ENGLISH STUDIES

                                              SCHEME OF WORK FOR J.SS 1 [2016/2017}













                                                                       WEEK 1


                                                     INTRODUCTION TO SPEECH

Speech involves language sounds which are associated with meaningful sounds that come out of the mouth (human mouth) and they are known as speech sounds. What is articulation? Articulation is the movement of the vocal organs to produce speech sounds the vocal organs are then referred to as “articulators”







There are 44 sound segments in English comprising 20 vowels and 24 consonant. We shall be covering vowel sounds and their classifications are:


Pure vowels short vowel 


Dipthongs                       long vowels 


The vowels in English are classified into two main groups: pure vowels (also called mono thongs) and dipthongs the pure vowels are sub- classified into short vowels and long vowels. Dipthongs are vowel sounds that are made up of two speech sounds

Close front centre back


I:                                          u:

    I u


        e         3:


ae       c:


      a:       D

Diagram showing the English vowel chart



Answer the following questions:

  1. What is articulation?
  2. Mention 10 organs or speech

3a. how many vowel sounds do we have?

  1. how many consonant sounds do we have in English?



  1. How many long vowels do we have?
  2. How many short vowels do we have?
  3. What are pure vowels?
  4. What is a dipyhong sound?


We must learn to speak night and become a good orator like Apostle Paul to defend the gospel of Christ.



1. There are five long vowels in the English language: “a” as in “cake,” “e” as in “tree,” “i” as in “bike,” “o” as in “boat,” and “u” as in “rule.”

2. There are also five short vowels in the English language: “a” as in “cat,” “e” as in “bed,” “i” as in “sit,” “o” as in “dog,” and “u” as in “cup.”

3. Pure vowels, also known as monophthongs, are vowel sounds that have a single, unchanging sound quality. They do not glide or shift in sound as diphthongs do. Examples of pure vowels include the short “a” sound in “cat” and the long “o” sound in “goat.”

4. A diphthong sound is a complex vowel sound that involves a gradual shift from one vowel sound to another within a single syllable. It’s a combination of two vowel sounds in one syllable, where the sound starts at one vowel and glides towards another. An example of a diphthong is the “oi” sound in “coin,” where you start with an “o” sound and glide into an “i” sound within the same syllable.

                                                        WEEK 2

CONTENT: Grammar: Parts of speech

All the parts of speech are:

  1. Noun
  2. Pronoun
  3. Adjective
  4. Verb
  5. Adverb
  6. Preposition
  7. Conjunction
  8. Interjection

We shall consider each one, under our grammar lesson

  1. Noun- A noun is a naming word. Nouns are the names of people e.g man, woman, Ali etc. names of animals e.g horse, dog, cat etc. mane of things e.g. house, tree, blackboard etc.


Function of a Noun

  1. A noun can function as a subject in a sentence 

A subject is the doer of an action.

E.g. Wale is in the class

‘Wale’ is a noun and it occupies the subject position of the sentence.

  1.  A noun can also function as object in a sentence 

An object is the RECEIVER of an action.

E.g. The teacher slapped Wale

“The action of slapping” is received by Wale hence, 

Wale is the object of the sentence.


Types of nouns

We have the following types of nouns:

  1. Common noun: refers to any examples of class of persons (boy, girl), places (stadium, city)
  2. Proper noun: refers to the particular person (Wale, Emeka) particular places (Lagos, Ogun). Particular week day (Friday, Sunday), particular title (Balogun, Otunba)
  3. Abstract noun: These are noun that are cannot see or torch but we can feel them, they also show our emotion e.g. happy, joy, sorrow etc.
  4. Countable Nouns: these are nouns we can count e.g. table, chair, biro, etc.
  5. Uncountable nouns: these are nouns that we cannot count e.g. water, oil, rice, beans etc.


From your progressive English by J. Addai  page 59-60

Group the following under proper nouns, common nouns, collective nouns and abstract noun. There are 20 nouns in each group


Student can now give example of some type of nouns and they can use them in sentence.



Explain the following type of nouns with adequate examples.

  1. Collective noun
  2. Abstract noun
  3. Proper noun
  4. Common noun


  1. Collective Noun: A collective noun is a word that refers to a group of people, animals, or things as a single unit. It represents a collection or gathering of individuals.


    • Team: The basketball team played well.
    • Herd: A herd of cattle grazed in the field.
    • Flock: A flock of birds flew overhead.
    • Family: Our extended family gathered for a reunion.
  2. Abstract Noun: An abstract noun is a noun that represents a quality, state, emotion, concept, or idea that cannot be touched, seen, or experienced through the senses. They describe things that are not concrete or physical.


    • Love: Love is a beautiful emotion.
    • Courage: She showed great courage in facing her fears.
    • Happiness: Finding happiness is important for everyone.
    • Justice: The pursuit of justice is a fundamental value.
  3. Proper Noun: A proper noun is the name of a specific person, place, thing, or entity. It always begins with a capital letter and is used to differentiate one particular item from others of the same kind.


    • Mary: Mary is my best friend.
    • London: I visited London last summer.
    • Eiffel Tower: The Eiffel Tower is a famous landmark.
    • Google: I searched for information on Google.
  4. Common Noun: A common noun is a general name for a person, place, thing, or idea. It does not refer to a specific individual  or entity. Common nouns are not capitalized unless they begin a sentence.


  • dog: The dog chased its tail.
  • city: Toronto is a vibrant city.
  • book: She borrowed a book from the library.
  • teacher: The teacher explained the lesson.


  1. A ___________ noun refers to a specific person, place, thing, or entity. a) collective b) abstract c) proper
  2. “Happiness” is an example of an ___________ noun. a) collective b) abstract c) proper
  3. A ___________ noun represents a group of people, animals, or things. a) common b) abstract c) collective
  4. The word “city” is an example of a ___________ noun. a) collective b) proper c) common
  5. “Team” is a ___________ noun that represents a group of individuals. a) proper b) common c) collective
  6. An ___________ noun refers to qualities, emotions, or concepts. a) proper b) abstract c) common
  7. “Paris” is a ___________ noun. a) collective b) common c) proper
  8. “Fear” is an example of an ___________ noun. a) collective b) abstract c) proper
  9. A ___________ noun is always capitalized and names a specific entity. a) abstract b) common c) proper
  10. “Family” is a ___________ noun that represents a group of related people. a) collective b) abstract c) proper
  11. “Teacher” is an example of a ___________ noun. a) abstract b) collective c) common
  12. “Justice” is an example of an ___________ noun. a) proper b) common c) abstract
  13. An ___________ noun refers to ideas that cannot be touched or seen. a) collective b) proper c) abstract
  14. “Flock” is a ___________ noun used for a group of birds. a) common b) abstract c) collective
  15. A ___________ noun can be a general name for a person, place, thing, or idea. a) proper b) collective c) common

PRONOUNS are words that are used in place of a noun. They are usually used to avoid repetition. Look at these sentences   :

The man came to our class. The man looked at every student, the man sat down. Instead of repeating the word “man” we use “He” .He is a pronoun. Other examples of pronouns are: he, she, they, it, you, us, them, e.t.c .

We can read up on pronouns from our NOSEC {Page 44-46}. Other parts of speech will also be discussed in our subsequent lessons.


Moral objectives: 

Nouns are member of the open class and even from the beginning when God commanded Adam to give names to the animals and this was brought up till now and man is still identifying and distinguishing many things – hence he is still giving the names of many things and inventions.


                                                                 WEEK 3


                                                Essay-Meaning and Definition

What is an essay? An essay is a written composition of moderate length explaining   a particular issue or subject matter. In writing an essay, we must consider the following types of essays which are  : (a) Narrative essay (b) Descriptive essay (c) Argumentative essay (d) Expository essay 

  1. Narrative Essay: this is a type of essay that you are made to tell a story. Especially, it is intended to share an experience of the past. Such experience can be personal, or mutual or it may have happened   to a loved one and lessons are learnt from such. 
  2. Descriptive essay: this is when you say or write about what somebody or something is like-that is describing something or someone. 
  3. Argumentative essay this is a type of essay in which you write out your reason to show that your position or view about a subject matter is correct.
  4. Expository essay: this is a type of essay in which you are asked to explain or define a process. E.g. How to prepare favourite meal.


Answer only one out of the following 

  1. Narrative essay-my last holiday (how I spent my last holiday).
  2. (Descriptive essay)-my school my best subject teacher.


Conclusion: students have succeeded in identifying the unique differences that are evidence   in all these essay types.



Explain the following types of essay in your own words

  1. Narrative essay
  2. Argumentative essay
  3. Descriptive essay
  4. Expository essay.

Moral objective: The oldest and sacred book was written by the Spirit of God and we must appreciate this creative intelligence of our maker in ensuring that our knowing Him through His Word is perfected in Jesus the Written and The Living Word

                                                                          WEEK 4



Introduction to Literature

Literature is the art of composition in prose and verse literature mirrors life and the society. There are three (3) genres of literature which are:

  1. Drama (b) Prose (c) Poetry. 


The purpose of Literature 

  1. Literature seeks to correct the vice in the society
  2. Literature preserves the culture and tradition of the individual and society.
  3. Literature seeks to develop the human mind.


Function of literature

  1. It entertains and informs us
  2. It educates our mind to know about other people’s culture and tradition.
  3. It helps in development and enlightenment 
  4. It give us a unique identity 
  5. It makes the economy to grow and develop.
  6. It enriches our minds.
  7. It helps in making us creative and inventive with words.

Types of literature

  1. Oral literature: this is a type of literature that has been handed down by word of mouth-they are now documented and modified for better understanding
  2. Historic literature: this is a type of literature that deals with the origins and culture of a people or race at a particular point in time
  3. Dance drama: this is when a play is acted out with musical lyrics for discernment and entertainment of the watching and listening audience
  4. Mime: this is acting without speech. it is a type of play.



Answer the following questions

  1. Define Literature  
  2. Explain the three branches or genes of literature that me here.



Student can  now give example of the types of literature that we have.


Define the following in your own words

  1. Mime (III) Oral Literature
  2. Dance Drama (iv) Historic Literature.


Moral Objectives: Students should able to appreciate   their creative minds with words because God has blessed man with this gift and talent that he uses to express himself in prose, drama and poetry.

                                                                      WEEK 5

Content: Pronouns

A pronoun is a word that is used instead of a noun.

Underline the pronouns in these sentences.

  1. John is a boy He is in the class
  2. Nike is a girl She is at home 
  3. They  are brother and sisters
  4. We know them very well


Words that stand for males are masculine gender so the noun: man, boy, son, king, prince etc. and pronouns he and him are masculine gender word that stand for females are famine gender. The noun woman, girl, daughter, queen, princess etc. and the pronoun she and her are female gender.

Words that stand for things are neater gender

(Neater means neither masculine nor feminine)

So the nouns book, house, river, tree, city etc. and the pronoun it are neater gender. It is sometimes used for animals also.

Note: that the pronoun: I, me, you, we, us, can be either masculine or feminine. The pronouns they and them may be masculine, feminine or neater. 


Type of pronoun

  1. Personal Pronoun: these are pronoun that stand for person. We here first person, second person and third person. The first person is the person speaking e.g.

I am the teacher; listen to me

The second person is the person spoken to e.g. 

You are a pupil

The third person is the person spoken about.

Wale is looking through the window. The teacher is pointing at him. They are pupils; he teaches them 

  1. Possessive pronoun: these are pronoun that sounds ownership or possession e.g. mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs,
  2. Interrogative pronoun: these are pronouns that are used to ask question e.g. who, what, which.
  3. Demonstrative pronoun: these are pronoun that “point out something e.g. this, that, these, those.
  4. Reflective pronoun: this type of pronoun is used to refer back to the speaker when he or she speaks e.g. myself, himself, herself, themselves, itself, ourselves.



Attempt the past question exercises in your test book-progressive English by O. Addai

(Page 54) question 1-5

Conclusion: student now understand the features  of a pronoun and how they are used in sentences 



Explain the following type of pronoun :

  1. Possessive pronouns
  2. Demonstrative pronoun
  3. Personal pronoun


Moral Objectives:

At the end of this topic, student should be able to understand the expression :let us make man in our own image”, the use of us means that the creation of man involved the combined effort of God the father, God, the son, (Jesus) and God the Holy Ghost.


                                                                  WEEK 6


                                                    Vocabulary Development

                                                       Members of the family

  1. Nephew- A son of your brother or sister
  2. Niece-A daughter of one’s brother or sister (or brother-in-law, or sister-in-law)
  3. Cousin-the child of your aunt or uncle, (first cousin, full cousin) (cousin brother (male cousin) female cousin)
  4. Father-in-law – the father of your spouse
  5. Mother-in-law –the mother of your spouse
  6. Spouse- A person’s partner in marriage. 

Better half, married person, mate, other half, partner

  1. Couple-A pair who associate with one another or a pair of people who live together.
  2. Courtship-A man’s courting of a woman; seeking the affections of a woman (usually with the hope of marriage)


Vocabulary Development

Your school subjects

  1. Mathematics (6) Basic Technology (11) Computer
  2. English (7)Business studies (12) Social-Studies
  3. French (8) fine Art (13) Yoruba
  4. C.R.S (9) Home Economics (14) Civic Education
  5. Basic Science (10) P.H.E (15)


Other words

(16) Academics-Associated with academia or an academy.

        An Academy-is a learned establishment for the advancement of knowledge

(17) Rules-A principle or condition that customarily generous behavior –the state

        Of being controlled 


Evaluation: find out the meaning of the following words and use them in sentence.

  1. Cousin (4) Success
  2. Divorce (5) Punishment 
  3. Miler Family (6) Examination.



All students now have a better understanding of the family and the place of knowledge imputation (i.e. the school).



Cure the prescription of these words.

  1. Spouse (c) Nephew (e) Rules.
  2. Courtship (d) Denomination


Moral Objectives:

All students must appreciate our first father and our first mother (Adam and eve). But they must understand that Jesus is our ultimate father that gave everything to save our souls from sin.


                                                                      WEEK 7

Content: Composition

Elements of Composition

Elements of composition are the features or characteristics that make up the composition; they are divided into 3 parts which are: (i) The introduction (ii) The body (iii) The conclusion 

  1. Introduction: is the opening paragraph or the beginning of your composition
  2. Body: Is the content of your essay. The content will contain what you are writing about 
  3. Conclusion: Is the last paragraph or closing paragraph of your essay or composition 

What is a paragraph? A paragraph is made up of two or more stretches of sentences. While a sentence expresses a complete thought and it must start with a capital letter and ends with a full stop

For example: I had a wonderful time during my last holiday (Sentence)

I had a wonderful time during , my last holiday because my parents travelled. This gave me the opportunity to visit my old friends and relatives they were glad to see me because they really enjoyed my coming (Paragraph) 

Outlining the points or the topic


How I Spent My Last Holiday

This is a good example of a narrative essay because it is a recount. One must outline his or her point with the use of past tense and past perfect tense of verb.


Write an essay on how you spent your last holiday (200 words).


Students are now confident to write out their personal interests and they can express their thoughts 



Write an essay on “my school” (200 words)

Moral Objectives:

Our student should be able to appreciate and value how the three Sinopec gospel (Mathew, Mark and Luke) give the defuel life and times of Jesus on earth.


                                                                       WEEK 8.

                                      SPEECH SOUNDS. LONG AND SHORT VOWELS 


/I/ – this sort vowel has various spelling symbols like e, I, u, ay, ey, y, ui, ie, a,ia e.g. market, manage, quick, Friday, village, holy, symbol

/ I: / – This vowel is longer in length than vowel /I/ spelling symbpls-ea, ev,ae. Ie, ei, e, I, ey, ay, ee, etc. e.g. retrieve, seek, people, heat, kerosene, be, calling, amoeba, police, see, prestige 

/e/ – the spelling symbols of this vowel are: a,e,ue,ea,e.g. many, bled, weapon, guess, says, ate, egg, manger,

/ae/ – it has two spelling from: ai, and a, e.g. gap, fan, plaid, plait, march, thank, cat, channel 

/ a: / – it is longer than vowel /ae/ (vpwel4) spelling symbols are: a, ar, er, ear, cul, al e.g. pass, farmer, balm, heart, laugh, draught, fast, clerk, sergeant, aunt, laugh

Class work

Identify the words that has these vowel sound in them

  1.    / a: / – (a) cause (b) hark (c) Calf (d) blue
  2.  / ae / – (a) active (b) fast (c) who (d) dawn 
  3.  / e / – (a) paternal (b) campus (c) be (d) many
  4.  / I / – (a) private (b) key (c) seize (d) bell
  5.  / I: / – (a) health (b) toy (c) these (d) pack



Transcribe the following words

  1. Calf /ka:If/
  2. Active /aektiv/
  3. Many /meni/
  4. Private /praivit/
  5. These /aI:s/

Conclusion: student can now give the pronunciation of these speech sound on their own


Compare and contrast these vowel sounds

/a:/ and /ae/ /I:/ and /I/

Part   pat seal   sit


Moral Objectives:

At the end of the lesson-students must develop their oratory prowess to be able to defend the gospel of Christ like Apostle Paul.



                                                                              WEEK 9



What is an adjective? An Adjective is a word that describes or modifies   a noun or pronoun

Types    of Adjectives.

  1. We have the following types of adjective :
  1. Adjective of quality
  1. Adjective of number
  1. Adjective of Definite number (cardinal and ordinal)
  2. Adjective of Definite  number 
  1. Proper adjectives
  2. Distributive adjectives
  3. Demonstrative adjectives
  4. Possessive adjective 

Companion of Adjective

Positive Comparative  Superlative 
Tall Taller Tallest 
Big Bigger Biggest
Beautiful More beautiful Most beautiful
Hopeful More hopeful Most hopeful
Good Better Best
Bad Worse  Worst



Adjective are words that are used to add more intersection to a verb, an adjective and another adverb. Most adverbs ends in “-ly”. 

Type of adverbs

  1. Adverb of manner – tells us how an action is carried out

Sentence: the girls ran quickly (Adverbs of manner)

  1. Adverb of time – shows when an action takes place e.g. ago, since, alter, soon, already sentence: they travelled yesterday (adverb of time)
  2. Adverbs of place – shows where the action is carried out e.g. in, above, inside, here, there, etc. sentence: I am here (Adverb of place)
  3. Adverbs of frequency – shows how stem or how many times an action is carried out. E.g. once, trice,  sometimes, always etc. sentence: I love eating beans always
  4. Adverb of Degree – use to show to what extent or limitation an, action is done e.g. quite, very, rather, only, almost, etc. sentence: wale did quite well in the examination (Adverb of degree).



Attempt the questions in progressive English – page 139-140

Eremite 170

Question 1-10

  1. We went there (adverb of place)
  2. The widow wept sorrowfully (Adverb of manner)
  3. He goes to work daily (adverb of frequently).

 On adjective

  1. The girl wore a yellow dress (adjective of color)
  2. The tall man came here
  3. He ate ten mangoes.


Conclusion: Students are now able to identify adverbs and adjectives in sentences

Assignment: choose the correct form of the adjective in brackets 

Page 99 (progressive English) exercise 90

Questions 1-10

Moral Objectives:

All students must appreciate the beanies in the word of God in Psalm 139:14 we are fearfully and wonderfully made,

The manner and how the almighty had created us cannot be compared with anything. 




Register are terms or words that are used in any given field of human knowledge or human Endeavour

Register of farm

  1. Peasant farming or subsistence farming – Agricultural production for the satisfaction of the farmer’s immediate and extended families
  2. Tilling – making sail to be soft so that the preparation of the ridges and mounds become easier
  3. Stumps – the remaining of not in the soil after bush burning 
  4. Seedlings – newly-germinated seeds
  5. Weed – unwanted plant
  6. Fertilizer – a chemical formulation in power or implore soil fertility 
