Category: Primary 5

Post Harvesting Activities, Sorting, grading, and storage Agricultural Science Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 8

Week: Week 5 Date: [Specify the date] Class: Primary 5 Subject: Agricultural Science Topic: Post Harvesting Activities: Meaning, Examples, and Importance Sub-topic: Understanding Sorting, Grading, and Storage Duration: 45 minutes Key Vocabulary: Post Harvesting Activities Sorting Grading Storage Preservation Freshness Quality Waste Set Induction: Begin the lesson by showing two pictures: one of a freshly

Types of Visual Based Programming Languages Computer Studies ICT Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 8

Week: Week 8 Date: [Specify the date] Class: Primary 5 Subject: Computer Studies (ICT) Topic: Types of Visual Based Programming Languages Sub-topic: Introduction to Visual Based Programming Duration: 45 minutes Key Vocabulary: Visual Based Programming Languages Scratch Blockly Tynker MIT App Inventor LEGO Mindstorms Roblox Studio GameMaker Studio Set Induction: Begin the lesson by showing

Ratio Mathematics Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 8

Subject: Mathematics Class: Primary 5 Term: First Term Week: 8 Topic: Solving Real Life Problems on Ratios Sub-topic: Applying Ratios in Practical Scenarios Duration: 45 minutes Previous Knowledge: Students should have a basic understanding of what ratios are and how to write ratios. Set Induction: Begin the lesson by asking students to think about their

Simple Serving Tools Home Economics Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 8

  Subject: Home Economics Grade: Primary 5 Week: 8 Topic: Simple Serving Tools Objectives: Understand the purpose of various serving tools. Learn how to use these tools for serving different types of food. Promote proper table etiquette. Materials: Visual aids (pictures of serving tools) Real or replica serving tools for demonstration Introduction: Begin the class

Reading on Education Such as Moral, Value etc Comprehension English Grammar Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 8

Class: Primary 5 Subject: English Grammar Topic: Reading on Education (Moral, Value, etc.) Comprehension Sub-topic: Understanding the Importance of Moral Education Duration: 40 minutes Term: First Term Week: 8 Previous Knowledge: Students have been introduced to the concept of moral education and values. Set Induction: Begin the lesson by asking the students if they have

Making Reported Commands and Reported Questions English Grammar Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 8

Class: Primary 5 Subject: English Grammar Topic: Making Reported Commands and Reported Questions Sub-topic: Understanding and Converting Commands and Questions Duration: 45 minutes Term: First Term Week: 8 Previous Knowledge: Students have basic knowledge of direct and reported speech. Set Induction: Begin by asking the students if they have ever received instructions or commands from
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