Managing Agriculture Structure English Language Primary 5 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 10


Subject :English Grammar

Class :Primary 5

Term :Third Term

Week: 9

Class: Basic 5

Subject: English Grammar

Topic : 

Managing Agriculture

Previous Lesson :




Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the importance of agriculture in our daily lives.
  2. Develop vocabulary related to managing agriculture.
  3. Enhance reading comprehension skills.
  4. Demonstrate understanding of sustainable farming practices.

Embedded Core Skills:

  1. Reading comprehension
  2. Vocabulary development
  3. Critical thinking
  4. Communication skills

Learning Materials:

  1. Comprehension passage on “Managing Agriculture”
  2. Whiteboard or blackboard
  3. Markers or chalk
  4. Visual aids (pictures or posters related to agriculture)
  5. Word cards with new vocabulary words
  6. Assessment sheets


Title: Managing Agriculture


Agriculture is an essential aspect of our lives. It involves the cultivation of crops and the rearing of animals for various purposes. Managing agriculture requires careful planning, hard work, and knowledge of the environment. Farmers play a crucial role in ensuring that we have enough food to eat and materials for other necessities.

One important aspect of managing agriculture is soil preparation. Farmers need to till the land, remove weeds, and add fertilizers to ensure healthy crop growth. They also need to make sure that the soil has adequate moisture and nutrients to support plant life.

Another key element in agriculture management is pest control. Farmers must protect their crops from pests such as insects, rodents, and diseases. They use various methods like spraying insecticides, setting traps, and implementing biological controls to minimize damage to their crops.

Crop rotation is a practice that helps in managing agriculture effectively. It involves growing different crops in a specific sequence on the same land. This technique helps to maintain soil fertility, control pests, and reduce the risk of diseases that target specific crops.

Water management is vital in agriculture. Farmers need to ensure that their crops receive adequate water for growth and development. They employ techniques like irrigation, which involves supplying water to the fields through canals or sprinklers. Conserving water is also crucial, as it helps in sustainability and reduces wastage.

Livestock management is another aspect of agriculture. Farmers rear animals for milk, meat, and other by-products. They need to provide proper housing, nutrition, and healthcare to ensure the well-being of their animals. Livestock management also involves breeding, controlling diseases, and maintaining hygiene.

Sustainable farming practices are gaining importance in managing agriculture. It refers to methods that conserve natural resources, protect the environment, and promote long-term productivity. Examples include organic farming, agroforestry, and the use of renewable energy sources.



Ten New Words:

  1. Cultivation
    • Word Class: Noun
    • Pronunciation: /ˌkʌltɪˈveɪʃ(ə)n/
    • Meaning: The process of growing or nurturing crops or plants.
  2. Rearing
    • Word Class: Verb
    • Pronunciation: /ˈrɪərɪŋ/
    • Meaning: The act of raising or breeding animals.
  3. Environment
    • Word Class: Noun
    • Pronunciation: /ɪnˈvaɪər(ə)nmənt/
    • Meaning: The surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates.
  4. Fertilizers
    • Word Class: Noun
    • Pronunciation: /ˈfərtɪlʌɪzəz/
    • Meaning: Substances added to the soil to provide nutrients for plant growth.
  5. Adequate
    • Word Class: Adjective
    • Pronunciation: /ˈædɪkwɪt/
    • Meaning: Sufficient or suitable in quality or quantity.
  6. Moisture
    • Word Class: Noun
    • Pronunciation: /ˈmɔɪstʃər/
    • Meaning: Small amounts of water present in the air, soil, or other substances.
  7. Pests
    • Word Class: Noun
    • Pronunciation: /pɛsts/
    • Meaning: Destructive insects or animals that harm crops or livestock.
  8. Insecticides
    • Word Class: Noun
    • Pronunciation: /ɪnˈsɛktɪsaɪdz/
    • Meaning: Chemical substances used to kill or control insects.
  9. Fertility
    • Word Class: Noun
    • Pronunciation: /fərˈtɪlɪti/
    • Meaning: The ability of soil or land to support plant growth and produce crops.
  10. Hygiene
    • Word Class: Noun
    • Pronunciation: /ˈhaɪdʒiːn/
    • Meaning: Conditions or practices that promote cleanliness and good health




Comprehension Questions:

  1. Why is agriculture important in our daily lives?
  2. What are some of the tasks involved in soil preparation?
  3. How do farmers protect their crops from pests?
  4. What is the purpose of crop rotation?
  5. What techniques do farmers use for water management?
  6. Why is livestock management important in agriculture?
  7. What are sustainable farming practices, and why are they gaining importance?
  8. Why is it necessary to provide proper housing and nutrition for livestock?
  9. What are some examples of renewable energy sources used in agriculture?
  10. How does organic farming contribute to sustainable agriculture?

Note: The questions can be modified or expanded based on the level of the primary 5 students and the desired learning outcomes.



Lesson Plan Presentation


Topic: Managing Agriculture


Grade: Primary 5


Subject: English


Duration: 1 hour


Introduction (5 minutes):

  • Greet the students and create a positive learning environment.
  • Introduce the topic of the lesson: “Managing Agriculture.”
  • Ask students about their understanding of agriculture and its importance in our daily lives.
  • Show visual aids or pictures related to agriculture to generate interest and discussion.


  1. Pre-reading Vocabulary Activity (10 minutes):
  • Distribute word cards with the ten new vocabulary words from the passage.
  • Pronounce each word and ask students to repeat after you.
  • Have students work in pairs or small groups to match the words with their meanings.
  • Review the correct answers as a class, emphasizing pronunciation and word class.


  1. Reading Comprehension (20 minutes):
  • Introduce the comprehension passage on “Managing Agriculture.”
  • Explain the importance of reading for understanding and identifying key information.
  • Read the passage aloud or have volunteers read aloud while others follow along silently.
  • Encourage students to underline or highlight important details in the passage.
  • Discuss any unfamiliar words or concepts as a class.
  1. Comprehension Questions and Discussion (15 minutes):
  • Divide the class into small groups.
  • Provide each group with a set of comprehension questions related to the passage.
  • Instruct students to discuss the questions and come up with answers collectively.
  • Rotate among the groups, offering guidance and addressing any difficulties.
  • Reconvene as a whole class and discuss the answers to the comprehension questions.
  • Encourage students to share their thoughts and reasoning
  1. Assessment (10 minutes):
  • Distribute assessment sheets to each student.
  • Assess students’ understanding of the passage and comprehension skills.
  • The assessment may include multiple-choice questions, true or false statements, or short-answer questions.
  • Collect the assessment sheets for evaluation.

Conclusion (5 minutes):

  • Recap the main points discussed during the lesson.
  • Emphasize the importance of agriculture in our daily lives.
  • Reinforce the new vocabulary words by revisiting their meanings and word class.
  • Encourage students to think about ways they can contribute to sustainable farming practices.


Evaluation Questions:

  1. What is the meaning of the word “cultivation”?
  2. How do farmers manage pests in agriculture?
  3. Why is water management important in farming?
  4. Name two sustainable farming practices mentioned in the passage.
  5. Define the word “fertility” as used in the context of agriculture.
  6. How does crop rotation benefit farmers?
  7. What are some tasks involved in soil preparation?
  8. Explain the purpose of livestock management in agriculture.
  9. What is the role of insecticides in pest control?
  10. Describe the importance of hygiene in livestock management.

Note: Evaluation questions can be adjusted based on the specific content and level of the primary 5 students.



  • Assess students’ comprehension through their responses to the comprehension questions and evaluation questions.
  • Evaluate their ability to use the new vocabulary words correctly and appropriately.
  • Observe their participation in group discussions and class interactions.
  • Provide constructive feedback to encourage further learning and improvement.


Overall, the lesson aims to engage students in the topic of managing agriculture, enhance their reading comprehension skills, expand their vocabulary, and foster an understanding of sustainable farming practices. By incorporating group discussions, visual aids, and assessment, students will have opportunities to actively participate, apply their knowledge, and receive feedback on their progress.

This lesson plan emphasizes a student-centered approach, encouraging active learning and critical thinking. It provides a balanced mix of individual, pair, small group, and whole-class activities to cater to different learning styles and promote collaboration among students. The use of visual aids and real-life examples helps make the content more relatable and engaging for the students.

Throughout the lesson, the teacher’s role is to facilitate discussions, provide guidance, and monitor students’ progress. The teacher encourages students to ask questions, think critically, and express their ideas. The assessment component allows the teacher to evaluate students’ comprehension and provide individual feedback for further improvement.

By the end of the lesson, students should have a better understanding of managing agriculture, its significance in our daily lives, and the vocabulary associated with the topic. They should also be able to demonstrate their comprehension through the completion of the comprehension questions and evaluation exercises.

The conclusion of the lesson reinforces the main points discussed, summarizes the new vocabulary words, and encourages students to think about their role in promoting sustainable farming practices.

By engaging students in a dynamic and interactive learning experience, this lesson plan aims to foster a deeper appreciation for agriculture and its vital role in our lives, while simultaneously developing students’ language and critical thinking skills

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