God Supplies Our Needs Christian Religious Studies Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 5

Title: God Supplies Our Needs


Subject: Christian Religious Studies


Class: Primary 5


Term: First Term


Week: 5

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the concept of God as a provider.
  2. Learn how God’s provision is evident in everyday life.
  3. Discuss the importance of gratitude for God’s blessings.

Previous Lesson: In the previous lesson, we discussed “The Creation Story” from the Bible.

Embedded Core Values:

  1. Gratitude
  2. Faith
  3. Trust

Learning Materials:

  1. Bible or Bible storybook
  2. Pictures or visuals depicting various provisions of God
  3. Chalkboard/Whiteboard and markers
  4. Stories or testimonies of God’s provision


Hello, class! 😊 Today, we’re going to talk about how God provides for our needs. 🙏

God provides for us in many ways, just like a loving parent takes care of their children. Let me explain some of the ways God provides:

  1. Food: God gives us the food we eat every day. 🍎🍞 Think about the delicious meals you enjoy; that’s God’s provision!
  2. Water: God provides clean water for us to drink and use. 💧 Imagine a world without water; we need it, and God gives it to us.
  3. Family and Friends: God gives us families and friends who love and care for us. ❤️👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
  4. Health: God helps keep us healthy. When you’re not feeling well, God provides doctors and medicine to make you better. 🏥💊
  5. Education: God gives us the opportunity to learn and go to school. 📚✏️
  6. Nature: Look at the beautiful world around us—the trees, flowers, and animals. God provides these to make our world a wonderful place. 🌳🌼🐦
  7. Love and Comfort: When we’re sad or scared, God provides love and comfort through our family, friends, and even through prayer. 🙏❤️

Remember, God’s provision isn’t just about material things; it’s also about love, care, and all the good things in our lives. So, always be thankful and show gratitude for everything God provides. 😇

Can you think of other ways God provides for us?


  1. God gives us food to ________. a) sleep b) eat c) run d) sing
  2. Clean ________ is a gift from God. a) air b) candy c) toys d) paper
  3. Our ________ and friends are blessings from God. a) toys b) games c) family d) movies
  4. When we are not well, God provides ________ and medicine to help us feel better. a) clothes b) toys c) doctors d) books
  5. Going to school is one way God helps us ________. a) play b) sleep c) learn d) cook
  6. God created the beautiful ________ around us. a) animals b) garbage c) noise d) flowers
  7. When we feel sad, God provides love and ________. a) clouds b) comfort c) rainbows d) thunder
  8. God’s provision includes not only things but also ________. a) gratitude b) music c) laughter d) movies
  9. We should be ________ for all that God provides. a) sleepy b) grateful c) sad d) noisy
  10. We can show ________ by helping others. a) gratitude b) sadness c) anger d) excitement
  11. God’s love and care are always with us, just like a ________ parent. a) strict b) loving c) angry d) noisy
  12. We should always say ________ for the food we eat. a) thanks b) goodbye c) stop d) sing
  13. The ________ world is a gift from God. a) busy b) beautiful c) boring d) broken
  14. When we feel scared, God’s love gives us ________. a) courage b) sadness c) tears d) anger
  15. God’s love and ________ help us in good times and bad times. a) laughter b) comfort c) games d) noise

Presentation: Step 1: Introduction (5 minutes)

  • Begin by discussing the importance of recognizing God as a provider.
  • Explain the lesson’s objectives.
  • In Matthew 6:25-36 and Matthew 7:7-11, Jesus teaches about God’s provision and care for us. Here’s a list of things that God provides for us based on these passages:
    1. Life: God provides the gift of life, and Jesus reminds us that our lives are more valuable than material things.
    2. Food: Jesus mentions that God provides food to nourish our bodies, and we are encouraged not to worry about our daily meals.
    3. Clothing: In the passage, Jesus talks about how God clothes the flowers of the field beautifully, highlighting God’s care for our basic needs, including clothing.
    4. Protection: God provides protection and cares for us, just as a loving parent takes care of their children.
    5. Guidance: In Matthew 7:7-11, Jesus encourages us to ask, seek, and knock, emphasizing that God provides guidance and answers to our prayers.
    6. Wisdom: God provides wisdom and understanding when we seek Him and His ways.
    7. Love and Care: God’s love and care are evident in His willingness to give good gifts to those who ask, just as a loving parent provides for their children.
    8. Peace: Trusting in God’s provision can bring us a sense of peace and assurance, knowing that He is watching over us.
    9. Forgiveness: While not explicitly mentioned in these passages, God’s provision of forgiveness and salvation through Jesus Christ is a central aspect of His care for us.
    10. Eternal Life: Through faith in Jesus, God provides the promise of eternal life, where we will be with Him forever.

    In essence, these passages remind us that God provides for our physical needs, offers guidance, and cares for our well-being, demonstrating His love and care for us as our Heavenly Father.


  1. God provides us with the gift of ________. a) toys b) life c) money d) sweets
  2. According to Matthew 6:25-36, God provides us with ________ to eat. a) books b) clothes c) food d) games
  3. In the passage, Jesus mentions that God takes care of the ________ of the field. a) birds b) stones c) clouds d) mountains
  4. Jesus encourages us not to worry about our daily ________. a) dreams b) problems c) meals d) songs
  5. In Matthew 7:7-11, Jesus tells us to ________, and it will be given to you. a) ask b) hide c) cry d) sleep
  6. According to Matthew 7:7-11, God provides guidance when we ________. a) dance b) sing c) seek d) sleep
  7. Jesus encourages us to ________ on the door, and it will be opened to you. a) listen b) knock c) run d) dance
  8. God provides us with ________ when we seek Him. a) wisdom b) candy c) sadness d) noise
  9. According to Matthew 6:25-36, our lives are more valuable than ________. a) toys b) material things c) stories d) games
  10. God’s love and care are like a ________ who takes care of their children. a) teacher b) parent c) friend d) stranger
  11. God provides us with ________ when we trust in Him. a) fear b) courage c) tears d) anger
  12. Trusting in God’s provision can bring us a sense of ________. a) fear b) anger c) peace d) games
  13. In Matthew 7:7-11, Jesus says that God is willing to give ________ gifts to those who ask. a) bad b) confusing c) good d) small
  14. According to these passages, God’s care includes not just material needs but also ________. a) love and guidance b) money and toys c) noise and games d) sadness and anger
  15. Through faith in Jesus, God provides the promise of ________. a) loneliness b) eternal life c) fear d) anger

Step 2: Main Content (25 minutes)

  • Read and discuss Bible passages that highlight God’s provision, such as the story of the feeding of the five thousand or the story of manna in the wilderness.
  • Show pictures or visuals that depict examples of God’s provision in nature, like food, water, and shelter.
  • Share stories or testimonies of individuals or communities experiencing God’s provision.
  • Discuss how God’s provision goes beyond material needs and includes emotional and spiritual support.

Step 3: Application (10 minutes)

  • Encourage students to reflect on their own lives and identify instances where they have experienced God’s provision.
  • Discuss the role of gratitude in recognizing and appreciating God’s blessings.
  • Ask students to share what they are thankful for in their lives.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Facilitate discussions and readings from the Bible.
  • Use visuals and stories to illustrate key points.
  • Encourage students to ask questions and participate in the discussion.

Learners Activities:

  • Listen attentively to Bible passages and stories.
  • Share their own experiences and thoughts on God’s provision.
  • Express gratitude for the blessings in their lives.


  • Assess students’ understanding through class discussions and their ability to identify instances of God’s provision.

Evaluation Questions:

  1. Can you mention a story from the Bible that shows how God provided for people?
  2. What are some examples of God’s provision in your life?
  3. Why is it important to be thankful for God’s blessings?


  • Summarize the key points discussed during the lesson.
  • Emphasize the importance of recognizing and being grateful for God’s provision in our lives.
  • Assign a short homework task where students can write or draw something they are thankful for.
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