Understanding Sharp Objects for Kids
Lesson Plan: Understanding Sharp Objects
Subject: Basic Science
Class: Nursery 2
Term: First Term
Week: 5
Topic: Sharp Objects
Sub-topic: Understanding Sharp Objects
Duration: 40 minutes
Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
- Explain the meaning of sharp objects.
- State some examples of sharp objects.
- Give reasons why it’s not good to play with sharp objects.
Key Words: Sharp, scissors, knife, needle, broken glass, dangerous, safe.
Entry Behaviour: The teacher will ask pupils if they have ever seen or used a pair of scissors or if they know what a knife is used for.
Learning Resources and Materials:
- Pictures of sharp objects
- Real examples (scissors, knife, needle – handled by the teacher only)
- Flashcards with sharp object names
- Toy knife and toy scissors for demonstration
Reference Books:
- Lagos State Scheme of Work
- Basic Science textbooks for Nursery 2
Building Background / Connection to Prior Knowledge: The teacher will remind the pupils about the previous lesson on soil and how we need to handle garden tools carefully to avoid injuries. The teacher will link this to how sharp objects need to be handled carefully too.
Embedded Core Skills:
- Observation: Pupils will observe pictures and real examples of sharp objects.
- Communication: Pupils will discuss what they know about sharp objects.
- Critical Thinking: Pupils will think about why sharp objects can be dangerous.
Instructional Materials:
- Pictures of sharp objects
- Flashcards with sharp object names
- Real examples (handled by the teacher)
- Toy knife and scissors for safe demonstration
i) What are Sharp Objects?
- Sharp objects have edges or points that can cut or poke.✂️
ii) Examples of Sharp Objects:
- Scissors: Used for cutting paper.
- Knives: Used in the kitchen for cutting food.🔪
- Needles: Used for sewing clothes.
- Broken Glass: Found on the ground when something made of glass breaks.
iii) Why It’s Not Good to Play with Sharp Objects:
- Can Cause Injuries: Sharp objects can cut your skin and make you bleed.
- Dangerous: Playing with sharp objects can hurt you or others.
- Need Adult Supervision: Only adults should use sharp objects safely.
- Scissors: We use them to cut paper, but they can cut our fingers too.✂️
- Knives: Help to cut food but can also cause bad cuts.🔪
Safety Tip:
- Always ask an adult for help when you need to use a sharp object.
Step 1: Revision
- The teacher revises the previous topic on soil and the importance of handling garden tools safely.
Step 2: Introduction
- The teacher introduces the new topic: sharp objects.
- Explain that sharp objects have edges or points that can cut or poke.
Step 3: Interactive Session
- Discussion: The teacher shows pictures and real examples of sharp objects (handled by the teacher) and asks pupils what they see.
- Demonstration: The teacher uses toy knife and scissors to show how we use sharp objects carefully.
Teacher’s Activities:
- Show pictures and real examples of sharp objects.
- Explain why sharp objects are dangerous.
- Demonstrate with toy tools how to handle sharp objects safely.
Learners’ Activities:
- Observe pictures and examples.
- Participate in the discussion about sharp objects.
- Listen to the teacher’s explanations and ask questions.
The Soil Basic Science Nursery 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 4
The teacher will assess pupils’ understanding by asking:
- Question: What are sharp objects? Answer: Sharp objects have edges or points that can cut or poke.
- Question: Can you name a sharp object used for cutting paper? Answer: Scissors.
- Question: What sharp object do we use in the kitchen to cut food? Answer: Knives.
- Question: What is a needle used for? Answer: Needles are used for sewing clothes.
- Question: Why should we be careful with broken glass? Answer: Broken glass can cut and hurt us.
- Question: Is it safe to play with sharp objects? Answer: No, it is dangerous to play with sharp objects.
- Question: What can happen if we play with sharp objects? Answer: We can get injuries or cuts.
- Question: Who should use sharp objects? Answer: Only adults should use sharp objects safely.
- Question: What should you do if you need to use a sharp object? Answer: Ask an adult for help.
- Question: How can sharp objects affect our skin? Answer: Sharp objects can cut our skin and make us bleed.
- Question: Can sharp objects be fun to play with? Answer: No, they are not safe for playing.
- Question: What should we do with sharp objects when we see them? Answer: Do not touch them and tell an adult.
- Question: Why do we need to handle sharp objects with care? Answer: To avoid getting hurt.
- Question: Can sharp objects cause serious injuries? Answer: Yes, they can cause serious injuries.
- Question: What is the best way to stay safe around sharp objects? Answer: Always ask an adult for help and never play with them.
Evaluation Questions:
- What is a sharp object?
- Can you name a sharp object used for cutting paper?
- What do we use in the kitchen to cut food?
- What is a needle used for?
- Why should we be careful with broken glass?
- Is it safe to play with sharp objects?
- What can happen if we play with sharp objects?
- Who should use sharp objects?
- What should you do if you need to use a sharp object?
- How can sharp objects affect our skin?
Objective Questions
- Sharp objects have edges or points that can __________. a) Cut
b) Bend
c) Break
d) Bounce
- __________ are used for cutting paper. a) Pens
b) Scissors
c) Crayons
d) Books
- Knives are used in the __________ for cutting food. a) Garden
b) Kitchen
c) Bedroom
d) Living room
- Needles are used for __________ clothes. a) Drawing
b) Washing
c) Sewing
d) Wearing
- __________ can be found on the ground when something made of glass breaks. a) Scissors
b) Broken glass
c) Paper
d) Toys
- Playing with sharp objects can cause __________. a) Fun
b) Injuries
c) Laughter
d) Dancing
- Only __________ should use sharp objects safely. a) Children
b) Adults
c) Animals
d) Robots
- Sharp objects can cut your __________ and make you bleed. a) Shoes
b) Clothes
c) Skin
d) Hair
- It is __________ to play with sharp objects. a) Safe
b) Dangerous
c) Fun
d) Easy
- We should always ask an __________ for help when using a sharp object. a) Animal
b) Adult
c) Toy
d) Plant
- Scissors can cut __________. a) Food
b) Paper
c) Music
d) Air
- Knives can cause bad __________ if not used safely. a) Cuts
b) Jokes
c) Songs
d) Games
- Needles are sharp objects used for __________. a) Eating
b) Sewing
c) Painting
d) Writing
- Broken glass can __________ you if you touch it. a) Hug
b) Cut
c) Wash
d) Sing
- Sharp objects need to be handled with __________. a) Care
b) Speed
c) Noise
d) Anger
The teacher will go around to mark pupils’ work and ensure they understand the lesson. The teacher will encourage pupils to always ask an adult for help when they need to use a sharp object and never play with them.
The Soil Basic Science Nursery 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 4
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