Primary 1 History First Term

Sure, here are 15 fill-in-the-blank questions for Primary 1 pupils on the topics of “Meaning of History,” “Community,” and “Meaning of Family”:

1. History is the ________ of the past.
a) future
b) present
c) story
d) game

2. A ________ is a group of people who live in the same area.
a) family
b) team
c) community
d) park

3. Our ________ helps us and loves us.
a) teacher
b) friend
c) family
d) pet

4. ________ is about the things that happened a long time ago.
a) Science
b) History
c) Math
d) Music

5. In our ________, we have neighbors and friends.
a) school
b) community
c) playground
d) library

6. My mom, dad, and I make up my ________.
a) team
b) family
c) class
d) zoo

7. Learning about the past is like reading a ________.
a) book
b) map
c) game
d) song

8. We take care of our ________ by keeping it clean.
a) toys
b) community
c) ice cream
d) backpack

9. When we talk about our _______, we mean the people we live with.
a) friends
b) pets
c) family
d) robots

10. ________ is a place where people live and work together.
a) School
b) Park
c) Home
d) Community

11. History helps us understand how things were ________.
a) yesterday
b) today
c) tomorrow
d) never

12. Our ________ can be our mom, dad, and siblings.
a) family
b) teacher
c) superhero
d) astronaut

13. We play with our ________ in the playground.
a) books
b) community
c) friends
d) toys

14. We can learn about different cultures in our ________.
a) library
b) school
c) zoo
d) bedroom

15. A ________ is a big group of people who live in the same place.
a) team
b) community
c) classroom
d) game


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