Definition of Drama, Forms of drama,Types of drama. Cultural and Creative Arts Primary 1 Lesson Notes Week 5

Definition of Drama, Forms of drama,Types of drama. Cultural and Creative Arts Primary 1 Lesson Notes Week 5


Subject: Cultural and Creative Arts

Class: Primary 1

Term : First Term

Week: 5

Topic: Definition of Drama, Forms of Drama, Types of Drama

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand what drama is and its importance.
  2. Recognize different forms of drama.
  3. Explore various types of drama.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Communication skills: Listening, speaking, and expressing thoughts.
  • Creativity: Imagining and creating stories or characters.
  • Critical thinking: Analyzing different types of drama.

Learning Materials:

  • Pictures of actors performing in a play.
  • Examples of comedy and tragedy scenes.
  • Images representing various forms of drama (e.g., puppets, dance).
  • Videos or audio clips of musical and radio drama.
  • Costumes or props for a simple drama activity.


What is Drama? 

Drama is like a special kind of play where people act out stories in front of an audience. It’s like making a story come to life! 😃📖🎬

Let’s look at some examples:

  1. 🎪 School Play: Imagine your school puts on a play. You and your friends dress up in costumes and pretend to be different characters. You say your lines, and the audience watches your story unfold. That’s drama! 🏫👦👧🎤
  2. 🤡 Pretend Games: Sometimes, when you play pretend games with your friends, like being pirates on a treasure hunt or detectives solving a mystery, you’re doing a little drama right there! You’re acting out a story! 🏴‍☠️🕵️‍♂️🔍
  3. 📖 Storytime: Even when someone reads a story aloud and uses different voices for the characters, they’re adding a touch of drama to the storytelling. It makes the story more exciting! 📚🗣️🌟

So, drama is all about using your imagination, acting, and storytelling to create something amazing and entertaining for others to enjoy. It’s like putting on a show! 🌟👏🎉

Do you have any favorite stories or characters you’d like to act out in drama? 🤔🎭

Forms of Drama 

1. Plays: Plays are like stories acted out on a stage. You have actors who perform and bring the characters to life. Think of a play you’ve seen at school or in a theater. That’s one form of drama! 🏫🎬

2. Puppet Shows: Puppetry is a unique form of drama where puppets, like dolls or animals, are used to tell a story. Puppeteers make the puppets move and speak, and it’s super fun to watch! 🪆🎪

3. Storytelling: When someone tells a story with lots of expression and gestures, it’s a form of drama too! They might even use different voices for different characters. It’s like acting with words! 📚🗣️

4. Mime: Mime is a silent form of drama where actors use only their bodies and facial expressions to tell a story. They can pretend to be stuck in a box, walking against the wind, or even juggling invisible balls! 🤹‍♂️🤐

5. Dance Drama: In dance drama, the story is told through dance movements and expressions. Dancers use their bodies to convey emotions and actions, creating a beautiful and dramatic performance! 💃🕺🎶

6. Radio Plays: In the olden days, people used to listen to stories on the radio. They couldn’t see the actors, but they could hear the voices and sound effects. That’s another form of drama through sound! 📻🎙️

7. Street Performances: Sometimes, you might see actors performing on the streets, in parks, or at festivals. They engage with the audience directly and make the city come alive with drama! 🏙️🎭

8. Digital Drama: In today’s world, drama can also happen on screens like TV, movies, or even YouTube. Actors act out stories that we can watch on our devices. It’s drama in the digital age! 📺📱🎥

So, drama is like a big, colorful world with many different forms. Which form of drama do you find the most exciting? 🌍🎨🤩


Definition of Drama:

1. Drama is a form of art where people ____________ stories in front of an audience.
a) read
b) act out
c) write
d) draw

2. In drama, actors use ____________ to bring characters to life.
a) puppets
b) costumes
c) books
d) imagination

3. When you act out a story with your friends, you are doing a little bit of ____________.
a) storytelling
b) dancing
c) painting
d) singing

Forms of Drama:

4. Plays are stories acted out on a ____________.
a) radio
b) stage
c) book
d) computer

5. Puppetry is a form of drama that uses ____________ to tell stories.
a) animals
b) robots
c) puppets
d) cars

6. In mime, actors use their ____________ to tell stories without words.
a) bodies
b) voices
c) books
d) tools

7. Dance drama tells stories through ____________ movements and expressions.
a) dance
b) singing
c) acting
d) painting

8. Radio plays are drama that you can only ____________.
a) taste
b) see
c) hear
d) touch

9. Street performances bring drama to the ____________.
a) classroom
b) park
c) library
d) moon

10. Digital drama can be watched on ____________ screens.
a) small
b) green
c) round
d) square

11. Drama is a way of expressing stories through ____________.
a) drawing
b) music
c) acting
d) eating

12. When actors use their voices and gestures to act out a story, it’s called ____________.
a) puppetry
b) dancing
c) mime
d) painting

13. Puppets are like ____________ that come to life in puppetry.
a) animals
b) cars
c) dolls
d) trees

14. A play is like a story, but it is ____________ by actors.
a) drawn
b) written
c) danced
d) acted

15. Mime is a form of drama where actors use ____________ expressions to tell stories.
a) vocal
b) body
c) written
d) digital



  1. Comedy: Comedy is all about making people laugh. In this type of drama, the characters find themselves in funny and amusing situations. It’s like a big, cheerful smile! 😄🤣🎉

    Example: Think of a funny movie or TV show where the characters get into hilarious mishaps.

  2. Tragedy: Tragedy is the opposite of comedy. It’s about serious and sad events. In this type of drama, the characters often face difficult challenges or even meet with a tragic end. It’s like a tearful raincloud. 😢☔😔

    Example: The story of Romeo and Juliet is a famous tragedy.

  3. Musical Drama: In musical drama, the characters express their feelings and tell the story through songs and music. It’s like a harmonious dance of emotions! 🎶💃🎤

    Example: “The Sound of Music” is a well-known musical drama.

  4. Historical Drama: Historical drama takes us back in time to explore events from history. The characters wear costumes from a different era, and we learn about the past. It’s like a time machine! 🕰️📜🎩

    Example: “The Crown” on TV is a historical drama about the British royal family.

  5. Fantasy Drama: Fantasy drama invites us into magical worlds with mythical creatures and enchanting adventures. It’s like stepping into a fairy tale! 🧚‍♀️🐉✨

    Example: “Harry Potter” is a beloved fantasy drama series.

  6. Realistic Drama: In realistic drama, the characters and situations are very much like real life. It’s like watching a mirror reflecting our everyday experiences. 👥🏡🌆

    Example: Shows like “Friends” or “The Office” fall under realistic drama.

  7. Mystery Drama: Mystery drama keeps us on the edge of our seats as we try to solve puzzles and uncover secrets alongside the characters. It’s like being a detective! 🕵️‍♂️🔍🤫

    Example: “Sherlock Holmes” mysteries are classic examples of this type.

  8. Adventure Drama: Adventure drama takes us on thrilling journeys, often to far-off places and into daring escapades. It’s like going on a grand expedition! 🌍🚀🗺️

    Example: “Indiana Jones” movies are full of adventure.

Remember, each type of drama has its own special flavor and can make us feel different emotions. Which type of drama do you find most exciting? 🤔🌟🎭


Evaluation :

1. Comedy is a type of drama that aims to make people ____________.
a) cry
b) laugh
c) dance
d) sing

2. In tragedy, the characters often face ____________ challenges.
a) funny
b) easy
c) difficult
d) colorful

3. Musical drama tells stories through ____________ and music.
a) drawings
b) dances
c) songs
d) puppets

4. Historical drama takes us back in ____________ to explore the past.
a) the future
b) time
c) space
d) the present

5. Fantasy drama invites us into ____________ worlds with mythical creatures.
a) boring
b) magical
c) loud
d) modern

6. Realistic drama reflects our ____________ experiences.
a) everyday
b) extraordinary
c) fantasy
d) dreamy

7. Mystery drama keeps us on the edge of our seats as we try to ____________ secrets.
a) hide
b) uncover
c) forget
d) create

8. Adventure drama takes us on thrilling ____________ to far-off places.
a) journeys
b) dreams
c) books
d) parties

9. Puppetry is a type of drama that uses ____________ to tell stories.
a) robots
b) animals
c) humans
d) puppets

10. In mime, actors use their ____________ to tell stories without words.
a) voices
b) costumes
c) bodies
d) books

11. Radio plays are a type of drama that you can only ____________.
a) touch
b) hear
c) see
d) taste

12. Street performances bring drama to ____________ places.
a) the moon
b) far-off
c) theaters
d) public

13. Digital drama can be watched on ____________ screens.
a) tiny
b) old
c) square
d) electronic

14. Mystery drama often involves solving ____________.
a) puzzles
b) riddles
c) jokes
d) dances

15. Adventure drama takes us on ____________ escapades.
a) daring
b) boring
c) easy
d) quiet



  1. Begin with a lively introduction, asking students if they enjoy watching or acting in plays.
  2. Show pictures of actors on stage and discuss what they are doing. Explain that this is called “drama.”
  3. Discuss the importance of drama for storytelling and entertainment.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Show examples of comedy and tragedy scenes.
  • Display images of different forms of drama.
  • Play short video or audio clips of musical and radio drama.
  • Share costumes or props for students to touch and explore.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Observe and discuss the pictures and videos.
  • Identify different forms of drama from the images.
  • Act out simple scenes to demonstrate drama.
  • Share their thoughts on what they find interesting about drama.


  1. Observe students’ participation and engagement during the lesson.
  2. Ask questions to check if they understand the concepts of drama, forms, and types.
  3. Assess their creativity by encouraging them to create a short, imaginative scene as a group.

Ten Evaluation Questions:

  1. What is drama, and why is it important?
  2. Can you name two forms of drama we discussed today?
  3. Describe one example of comedy and one of tragedy in drama.
  4. What is the difference between musical and radio drama?
  5. Have you ever seen a puppet show? What is it like?
  6. How do actors use their bodies in mime drama?
  7. Which type of drama tells stories through songs and music?
  8. Name a historical drama you know or have heard of.
  9. What do you like most about drama? Is it the acting, costumes, or something else?
  10. Can you create a short, imaginative scene and act it out with your classmates?

Conclusion: In today’s lesson, we explored the exciting world of drama! We learned what drama is, why it’s important, and discovered different forms and types of drama. Keep your creative minds active, and who knows, maybe one day you’ll become a famous actor or playwright! 🌟🎭📖

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