Keyboard Shortcuts Computer Studies ICT Primary 5 First Term Week 3



TOPIC: Keyboard Shortcuts Computer Studies ICT Primary 5

Term : First Term

Week :Week 3


Title: Mastering Keyboard Shortcuts

Grade: Primary 5

Duration: 45 minutes

Learning Objectives:

  1. To introduce students to the concept of keyboard shortcuts.
  2. To teach students commonly used keyboard shortcuts.
  3. To improve typing efficiency and computer navigation skills.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Computer Literacy
  • Critical Thinking
  • Problem Solving
  • Attention to Detail
  • Digital Literacy


  • Computers or laptops for each student
  • Projector and screen (optional)
  • List of common keyboard shortcuts
  • Handouts with keyboard shortcut exercises
  • Keyboard shortcut reference sheets


What are computer keyboard shortcuts?

Computer keyboard shortcuts are key combinations or sequences of keystrokes that perform specific actions or commands on a computer quickly and efficiently. These shortcuts are designed to save time and reduce the need for using a mouse or navigating through menus. Here are some common examples of computer keyboard shortcuts:

  1. Copy (Ctrl+C): Copies selected text or files to the clipboard.
  2. Cut (Ctrl+X): Cuts selected text or files and places them on the clipboard for pasting.
  3. Paste (Ctrl+V): Pastes the contents of the clipboard at the cursor’s location.
  4. Undo (Ctrl+Z): Reverses the last action performed, such as undoing a delete or a change.
  5. Redo (Ctrl+Y or Ctrl+Shift+Z): Reverts an undone action, essentially redoing it.
  6. Save (Ctrl+S): Saves the current document or file.
  7. Print (Ctrl+P): Opens the print dialog to print the current document or page.
  8. Select All (Ctrl+A): Selects all text or items in a document or folder.
  9. Find (Ctrl+F): Opens the find dialog to search for text or items.
  10. Replace (Ctrl+H): Opens the replace dialog to find and replace text.
  11. Open (Ctrl+O): Opens a file or document.
  12. Close (Ctrl+W): Closes the current window or tab.
  13. New Tab (Ctrl+T): Opens a new browser tab in web browsers.
  14. New Window (Ctrl+N): Opens a new application window.
  15. Switch Tabs (Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab): Moves between open tabs in a browser.
  16. Minimize Window (Ctrl+M or Windows Key+Down Arrow): Minimizes the active window.
  17. Maximize Window (Windows Key+Up Arrow): Maximizes the active window.
  18. Lock Computer (Windows Key+L): Locks the computer, requiring a password to unlock.
  19. Task Manager (Ctrl+Shift+Esc): Opens the Task Manager to manage running applications.
  20. Screenshot (PrtScn or Alt+PrtScn): Captures a screenshot of the entire screen or the active window.

These are just a few examples, and there are many more keyboard shortcuts available for specific applications and functions. Learning and using keyboard shortcuts can significantly enhance productivity and efficiency when using a computer.


Introduction (5 minutes):

  • Begin by asking students if they have ever used keyboard shortcuts on a computer and what they know about them.
  • Explain that keyboard shortcuts are key combinations that perform specific actions on a computer more quickly than using a mouse


Main Content (30 minutes):

Teacher’s Activities:

  1. Introduction to Keyboard Shortcuts (10 minutes):
    • Display a list of common keyboard shortcuts on a screen or whiteboard.
    • Explain their purpose and how they save time.
    • Discuss the importance of learning keyboard shortcuts for computer efficiency.
  2. Teaching Common Keyboard Shortcuts (10 minutes):
    • Introduce and demonstrate frequently used keyboard shortcuts such as Ctrl+C (copy), Ctrl+V (paste), Ctrl+X (cut), Ctrl+Z (undo), and Ctrl+S (save).
    • Guide students through practical exercises using these shortcuts.
  3. Exploration and Practice (10 minutes):
    • Have students practice using keyboard shortcuts on their computers.
    • Provide a list of exercises where they can apply what they’ve learned.
    • Walk around the classroom to assist and answer questions.

Learners’ Activities:

  1. Students will actively engage in discussions about the importance of keyboard shortcuts.
  2. They will practice using keyboard shortcuts during the guided exercises.

Practice (10 minutes):

  • Distribute handouts with exercises that require students to use keyboard shortcuts for tasks like copying, pasting, and saving documents.
  • Encourage students to complete the exercises independently.



1. To copy selected text or files, you can press _______.
a) Ctrl+C
b) Ctrl+V
c) Ctrl+X
d) Ctrl+S

2. Ctrl+Z is used to _______ the last action.
a) copy
b) paste
c) undo
d) redo

3. What keyboard shortcut is commonly used to save a document?
a) Ctrl+P
b) Ctrl+A
c) Ctrl+S
d) Ctrl+F

4. Ctrl+F is used to _______ text or items in a document.
a) copy
b) undo
c) find
d) paste

5. To open a new tab in a web browser, press _______.
a) Ctrl+Tab
b) Ctrl+O
c) Ctrl+T
d) Ctrl+W

6. Ctrl+P is the keyboard shortcut for _______.
a) printing
b) pasting
c) opening
d) closing

7. Ctrl+H is used to _______ text in a document.
a) copy
b) undo
c) find
d) replace

8. To maximize an active window, press _______.
a) Ctrl+T
b) Ctrl+M
c) Windows Key+Up Arrow
d) Ctrl+A

9. The keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+Esc opens the _______.
a) Start menu
b) Task Manager
c) Print dialog
d) Find dialog

10. Ctrl+N is used to _______.
a) paste
b) print
c) open a new window
d) close a window

11. To lock the computer, press _______.
a) Ctrl+L
b) Ctrl+Shift+Esc
c) Windows Key+Down Arrow
d) Windows Key+L

12. PrtScn is used to capture a _______ of the screen.
a) copy
b) paste
c) screenshot
d) undo

13. Ctrl+W is commonly used to _______.
a) maximize a window
b) switch tabs
c) close a window
d) open a new tab

14. Ctrl+A is used to _______.
a) select all text or items
b) undo the last action
c) open a new document
d) save a file

15. To switch between open tabs in a web browser, you can press _______.
a) Ctrl+Tab
b) Ctrl+S
c) Ctrl+F
d) Ctrl+P


Assessment (5 minutes):

  • Collect the completed exercises and review them to assess students’ understanding of the keyboard shortcuts taught.

Conclusion (5 minutes):

  • Summarize the key points of the lesson, highlighting the benefits of keyboard shortcuts.
  • Emphasize that regular practice will improve their typing efficiency.

Homework (5 minutes):

  • Assign homework that includes practicing keyboard shortcuts while working on a computer assignment or browsing the internet.

Follow-Up Activities (Optional):

  • Organize a keyboard shortcut competition where students can demonstrate their skills.
  • Explore advanced keyboard shortcuts for students who show a keen interest in the topic.


  • End the lesson by reminding students that mastering keyboard shortcuts is a valuable skill that will save them time and make them more efficient computer users.


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