Vocabulary New Words English Grammar Primary 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 6

Subject: English Grammar

Topic: Vocabulary – New Words

Duration: 60 minutes

Period: First term,

Week 6

Reference Books:

  1. Primary 1 English Grammar textbook
  2. Workbook for Primary 1 English Grammar

Instructional Materials:

  • Flashcards with new words
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Pencils and notebooks

Learning Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Recognize and understand new words introduced in the lesson.
  2. Use these new words in simple sentences.
  3. Enhance their vocabulary and comprehension skills.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Vocabulary development
  • Reading comprehension
  • Writing skills


Words for Vocabulary Development English Language Primary 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 6

  1. Ball
  2. Apple
  3. Car
  4. Umbrella
  5. Book
  6. Elephant
  7. Pencil
  8. Orange
  9. Cat
  10. Igloo
  11. Hat
  12. Airplane
  13. Cup
  14. Egg
  15. Dog
  16. Island
  17. Flower
  18. Hour
  19. Kite
  20. Octopus

How to spell and pronounce the words above for grade 1 pupils:

  1. Ball – To spell it, say B-A-L-L. To pronounce it, say “bawl.”
  2. Apple – To spell it, say A-P-P-L-E. To pronounce it, say “ap-ul.”
  3. Car – To spell it, say C-A-R. To pronounce it, say “kar.”
  4. Umbrella – To spell it, say U-M-B-R-E-L-L-A. To pronounce it, say “um-brel-uh.”
  5. Book – To spell it, say B-O-O-K. To pronounce it, say “book.”
  6. Elephant – To spell it, say E-L-E-P-H-A-N-T. To pronounce it, say “el-uh-fuhnt.”
  7. Pencil – To spell it, say P-E-N-C-I-L. To pronounce it, say “pen-sil.”
  8. Orange – To spell it, say O-R-A-N-G-E. To pronounce it, say “or-anj.”
  9. Cat – To spell it, say C-A-T. To pronounce it, say “kat.”
  10. Igloo – To spell it, say I-G-L-O-O. To pronounce it, say “ig-loo.”
  11. Hat – To spell it, say H-A-T. To pronounce it, say “hat.”
  12. Airplane – To spell it, say A-I-R-P-L-A-N-E. To pronounce it, say “air-pleyn.”
  13. Cup – To spell it, say C-U-P. To pronounce it, say “kup.”
  14. Egg – To spell it, say E-G-G. To pronounce it, say “eg.”
  15. Dog – To spell it, say D-O-G. To pronounce it, say “dog.”
  16. Island – To spell it, say I-S-L-A-N-D. To pronounce it, say “eye-land.”
  17. Flower – To spell it, say F-L-O-W-E-R. To pronounce it, say “fl-ow-er.”
  18. Hour – To spell it, say H-O-U-R. To pronounce it, say “ow-er.”
  19. Kite – To spell it, say K-I-T-E. To pronounce it, say “k-ayt.”
  20. Octopus – To spell it, say O-C-T-O-P-U-S. To pronounce it, say “ok-tuh-puhs.”

Remember, spelling and pronunciation can be fun to learn! Practice saying and writing these words to become even better at them. 😊📚🗣

Dictionary Meaning of these words 

  1. Ball – A ball is a round object that you can play with. It can bounce or be thrown.
  2. Apple – An apple is a type of fruit. It’s usually red, green, or yellow, and you can eat it.
  3. Car – A car is a machine with wheels that people use for traveling on roads. It helps you get from one place to another.
  4. Umbrella – An umbrella is a tool you can hold over your head to stay dry when it rains. It has a handle and opens up to cover you.
  5. Book – A book is a collection of pages with words and pictures. You can read it to learn new things or enjoy a story.
  6. Elephant – An elephant is a very big and strong animal with a long trunk. It’s often found in places like Africa and Asia.
  7. Pencil – A pencil is a writing tool made of wood with a thin, black part called the “lead.” You use it to write or draw.
  8. Orange – An orange is a round fruit that’s usually orange (the color!). It’s juicy and sweet when you eat it.
  9. Cat – A cat is a small furry animal that people often keep as a pet. Cats like to purr and play.
  10. Igloo – An igloo is a house made of ice and snow. People in very cold places, like the Arctic, use it to stay warm.
  11. Hat – A hat is something you wear on your head. It can keep your head warm or protect you from the sun.
  12. Airplane – An airplane is a big machine with wings that flies in the sky. It’s how people travel long distances.
  13. Cup – A cup is a small container you use for drinking. You can put water, juice, or other drinks in it.
  14. Egg – An egg is something that comes from birds. You can eat it, and it’s often used in cooking.
  15. Dog – A dog is a friendly animal that people often keep as a pet. Dogs come in many shapes and sizes.
  16. Island – An island is a piece of land surrounded by water. It’s like a small piece of land in the middle of the sea or a river.
  17. Flower – A flower is a beautiful part of a plant. It’s often colorful and smells nice. People like to put flowers in gardens.
  18. Hour – An hour is a unit of time. It’s 60 minutes long, and it helps us measure how long things take.
  19. Kite – A kite is a toy that you can fly in the sky. It’s usually made of paper and has a long tail.
  20. Octopus – An octopus is a sea creature with eight long arms. It lives in the ocean and is known for being very smart.

These explanations should help grade 1 pupils understand the basic meanings of these words


  1. Ball: I kick the ball.
  2. Apple: I like to eat apples.
  3. Car: The red car is fast.
  4. Umbrella: I use an umbrella when it rains.
  5. Book: I read a book before bed.
  6. Elephant: The elephant is big.
  7. Pencil: I draw with a pencil.
  8. Orange: Oranges are tasty.
  9. Cat: My cat purrs softly.
  10. Igloo: Penguins live in an igloo.
  11. Hat: I wear a hat on sunny days.
  12. Airplane: I fly in an airplane.
  13. Cup: I drink milk from a cup.
  14. Egg: I like eggs for breakfast.
  15. Dog: My dog barks happily.
  16. Island: We explore an island.
  17. Flower: Flowers are colorful.
  18. Hour: An hour is 60 minutes.
  19. Kite: I fly a kite in the park.
  20. Octopus: An octopus has eight arms.

These sentences show how to use the words in simple sentences. You can make your own sentences using these words too! 😊📚📝

  1. I like to eat __________. a) car b) book c) apple d) dog
  2. We use an __________ when it rains. a) umbrella b) elephant c) kite d) flower
  3. I draw with a __________. a) car b) kite c) pencil d) island
  4. __________ are colorful and beautiful. a) Octopuses b) Elephants c) Flowers d) Apples
  5. Penguins live in an __________. a) hat b) igloo c) book d) hour
  6. My __________ barks happily. a) car b) dog c) ball d) cup
  7. An __________ has eight arms. a) elephant b) octopus c) orange d) island
  8. I fly a __________ in the park. a) pencil b) flower c) kite d) umbrella
  9. I kick the __________. a) apple b) ball c) book d) dog
  10. Oranges are __________. a) tasty b) red c) big d) fast
  11. The __________ is big. a) hat b) book c) elephant d) cup
  12. I read a __________ before bed. a) cat b) hour c) ball d) book
  13. The red __________ is fast. a) apple b) car c) flower d) island
  14. I drink milk from a __________. a) orange b) dog c) cup d) igloo
  15. We explore an __________. a) octopus b) hat c) island d) pencil

Introduction (10 minutes):

  • Begin by asking students if they know what “vocabulary” means. Explain that vocabulary is a collection of words that we use to communicate.
  • Show flashcards with new words for the day and ask if anyone knows these words.

Main Activity (30 minutes):

  • Present each new word one by one, pronounce it clearly, and provide a simple definition or example sentence.
  • Encourage students to repeat the word and sentence after you.
  • Write each new word and its definition on the whiteboard.
  • Ask students to come up with their own sentences using these words.

Practice (10 minutes):

  • Distribute notebooks and pencils.
  • Have students write down the new words and try to use each one in a sentence.
  • Walk around the classroom to offer assistance.

Conclusion (5 minutes):

  • Review the new words and sentences as a class.
  • Praise students for their efforts in learning new words.
  • Assign homework: Write a short story or paragraph using as many new words as possible.

Presentation: The teacher will use flashcards, the whiteboard, and interactive exercises to introduce and explain new words.

Teacher’s Activities: The teacher will:

  • Introduce new words and provide definitions.
  • Encourage students to use these words in sentences.
  • Monitor and assist during practice.

Learners’ Activities: Students will:

  • Listen to new words and their definitions.
  • Repeat words and sentences.
  • Write sentences using new words.


  • Active participation in repeating, defining, and using new words.
  • Review of homework assignments to check vocabulary usage.


  • Teacher observation of students’ participation and comprehension.
  • Review of students’ written sentences and homework.

Conclusion: This lesson focused on introducing and expanding students’ vocabulary by teaching them new words and encouraging their use in sentences
