Second Term Revision and Readiness Test Physical and Health Education Primary 1 Lesson Notes Week 1

Lesson Notes: Physical and Health Education – Primary 1 – Second Term – Week 1


Introduce basic physical and health concepts to enhance overall well-being.

Introduction to Physical Activity:

Discuss the importance of regular physical activity for a healthy body.
Engage students in simple exercises like stretching and hopping.
Healthy Eating Habits:

Teach the importance of eating fruits and vegetables for strong bodies.
Discuss the concept of a balanced diet using simple examples.
Personal Hygiene:

Emphasize the significance of keeping oneself clean.
Teach basic personal hygiene practices like washing hands and brushing teeth.
Safety Awareness:

Introduce the concept of safety during physical activities and play.
Teach simple safety rules, such as looking both ways before crossing the road.
Team Building Games:

Engage students in simple team games to promote cooperation and social skills.
Emphasize the value of teamwork and good sportsmanship.

Physical Exercise Session: Conduct a short exercise routine, involving movements like jumping jacks and arm circles.
Healthy Snack Time: Share healthy snacks like fruits during a break, discussing their nutritional benefits.
Hygiene Demonstration: Demonstrate proper handwashing and toothbrushing techniques using visuals.
Safety Drill: Practice basic safety drills through role-playing scenarios.
Team Building Games: Organize simple games that encourage teamwork, such as passing a ball in a circle.

Observation: Assess students’ participation in physical activities and their understanding of basic health concepts.
Discussion: Ask questions to gauge comprehension during class discussions on healthy habits.

Family Health Poster: Assign students to create a poster at home showing healthy habits learned in class.
Note to Teachers: Encourage a positive and inclusive learning environment. Keep instructions simple, and use visual aids to reinforce concepts. Regularly reinforce the importance of health and physical well-being in everyday life.

Physical and Health Education – Fill-in-the-Blank Questions

  1. Regular ____________ is important for a healthy body.
    • a) Sleeping
    • b) Eating
    • c) Physical activity
    • d) Studying
  2. __________ and vegetables are essential for strong bodies.
    • a) Sweets
    • b) Junk food
    • c) Fruits
    • d) Chips
  3. Personal ____________ includes washing hands and brushing teeth.
    • a) Hygiene
    • b) Cleaning
    • c) Cooking
    • d) Reading
  4. Look both ways before ____________ the road.
    • a) Crossing
    • b) Jumping
    • c) Running
    • d) Climbing
  5. In team games, it’s important to practice good ____________.
    • a) Manners
    • b) Sportsmanship
    • c) Silence
    • d) Competition
  6. A balanced diet includes a mix of ____________ food groups.
    • a) One
    • b) Two
    • c) Three
    • d) Four
  7. During physical activities, always follow ____________ rules.
    • a) School
    • b) Safety
    • c) Homework
    • d) Game
  8. ____________ is a simple exercise to stretch your body.
    • a) Jumping
    • b) Sleeping
    • c) Reading
    • d) Stretching
  9. Eating too many ____________ is not good for your health.
    • a) Vegetables
    • b) Fruits
    • c) Sweets
    • d) Water
  10. We should always keep ourselves ____________.
    • a) Dirty
    • b) Tired
    • c) Clean
    • d) Hungry
  11. __________ is crucial for a healthy mind and body.
    • a) Watching TV
    • b) Playing video games
    • c) Physical activity
    • d) Eating junk food
  12. Team building games help us learn the value of ____________.
    • a) Independence
    • b) Teamwork
    • c) Competition
    • d) Solitude
  13. We should eat a variety of foods from different ____________.
    • a) Colors
    • b) Restaurants
    • c) Countries
    • d) Food groups
  14. __________ is an example of a safety rule during play.
    • a) Running indoors
    • b) Looking both ways
    • c) Shouting loudly
    • d) Ignoring others
  15. Brushing teeth and washing hands are part of our ____________.
    • a) Playtime
    • b) Safety drills
    • c) Personal hygiene
    • d) Team building


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