
Examination malpractices may lead to a repeat of the subject or suspensions don’t be involved.

SUBJECT: C.R.S                TIME: 2HRS  CLASS: JSS  3

  1. Prior to the day of Pentecost, members that constituted the early church were               (a) 120 (b) 1,200 (c) 3000 (d) 4000.
  2. On the day of Pentecost, the Apostles were filled with the Holy Spirit and they all (a) prophesied (b) spoke in tongues (c) baptized the converts (d) preached to the multitudes.
  3. ___________yet the most high does not dwell in houses made with hands_____”

Stephen statements means; God is (a) Omnipotent (b) Omnipresent (c) Alpha                    (d) Omega.   

  1. On the day of ascension, Jesus promised his disciples (a) peace in the kingdom of God (b) amazing grace (c) power of the Holy Ghost (d) His abiding physical presence.
  2. Saul was converted on his journey to (a) Samaria (b) Jerusalem (c) Salamis                        (d) Damascus.
  3. The descent of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost was prophesied by (a) Amos (b) Joel (c) David (d) Ezekiel.
  4. When Peter was in prison the church (a) appealed to the authorities (b) lived in fear (c) prayed ceaselessly (d) fought for his release. 
  5. Which of the following did not take place on the day of Pentecost? (a) Tongues of fire rested on each disciple’s head (b) The Holy Spirit said “Set apart Paul and Barnabas” (c) A mighty wind came from heaven. (d) Different tongues were spoken.
  6. The coming of the Holy Spirit on the Samaritan by the laying on of hands means that.(a) God is Wonderful (b) God is no respecter of races (c) God can give the Holy Spirit in different ways (d) the Holy Spirit is for all races.
  7. After the resurrection, Jesus made several appearances for a period of________before his Ascension. (a)40 days (b) 7 weeks (c) 4 weeks (d) 30 days 
  8. Jesus gave the apostles the _________to evangelize the whole world. (a) Great Commandment (b) Great Commission (c) order (d) Great Authority
  9. The promise of the Father was (a) baptism with water (b) baptism with water and the Holy Spirit (c) the coming of the Holy Spirit (d) the Great Commission.
  10. The feast of Pentecost was held _______________ weeks after the Passover.           (a) 14 (b) 7 (c) 12 (d)  6
  11. The feast of Pentecost was_________ festival. (a) a restoration (b) a tabernacle               (c) a moon (d) an agricultural.
  12. As the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles on the day of Pentecost they began to (a) heal the sick (b) speak in tongues (c) pray (d) preach
  13. On the day of Pentecost, Peter advised the crowd to (a) love one another as Jesus had loved them (b) refrain from eating meat sacrifice to idols (c) repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus (d) share whatever they had with one another.
  14. The coming down of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost shows that God never fails in His (a) love (b) mercy (c) Kindness (d) promise.
  15. The effect of the Holy Spirit on the apostles was that it (a) made them drunk                        (b) gave them strength and courage with the work of Jesus (c) made it possible for them to elect a successor to Judas.
  16. The healing of the cripple at the Beautiful Gate and the courageous death of Stephen showed the effect of the (a) Ministry of Jesus (b) ministry of the apostles (c) outpouring of the Holy Spirit (d) election of Matthias.
  17. When the cripple saw Peter and John enter the Temple he looked at them expecting them to (a) heal him (b) give him the Holy Spirit (c) pray for him (d) give him alms.
  18. The Holy Spirit descended on the apostles on the day of Pentecost. This was _________days after the Ascension of Jesus. (a) 10 (b)20 (c) 8 (d) 16
  19. The Upper Room where the apostles stayed, was the place where (a) Jesus was arrested (b) Peter betrayed Jesus (c) Jesus was tried (d) the last Supper took place.
  20. As the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles on the day of Pentecost they began to (a) heal the sick (b) speak in tongues (c) pray (d) preach
  21. The apostles saw something like  ________in the shape of tongues resting on each of them (a) stars (b) scales (c) flames (d) fighting
  22. When the Holy Spirit came upon the apostles they were filled with joy and                    (a) gladness (b) kindness (c) humility (d) courage
  23. To speak in ‘Other tongues’ means to (a)speak in different languages (b) acquire a second languages (c) be under the influence of the Holy Spirit (d)be under the influence of alcohol
  24. Those who have come to Jerusalem to celebrate the feast of Pentecost heard each of the apostles (a) preaching in the name of Jesus (b) proclaiming that Jesus was the Christ (c)preaching in his own language (d) telling them about the Holy Spirit
  25. The charge made against the apostles on the day of Pentecost was that they were (a) disciples of Jesus (b) preaching the resurrection from the dead (c) Galileans                 (d) drunk
  26. To explain the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. Peter quoted Prophet (a) Joel (b) Daniel (c) Isaiah (d) Ezekiel.
  27. In his speech on the day of Pentecost , Peter showed that the resurrection of Jesus from the dead had long been prophesied by (a) Joel (b) Isaiah (c) Jeremiah                       (d) David
  28. Peter proved that  the Pentecost was a fulfillment  of the  prophecy of  (a)Micah  (b) Hosea  (c) Amos  (d) Joel    (e) Isaiah
  29. Two  of  the  seven  deacons  who later  became  evangelists  were  (a) Stephen  and  Nicolaus  (b) Stephen  and  Nicanor  (c)  Stephen  and  Philip  (d) Philip  and  Nicolans  (e)Philip  and Nicanor
  30. The  vision  of  peter at  Joppa was meant to teach him  that  (a)  Jews were  superior  to  non-Jews  (b) there was no need  for  Gentiles  in the  church (c) Gentiles  and  Jews  had  nothing  in common  (d)  in  Christianity  here  is  no racial discrimination
  31. After  stephen’s  martyrdom  the  evangelist who took  the gospel to Samaria  was  (a) Peter (b) Philip  (c)  John  (d)Paul
  32. Peter and  John  were  arrested  for the  second  time  by the  Jewish  authorities because  they  (a)  healed the  lame-man  (b) preached  in the  name  of  Jesus  (c) performed many  signs  and  wonders  (d)abused  the  Sanhedrin  (e)  plotted against the council
  33. From his experience on the  road to  Damascus. Saul learnt all the  following  except that  (a) persecuting  the  church  meant persecuting the Lord (b) in  persecuting  the church  he  was kicking  against  the  pricks(c) his  confidence  in  Judaism  was  misplaced (d)he was specially chosen to preach to the  Gentiles
  34. The Apostles  were  encourage  to preach  by  (a)  the  reincarnation  of  saints  (b)  their  fellowship  and  togetherness  (c) the  indwelling  of  the  Holy  Spirit (d)  the  continued  physical  presence  of  Jesus €  the  serious  persecution  that  faced  them
  35. Which  of  the  following  did not  characterize  the  life  of  fellowship  led  by  the early church? (a) members  met  regularly  for  prayers and thanksgiving  (b) members devoted themselves  to the  apostles teaching  (c)  members  had  all things  in common  (d)  those who sold  their  possessions  kept part of  the  proceeds  to themselves    (e) members  shared  in the  problems  of one  another  
  36. Saul  could  be  said  to have  persecuted Jesus  Christ  by  (a)  mocking  Jesus  on the  day  of  pentecost  (b)  attacking  Jesus  for  disobeying  the  laws of  Moses  (c) opposing  the  Christians  on the  way  (d)  accusing  Stephen  (e) condemning  the  preaching  of  the  gospel
  37. Saul  was  a native  of  (a)  Paphos  (b) Jerusalem  (c)  Corinth  (d)  Galatia  (e)  Tarsus
  38. In the  act  of  the  Apostles  all the  following  were  the  characteristics of  communal  living  in the  early  church  except  (a)  sharing  of  goods  (b)  hiding  from  Jewish  arrest  (c)  praying  together  (d)  breaking  of bread  (e)  having  fellowship  together
  39. The  story  of  Ananias  and  Saphira  was  intended  to  engender  in he  early  church  the spirit  of  (a)  faithfulness  and love  (b)  tolerance  and  humidity  (c) honesty and  willingness  to sacrifice  (d)  contentment  and  leadership  (e)  self-reliance  and  obedience  
  40. The  first  Christian  Martyr  was (a)  James (b)  Stephen  (c)  John  (d)  Jesus Christ
  41. Stephen  died courageously  when  the  people   (a) hanged him  on the  cross (b)  stoned  him  to  death (c)  buried  him  alive  (d) lynched him
  42. What  united  all  the  different  members  of  the  early  church was their (a) Jewish descent   (b) patronage of  the  feast  of  Pentecost (c)  observance  of  law  of  Moses  (d)  common  faith  in Jesus Christ
  43. The story  fellowship  and  the  type  of  sharing  which  enabled  the early  Christians  to solve  their  problems  were the fruits  of  (a)  their  devotion  (b) their  joint efforts  (c)  super human  strength (d)  the  Holy  spirit
  44. The  coming  down  of  the  Holy  spirit on the day of  Pentecost  shows  that  God never fails in His (a)  love   (b)  mercy  (c)  kindness  (d) promise
  45. Stephen  was  inspired  by …..to preach and  argue successfully  with the opponents of Christianity.   (a) Peter  (b) Barnabas  (c)  the  Holy  Spirit  (d) Apostles
  46. To explain  the  outpouring  of the  Holy  Spirit  on the day  of  Pentecost Peter quoted the prophet (a) Joel   (b)  Daniel   (c)  Isaiah  (d) Ezekiel
  47. Paul  condemned  Christianity  because  he  (a)  hated  Jesus  Christ (b) hated  the  Apostles  (c)  was  a Pharisee  (d)  did  not  understand  it.



THEORY:  Answer two Questions

  1.       Explain why Jesus promised the Holy Spirit to the disciples.

(1b)        State the reactions of the on lookers.

  1. State three activities which the early church did together 

(2b)         State two reasons why the widows of Hellenlist murmured.

  1.       Give three reasons for the arrest of Peter and John
  1. What is Conflict?.




Examination malpractices may lead to a repeat of the subject or suspensions don’t be involved.

SUBJECT: C.R.S                TIME: 2HRS  CLASS: SS  2

  1. According to Joseph’s interpretation to Pharaoh’s dream; the seven empty ears blighted by the east wind represented seven years of (a) Famine (b) Abundance (c) Farming (d) Harvest
  2. Moses was born at a period when the Hebrews were (a) Suffering (b) Increasing (c) Backsliding (d) Rejoicing.
  3. __________ “Who is the Lord, that I should heed to his voice and let Israel go”?  After this statement, Pharaoh.  (a) Engaged Israel into forced labour with task masters (b) Ordered midwives to kill all males born to Israelites. (c) Asked Israelites to fetch their own straws to produce bricks (b) Decreed that Israelites’ males babies be drowned in the Nile
  1. The name Moses means (a) Baptized in water (b) Abandoned in water (c) Drawn out of water (d) Thrown into water.

5    After the departure of the Israelites God made Pharaoh pursue them in order to (a) Force Israel to return to Egypt (b) Hasten Israel’s journey through the wilderness (c) make Israel obey Moses (d) get glory over Pharaoh and his host

6    Deborah, a prophetess who was a judge in Israel was the wife of (a) Joshua                   (b) Abijah (c) Happidoth (d) Sisera.

7    Which of the following rivers flowed out of Eden to water its garden? River                  (a) Abana (b) Pharper (c) Pishon (d) Nile 

8    The wife of Moses was called (a) Rebecca (b) Rachael (c) Zipporah (d) Deborah.

9    When Joseph was sent to his brothers, he met them pasturing at (a) Hebron                 (b) Bethel (c) Beersheba (d) Dothan

10    How old was Joshua before he died? (a) 95 years (b) 98 years (c) 110 years               (d) 111 years.

11    What in the creation account, gave man an edge over every other creature?                (a) Other creatures were made for man (b) Man alone was created in the image of God (c) Man had the rare privilege to dwell in Eden (d) Satan acknowledge his privilege position

12    What, in the creation account, gave man an edge over creature? (a) Other creatures were made for man (b) man alone was created in the image of God                   (c) Man had rare privilege to dwell in the Eden (d) Satan acknowledge his privilege position.

13    At Shechem, God appeared to Abram and told him that _________ (a) he should continue on his journey southward (b) he should leave his country and kindred (c)the land would be given to his descendants (d) in the land he should build an altar 

14        The land, the sea and vegetation were created on the (a) first day (b) second day (c) third day (d) fifth day 

15        God blessed the seventh day and hallowed it because it marked the day that he ________ (a) complete his work of creation (b) handed over the earth to Adam (c) saw all his created work as perfect (d) rested from his work of creation 

16        which of the following was not part of the honour done to Joseph when pharaoh made him a ruler in Egypt? (a) Joseph was made to address the people (b) The land of Goshen was given to Joseph (c) Joseph was dressed In garments of the fine linen (d) A gold chain was put around Joseph’s neck  

17         What was Moses reaction when God called him to liberate his people from Egypt? (a)he was afraid of being punished for his previous offence (b) His people would think he was too young to lead them (c)His people would think he was too young to lead them (d)His father in- law would not allow him to go 

18        God provided water for the Israelites by asking Moses to strike the rock at the wilderness of (a) Rephidium (b) Sin (c) Massah (d) Paran 

19       God led the Israelites in the wilderness during the day in form of (a) fire (b) light                 (c) cloud (d) rainbow 

  1.       According to the first creation story the firmament was created before (a) animals and plants (b) living creatures (c) sea creatures (c) sea creatures (d) land, seas and vegetation.

                THEORY ANSWER THREE

  1. Narrate the story of Joseph in Canaan and indicate how he came to assume leadership role in Egypt 
  2. Give any two leadership qualities you find in Joseph.
  3. Describe the crossing of the red sea and God’s role in the episode
  4. What two lessons did Israel learn from their experience there?
  5. Outline the circumstance that led to the gift of the Manna and quails in the           wilderness 
  6.   What does this episode reveals of the nature of God?
  7.  Describe how Deborah led her people to victory 
  8.    Mention three ways by which women today are contributing towards national development.
  9. What is a covenant?
  10.  illustrate how God proved to Abraham that he would honour the covenant   


