Dietary deficiency diseases e.g. kwashiorkor, obesity, marasmus etc.

WEEK : 4 SUBJECT: FOOD AND NUTRITION CLASS: FOOD AND NUTRITION FOOD AND NUTRITION FOOD AND NUTRITION FOOD AND NUTRITION SS 1 TOPIC:  Dietary deficiency diseases. CONTENT:   (i)         Dietary deficiency disease e.g. Kwashiorkor, obesity,marasmus, etc.                         (ii)        Signs,symptoms and causes of deficiency disease. Sub-topic 1:        Dietary deficiency diseases. Deficiency disease are disease that result from

The Digestive system.

WEEK : 1 SUBJECT: FOOD AND NUTRITION TOPIC:  The Digestive system. CONTENT:   (i) Meaning of Digestion (ii) Definition of simple metabolic terms e.g. Enzymes absorption. (iii) Digestion and absorption of nutrients (Carbohydrates, proteins etc.) in the mouth and esophagus   Sub-topic 1:    MEANING OF DIGESTION Most of the food taken into the mouth requires some

Technical Drawing SS 2 First Term Lesson Notes

Weekly Brief: Technical Drawing – SS 2 First Term Week 1 & 2: Welcome Test & Special Curves (Loci) Topics Covered: Introduction to various loci such as Archimedean spiral and hyperbola. Construction of different loci. Practical applications of each loci. Plotting the loci of points on different link mechanisms. Activities: Brainstorming definitions and applications of


MARKETING                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      SS 2   FIRST TERM       WEEK 4 TOPIC FUNCTIONS OF DISTRIBUTION LEARNING OBJECTIVES Critically explain the functions of Distribution. LEARNING ACTIVITIES – Group discussions to highlight the functions. – Jots down points EMBEDDED CORE SKILLS Critical thinking and problem solving. – Collaboration and communication. -Digital literac LEARNING RESOURCES Video link


MARKETING                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      SS 2   FIRST TERM     WEEK 3 TOPIC CHANNELS OF DISTRIBUTION LEARNING OBJECTIVES Identify the different channels of distribution. – Draw the channels of distribution. LEARNING ACTIVITIES Role play – Note and draw a chart. EMBEDDED CORE SKILLS Critical thinking and problem solving. – Collaboration and communication. -Creativity and innovation. -Digital


MARKETING                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      SS 2   FIRST TERM   WEEK 1 & 2   TOPIC WELCOME TEST/ DISTRIBUTION TYPES OF DISTRIBUTION   LEARNING OBJECTIVES Students should be able to: – Explain the term Distribution. – List types of Distribution.   LEARNING ACTIVITIES Presents their views on distribution. -Ask and answer questions. – write down points. EMBEDDED


MARKETING                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      SS 2   FIRST TERM   WEEK 1   TOPIC WELCOME TEST/ DISTRIBUTION   LEARNING OBJECTIVES Students should be able to: – Explain the term Distribution. – List types of Distribution.   LEARNING ACTIVITIES Presents their views on distribution. -Ask and answer questions. – write down points. EMBEDDED CORE SKILLS Critical thinking and

Second Term SSS 1 Yoruba

  SECOND TERM E-NOTE SUBJECT; YORUBA.                                                                     CLASS-; SS1 ILANA ISE OSOOSE FUN SAA KEJI Ose  kinni- Ede-Atunyewo awon isori oro oro aropo oruko oro aropo afarajoruko oro atokun oro asopo oro-ise Asa- Oge sise Litireso-Itupale asayan iwe litireso   Ose keji  Ede- Awon isori gbolohun gege bi ihun won. Asa-  Oge sise Aso wiwo