. trios C. –cinq


Match the following objects with their name

  1. Un tableau
  2. Un livre
  3. Un crayon
  4. Une chaise


  1. Une regle

Match the following French number with English

1. Deux Nine


2. Cinq Eight

3. Dix Two


4. Neuf Ten


5. Huit Five

1st Term Examination

Subject: FRENCH Class: BASIC 2

Name: __________________________________ Time: 1 Hour

SECTION A: Objective

Instruction: Answer all questions in this section/: Respondez tout aux questions

  1. Une ecole mean ………. A. a house B. a school C. a church
  2. Une eglise is A. a church B. a market C. a school
  3. Un drapeau is …………. A. an aeroplane B. a flag C. an apple
  4. Un avion is …….. A. table B. a tree C. an aeroplane

Underline the correct French numbers from the following

5. Eleven is ………. A. trenze B. onze C. donze

6. Thirteen is ……… A. donze B. quinze C. trenze

7. Fifteen is …….. A. quinze B. seize C. quantomze

8. Twelve is ……… A. donze B. trenze C. quatoze

9. Fourteen is ……… A. quartoze B. quinze C. seize

10. Sixteen is ……… A. quinze B. seize C. donze


Underline the correct meaning of the following greeting

11. Bonjour is ……….. A. Good night B. Good evening C. Goodmorning

12. Bon- soir is ……… A. Good evening B. Good night C. Good morning

13. Bon nuit is ……….. A. Good day B. Good night C. Welcome

14. Au revoir is ……….. A. Good evening B. Good night C. bye bye

15. Bon après midi is ……………. A. Weldone B. Good afternoon C. Bye bye

16. A pencil is ………. A. une gomme B. une regle C. un crayon

17. A ruler is ………. A. une regle B. a book C. bag

18. A board is ………. A. une table B. un sac C. un tableau

19. A bag is ……… A. un sac B. un chiffon C. une regle

20. An eraser is ………. A. un crayon B. une gomme C. une regle



Write the following numbers in order

Figures words French
1 one un

1st Term Examination

Subject: FRENCH Class: BASIC 3

Name: __________________________________ Time: 1 Hour

SECTION A: Objective

Instruction: Answer all questions in this section/: Respondez tout aux questions

Soughlizer les vrai repondez – underline the correct answer from the following

  1. Bonjour madam means A. Good morning ma B. Good morning sir C. Good afternoon ma
  2. Bon – soir is …. A. Good afternoon B. Good morning C. Bye bye
  3. Mon- ami is ….. A. My enemy B. My mother C. My friend
  4. Bon nuit is ………. A. Good morning B. Good night C. Bye bye
  5. Je suis means …… A. I am B. You are C. They are
  6. Tu es means A. They are B. I am C. You are
  7. Elle est is ……. A. He is B. She is C. We are
  8. Je suis un garcon is ……….. A. They are boys B. I am a girl C. I am a boy
  9. Je suis une fille is ……….. A. I am a girl B. I am a baby C. I am a boy
  10. Je suis un professeur is ……… A. I am a pupil B. I am a teacher C. I am a boy


Write the following numbers in French and words

Figures Words French

Write the opposite of the following word

Words Opposite

1. Grand …………… Grosse / Petit

2. Gros …………… Mince / Petite

3. Vieux ……………. Neuf / Jeune

4. Garcon …………….. Femme / Fille

5. Gentil ……………. Mechant / Mince

1st Term Examination

Subject: FRENCH Class: BASIC 4

Name: __________________________________ Time: 1 Hour

SECTION A: Objective

Instruction: Answer all questions in this section/: Respondez tout aux questions

  1. Monsieur means ……… A. Miss B. Mr C. Mrs
  2. Mademoiselle is ……. A. Mrs B. Mr C. Miss
  3. Comment t’allez vous is ………. A. How are you B. Fine thank you C. What is your name
  4. Bon- soir is ………. A. Welcome B. Good evening C. Bye bye
  5. Bon nuit is …….. A. Good night B. Good morning C. Good evening
  6. Soyez le bien venue is ……… A. Weldone B. You are welcome C. Bye bye
  7. Nous sommes contents de vous voir A. You are happy B. We are dancing C. We are happy to see you
  8. Le premiere jour dans le semaine est ……….. A. dimarche B. lundi C. mardi
  9. Le deuxieme jour dan le semaine est ………….. A. samedi B. lundi C. mardi
  10. Le septieme jour dan le semaine est ………. A. samedi B. vendredi C. jeudi
  11. Le derniere jourdan le semaine est …………. A. dimanrche B. samedi C. mecredi
  12. Un boite is ………. A. a ruler B. a pencil C. a box
  13. Un drapeau is ………. A. a fleg B. a bag C. an eraser
  14. Une gomme is ……… A. a book B. a biro C. an eraser
  15. Un crayon is ……. A. a pencil B. a bag C. a basket


Write the following objects in the class in French

1. a bag ……………

2. a pencil ……………

Write in English

3. un panier ……………………

4. un tableau ……………………

5. un drapeau …………………….

Write the following sentences in English and underline the preposition

  1. La fille est devant a l’cole
  2. Le bebe est sur le lit
  3. Le professeur est devant la classe
  4. Le tableau est devant la classe
  5. Les eleves sont dans la classe

1st Term Examination

Subject: FRENCH Class: BASIC 5

Name: __________________________________ Time: 1 Hour

SECTION A: Objective

Instruction: Answer all questions in this section/: Respondez tout aux questions

  1. Bon voyage is ……… A. Welcome B. Safe journey C. Good morning
  2. Du courage is ………. A. Weldone B. Bye bye C. Good evening
  3. Comment t’appelle tu is ………. A. How old are you B. Are you fine C. What is your name
  4. Quel’age as tu is ………. A. How old are you B. What is your name C. How are you
  5. Comment s’appelle ton ecole A. What is the name of your father B. What is the name of your school C. Fine thank you and you
  6. Mon pere s’appelle monsieur ……….. is A. The name of my school is flor-peak B. The name of my mother is Mrs … C. The name of my father is Mr……
  7. J’ai dix ans is … A. I am nine years old B. I am ten years old C. I am two years old
  8. Mon ecole s’appelle flor-peak A. The name of my school is flor-peak B. The name of my street is flor-peak C. I am flor-peak
  9. Je pense avec ………. A. tete B. bouche C. pied
  10. Je vois avec ……….. A. pied B. yeux C. bouche
  11. Je sent avec ………. A. bounce B. cou C. nez
  12. J’ecoute avec ………. A. nez B. Oreille C. tete
  13. J’ecris avec la ……. A. peid B. cou C. main
  14. Shoulder is ………. A. peid B. paule C. doigts
  15. Mouth is ………. A. bounce B. cou C. tete


Write the following parts of the body in French

1. Head ……………… 4. Fingers ……………………………

2. Neck ………………. 5. Eyes ………………………………

3. Mouth ………………

Write the following colours in English

  1. Blanche ……………………. 4. Rouge ……………………..
  2. Noir ……………………. 5. Bleu ……………………
  3. Verte …………………….

Translate the name of the following animals to English

  1. Le chat ________________ 4. Le poisson ________________
  2. Le chien _________________ 5. Le coq ______________
  3. Le poule __________________