Category: Agricultural Science Primary 2

Harmful Insects.

  Class: Basic 2. Subject : Agricultural/Science. Topic : Harmful Insects.   Content: Harmful Insects are Insects that are known to be destroying. crop plant. When harmful Insects reduce the leaf area of plant, the food production is reduced. Examples of harmful Insects are : Tsetsefly, Mosquito, Grasshopper, Caterpillar, Termite, Housefly and Weevil. Harmful Insects

Definition of Tuber Crops

    Class : Basic 2 Subject : Agricultural Science Topic : Definition of Tuber Crops.   Content : Tuber Crops are crops that are rich in carbohydrate. They are noted for supplying energy to the body when eaten Examples of Tuber Crops are : Yam, cassava, sweet potato, lrish potato. The most popular tuber

Ornamental plants

  Class : Basic 2 Subject : Agricultural/Science Topic : Ornamental plants.   Content : Ornamental plants are flowering plants which are planted by farmers mainly for beautification. Ornamental plants may be used in road decoration and may also be used in making perfumes.   Ornamental plants are firstly planted or raised in a nursery.


SECOND TERM EXAMINATION 2020 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… 1.) ___________ is a sweet liquid that is produced by flowers (a) cream (b) milk (c) nectar 2.) Bees helps farmers to produce __________ (a) food (b) honey (c) salt 3.) __________ are also useful to farmers (a) housefly (b) tsetse fly (c) butterfly

Agricultural Science Primary 2 Second Term Examination

SECOND TERM EXAMINATION 2019 CLASS: PRIMARY 2                                             SUBJECT: AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE   NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… 1.)   Farm insects are insects found in the _________ (a) house (b) farm (c) poultry 2.)   Bees helps farmers to produce __________ (a) sugar (b) food (c) honey 3.)   A place where bee live is called _________ (a) pen (b) hive (c) garden
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