CLASS: Nursery 1 SUBJECT:: Number Readiness TOPIC: Colours and their spellings Home -work Re- write the names of the following at primary school colours. B l u e R e d Green Yellow Colours and their spellings
Class: k g 2 Subject: Number Readiness Topic: Counting of figure 1__50 and count and write the correct figure in the box. 1….2….3….4…..5………6……..7…….8…….9……10 11… 12…13…14….15…..16….17…..18…..19….20
SECOND TERM EXAMINATION 2020 CLASS: K. G. 1 SUBJECT: CONVERSATION NAME:………………………………………………………………………………… 1.) Is it good to greet daddy and mummy? 2.) What is your name? 3.) What class are you? 4.) Does mummy take good care of us at home (a) Yes (b) No 5.) Mention some things mummy