Using Past Continuous Tenses In Sentences Structure English Grammar Primary 3 Third Term Week 4

Subject: English Grammar

Class : Primary 3

Term : Third Term

Week : Week 4

Topic :  Continuous Tenses In Sentences (English Structure) 

Previous Lesson 


Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the concept of past continuous tense.
  2. Learn how to form affirmative, negative, and interrogative sentences in past continuous tense.
  3. Identify the correct usage of past continuous tense in sentences.
  4. Practice using past continuous tense in spoken and written communication.


Embedded Core Skills:

  1. Reading comprehension: Students will read and understand sentences in past continuous tense.
  2. Writing: Students will write sentences using past continuous tense.
  3. Speaking: Students will engage in conversations and describe ongoing actions in the past.
  4. Critical thinking: Students will analyze and choose the appropriate past continuous tense form in given sentences.


Learning Materials:

  1. Whiteboard, markers, and eraser.
  2. Chart paper and markers.
  3. Textbook with sentences in past continuous tense.
  4. Flashcards with verbs in past continuous tense.
  5. Interactive activities (e.g., role play, group discussions).



Topic: Using Past Continuous Tenses in Sentences

Today, we will be learning about using the past continuous tense in sentences. The past continuous tense is used to talk about actions that were happening in the past. Let’s look at how to use it correctly in sentences. Here is a list format to help you understand:

  1. Formation of Past Continuous Tense:
    • Use the past tense of the verb “to be” (was/were).
    • Add the present participle form of the main verb (-ing).
  2. Affirmative Sentences:
    • Subject + was/were + verb + -ing.
    • Example: I was playing with my friends yesterday.
  3. Negative Sentences:
    • Subject + was/were + not + verb + -ing.
    • Example: They were not watching TV when I arrived.
  4. Interrogative Sentences:
    • Was/Were + subject + verb + -ing?
    • Example: Were you sleeping when the phone rang?
  5. Use of Past Continuous Tense:
    • Describe actions that were happening in the past at a specific time. Example: She was dancing at the party last night.
    • Describe actions that were happening in the past over a period of time. Example: We were studying for our exams all afternoon.
  6. Time Expressions:
    • Use time expressions to indicate when the action took place. Example: yesterday, last night, while, when, etc.

Remember, the past continuous tense is used to talk about ongoing actions in the past. It helps us describe what was happening at a specific time or over a period of time. Practice using the past continuous tense in your speaking and writing to become more comfortable with it.

Now, let’s do some exercises together to practice what we have learned



  1. Yesterday, we _____________ (play/played/playing) in the park. a) play b) played c) playing
  2. They _____________ (not listen/listened/listening) to music when the phone rang. a) not listen b) listened c) listening
  3. _____________ (Were/Was/Are) you watching TV at 8 o’clock? a) Were b) Was c) Are
  4. She _____________ (dance/dancing/danced) at the party last night. a) dance b) dancing c) danced
  5. We _____________ (study/studying/studied) for our exams all afternoon. a) study b) studying c) studied
  6. The dog _____________ (bark/barking/barked) when the postman arrived. a) bark b) barking c) barked
  7. My sister _____________ (not sleep/sleeping/slept) when the thunderstorm started. a) not sleep b) sleeping c) slept
  8. _____________ (Were/Was/Are) they playing football in the rain? a) Were b) Was c) Are
  9. The children _____________ (paint/painting/painted) pictures at the art class. a) paint b) painting c) painted
  10. What _____________ (were/was/are) you doing when I called you? a) were b) was c) are

Remember to choose the correct option that fills in the blanks with the appropriate past continuous tense form. Good luck



Lesson Plan Presentation: Using Past Continuous Tenses in Sentences (English Structure)


  1. Introduction (5 minutes):
    • Greet the students and review the concept of verb tenses briefly.
    • Introduce the topic of using past continuous tenses in sentences.
    • Share the learning objectives with the class.
  2. Explanation of Past Continuous Tense (10 minutes):
    • Define past continuous tense as the tense used to describe ongoing actions in the past.
    • Explain the formation of past continuous tense using the verb “to be” (was/were) and the present participle form of the verb (-ing).
    • Provide examples of affirmative, negative, and interrogative sentences in past continuous tense
  3. Teacher’s Activities (15 minutes):
    • Write examples of sentences in past continuous tense on the whiteboard.
    • Engage students in reading and repeating the sentences aloud.
    • Use flashcards with verbs in past continuous tense for students to identify and create sentences.
    • Conduct interactive activities like role plays or group discussions to practice using past continuous tense in context.
  4. Learners Activities (20 minutes):
    • Distribute Workbook with sentences in past continuous tense.
    • In pairs or individually, students will read the sentences and identify the tense used.
    • Students will write their own sentences using past continuous tense.
    • Engage in pair or group activities where they will ask and answer questions using past continuous tense. [mediator_tech]
  5. Assessment (10 minutes):
    • Provide exercises where students need to fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in past continuous tense.
    • Monitor and provide feedback to individual students during the assessment activity.
  6. Evaluation Questions:
    1. What is past continuous tense used for?
    2. How do you form an affirmative sentence in past continuous tense?
    3. Give an example of a negative sentence in past continuous tense.
    4. How do you ask a question using past continuous tense?
    5. Write a sentence in past continuous tense about an action happening yesterday.
    6. When do we use the past continuous tense in storytelling?
    7. Provide a time expression that can be used with past continuous tense.
    8. Create an interrogative sentence in past continuous tense using the subject “you.”
    9. Rewrite the sentence “She played tennis at the park” in past continuous tense.
    10. Explain the difference between past continuous tense and past simple tense
  7. Conclusion (5 minutes):
    • Summarize the key points covered in the lesson.
    • Address any questions or clarifications from the students.
    • Encourage students to practice using past continuous tense in their daily communication.
