English Grammar

Dangers of Wrong Use of Pesticides

Subject:  English Studies    Class: Basic 2 / Primary 2 / Year 2   Term: Second Term / 2nd Term   Week: Week 2 & 3   Topic: WEEK 2 & 3 TOPICS   I. Vocabulary building reading Oral and written comprehension   II. Oral and written comprehension   iii. Grammar selected sentences from various

Revision of Pry 2 First Term English

Subject:  English Studies    Class: Basic 2 / Primary 2 / Year 2   Term: Second Term / 2nd Term   Week: Week 1   Topic: WEEK 1 TOPICS i.Revision of first term work. ii. Oral and written comprehension. iii.Revision of first term’s work. iv. Structure- Revision of first term’s work     Previous Knowledge:

Present Tense and Past Tense

Subject:  English Studies    Class: Basic 2 / Primary 2 / Year 2   Term: First Term / 1st Term   Week: Week 7   Topic:   i. Vocabulary Building Teaching of the new words and reading   ii. Oral and written comprehension   iii. Grammar Provide simple passage on drug abuse. identification of key

Reading of different kinds of book fluently.

Subject:  English Studies    Class: Basic 2 / Primary 2 / Year 2   Term: First Term / 1st Term   Week: Week 6   Topic:   i. Vocabulary building Teaching of the new words and meaning ii. Oral and written comprehension. iii. Structure Identification with emphasis on the articles a and an.   iv.

Picture reading-charts, wall reading in the classroom.

Subject:  English Studies    Class: Basic 2 / Primary 2 / Year 2   Term: First Term / 1st Term   Week: Week 5   Topic: i. Teaching of the new words and reading. ii. Oral and written comprehension. iii. Differentiates between words in each pair. iv. Production of consonant sound and words. V. Picture

Vocabulary Building reading. Teaching of the new words and reading 

Subject:  English Studies    Class: Basic 2 / Primary 2 / Year 2   Term: First Term / 1st Term   Week: Week 4   Topic: i.) Vocabulary Building reading. Teaching of the new words and reading II) Oral and written comprehension iii.) Phonic- Pronounce consonants sounds in isolation iv) Picture reading of the classroom

Using songs and rhymes to identify sounds.

Subject:  English Studies    Class: Basic 2 / Primary 2 / Year 2   Term: First Term / 1st Term   Week: Week 3   Topic: i. Teaching of the new words and meaning. ii. Oral and written comprehension on passage read. iii) Using songs and rhymes to identify sounds. iv) Learning simple commands at