Primary 5

Primary 5 Second Term Lesson Notes English Studies

English Grammar Primary 5 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 1 Structure : Abbreviations and Acronyms  Structure : Review of reported speech or indirect speech  Comprehensive and Vocabulary development : Reading to understand  Writing : letter writing, Responding to a formal invitation eg wedding, chieftaincy etc Dictation for the week      Week 2 Speech Work

Comprehension and Vocabulary development

Subject : English Grammar Class : Primary 5 Term : Second Term Week : Week 1 Topic : Reading to the comprehend Learning Objectives :By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to : Identify the topic sentence in each paragraph Establish the relationship between the topic sentence and the main idea in

Review of Reported Speech (Command)

Subject : English Grammar Class : Primary 5 Term : Second Term Week : Week 1 Topic : Review of Reported Speech Learning Objectives :By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to : Mention the rules guiding the reported speech Form command sentences Demonstrate the use of direct and indirect command in

Abbreviation and Acronyms Primary 5 English Grammar

Subject : English Grammar Class : Primary 5 Term : Second Term Week : Week 1 Topic : Abbreviations and Acronyms Learning Objectives :By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to : Identify the features of abbreviated forms of words Differentiate between Abbreviations and Acronyms Apply standard English conventions in Abbreviations of

Social Studies Primary 5 Second Term Lesson Notes

  Edu Delight Tutors Online Training Scheme Notes and Other Resources  Second Term               Primary 5 Social Studies Second Term   Primary 5 Social Studies Second Term Primary 5 Social Studies Second Term Week 1 Leadership   Primary 5 Social Studies Second Term Week 2 Organization and cooperation  

Revision Social Studies Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 12

Social Studies Primary 5 Week 12 Revision Subject: Social Studies Class: Primary 5 Term: First Term Week: 12 Age: 10 years Revision Topics: Other members of the family and their roles Unity in cultural diversity Process of changing culture Marriage customs and practices Roles played by families Responsible parenthood Problems of parenthood (STDs/STIs/AIDS) Traditional and


THIRD TERM PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATION  CLASS: PRIMARY FIVE SUBJECT: FRENCH NAME:……………………………………………………… Text comprehension Mon école   Mon école s‘appeleIslandBuildersBaptist.c’est une école mixte. Elle estsur 15, tapa obalendedansl’etat de Lagos.  C’est une grande écoleavec cinq cents eleves, vingt salles de classe ttrente professeurs qualifiés. Il y a des belles fleurs a l’entrée . La directrice s’appele Madame Bode


THIRD TERM PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATION   CLASS: PRIMARY 5 SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION NAME:………………………………… …   _____ are things a citizen is expected to do for the government. (a) protest  (b) disagree (c) duties and obligation All these are duties and obligation of citizens except ______ (a) paying taxes (b) voting during election (c) destroying government properties A


THIRD TERM PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATION 2021 / 2022 CLASS: PRIMARY 5 SUBJECT: HOME ECONOMICS NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… The cooking of food in a pot with enough water is ______ (a) frying  (b) boiling (c) smoking  Moimoi can be cooked by _____ (a) frying (b) steaming (c) roasting  A place where food is prepared is the ______ (a) verandah