Dictation For The Week English Grammar Primary 3 Third Term Week 2

Subject: English Grammar

Class : Primary 3

Term : Third Term

Week : Week 2

Topic : Dictation For The Week 2

Previous Lesson 


Learning Objectives:

  1. To improve students’ spelling skills by learning and practicing the spelling of selected words.
  2. To enhance students’ vocabulary by introducing them to new words and their meanings.
  3. To develop students’ listening and dictation skills by engaging in a dictation exercise.
  4. To promote independent learning through individual practice and assessment.


Embedded Core Skills:

  1. Reading: Students will read and recognize the selected words.
  2. Writing: Students will practice writing the words accurately.
  3. Listening: Students will listen attentively during the dictation exercise.
  4. Speaking: Students will participate in class discussions and ask questions when needed.

Learning Materials:

  1. Whiteboard or chart paper
  2. Markers or chalk
  3. Worksheets with the list of words for spelling practice
  4. Examples of sentences using the words
  5. Dictionary (optional)



Spelling Words for Dictation:












12. healthy.

13. Forward


Here’s a breakdown of each word and its spelling:

  1. further: F-U-R-T-H-E-R
  2. gateway: G-A-T-E-W-A-Y
  3. salary: S-A-L-A-R-Y
  4. general: G-E-N-E-R-A-L
  5. genetics: G-E-N-E-T-I-C-S
  6. genius: G-E-N-I-U-S
  7. gigabit: G-I-G-A-B-I-T
  8. greater: G-R-E-A-T-E-R
  9. hungry: H-U-N-G-R-Y
  10. hanging: H-A-N-G-I-N-G
  11. heading: H-E-A-D-I-N-G
  12. healthy: H-E-A-L-T-H-Y
  13. forward: F-O-R-W-A-R-D


Here are the dictionary meanings of each of the words:

  1. further: To a greater extent or degree; additional or more advanced.
  2. gateway: An entrance or access point to a place, typically used to describe the entrance of a city, building, or network.
  3. salary: A fixed regular payment, usually made on a monthly basis, in return for work or services.
  4. general: Relating to or involving the whole or majority of something; not specific or detailed.
  5. genetics: The branch of biology that studies genes, heredity, and variation in living organisms.
  6. genius: Exceptional intellectual or creative ability; someone who displays exceptional intelligence or skill in a particular area.
  7. gigabit: A unit of data transmission speed equal to one billion bits per second (Gb/s). It is often used to measure the speed of internet connections.
  8. greater: Comparatively large or of a higher degree; more significant or extensive.
  9. hungry: Feeling the need or desire to eat; experiencing hunger.
  10. hanging: Suspending or fastening something from above, typically by a cord or rope

Words used in Sentences

  1. further: I need to study further to improve my grades.
  2. gateway: The beautiful arch served as the gateway to the park.
  3. salary: My father receives a monthly salary for his work.
  4. general: In the general assembly, all students gathered to discuss important matters.
  5. genetics: Blue eyes can be a result of genetics passed down from parents.
  6. genius: Albert Einstein was a genius in the field of physics.
  7. gigabit: Our internet plan provides a blazing-fast speed of one gigabit per second.
  8. greater: She showed greater determination to succeed in her exams this time.
  9. hungry: After playing outside all day, I felt hungry and wanted a snack.
  10. hanging: The picture of my family is hanging on the wall in the living room



  1. The __________ of the house was painted blue. a) door b) gateway c) window
  2. Sarah received a promotion and a raise in her __________. a) salary b) general c) further
  3. __________ is the study of genes and heredity. a) Genetics b) Genius c) Gigabit
  4. Albert Einstein was known for his __________ in the field of physics. a) genius b) greater c) hungry
  5. The computer has a __________ speed of one gigabit per second. a) hanging b) genius c) gigabit
  6. The teacher gave __________ instructions for the science experiment. a) general b) heading c) healthy
  7. After playing outside, the children felt __________ and wanted to eat. a) general b) greater c) hungry
  8. The principal gave a __________ speech during the school assembly. a) further b) general c) genetics
  9. The beautiful arch served as the __________ to the park. a) hanging b) gateway c) salary
  10. I need to study __________ to improve my understanding of the subject. a) forward b) greater c) further

Lesson Plan Presentation

Topic: Spelling and Vocabulary – Learning Words for Dictation



  1. Warm-up (5 minutes):
    • Greet the students and engage in a brief conversation to create a positive learning atmosphere.
    • Review any previous spelling or vocabulary lessons by asking students questions related to the topic.
  2. Introduction (5 minutes):
    • Display the list of words for spelling or dictation on the whiteboard or chart paper.
    • Explain that the focus of today’s lesson is to learn and practice the spelling of these words.
    • Emphasize the importance of accurate spelling for effective communication.
  3. Teacher’s Activities (10 minutes):
    • Present each word one by one, pronouncing it clearly and providing a brief definition or explanation.
    • Use each word in a sentence to provide context and aid understanding.
    • Encourage students to repeat the word after you, emphasizing correct pronunciation
  1. Learners’ Activities (15 minutes):
    • Distribute the spelling practice worksheets to each student.
    • Instruct the students to write the spelling of each word on the worksheet.
    • Encourage students to use their best handwriting and pay attention to each letter in the word.
  2. Assessment (5 minutes):
    • Collect the worksheets from the students.
    • Review the worksheets to identify any spelling errors or misunderstandings.
    • Provide feedback and guidance as needed. [mediator_tech]
  3. Dictation Exercise (5 minutes):
    • Read a sentence aloud, one at a time, that includes the words from the spelling list.
    • Instruct the students to write down the entire sentence, including the correct spelling of each word.
    • Repeat the sentence if necessary, allowing students enough time to write.
  4. Evaluation Questions (10 minutes):
    • Ask the following questions to assess students’ understanding:
      1. What is the purpose of learning spelling?
      2. Can you define the word “genetics”?
      3. How would you use the word “gateway” in a sentence?
      4. What is the meaning of the word “salary”?
      5. Explain the term “gigabit” and its relevance to internet speed.
  5. Conclusion (5 minutes):
    • Summarize the key points covered in the lesson.
    • Emphasize the importance of regular practice and continued learning of new words.
    • Encourage students to review the spelling list at home and practice using the words in sentences.
  6. Homework:
    • Assign students the task of creating their own sentences using at least five words from the spelling list.

Note: Adapt the time allocated for each activity based on the class dynamics and student engagement level.


  • Evaluate students’ spelling accuracy and understanding of the words through their completed worksheets and dictation exercise.
  • Observe students’ participation and engagement during class discussions and activities.

Evaluation Questions:

  1. What is the purpose of learning spelling?
  2. Can you define the word “genetics”?
  3. How would you use the word “gateway” in a sentence?
  4. What is the meaning of the word “salary”?
  5. Explain the term “gigabit” and its relevance to internet speed.
  6. Spell the word “hungry.”
  7. Write a sentence using the word “further.”
  8. What is the synonym for “general”?
  9. How would you describe someone with exceptional intelligence or skill?
  10. Can you provide an example of something hanging?

Conclusion: In today’s lesson, we focused on learning and practicing the spelling of selected words. We discussed the meanings of each word and used them in sentences to deepen our understanding. Through individual practice, writing exercises, and a dictation exercise, we enhanced our spelling and listening skills. Remember, practicing regularly and expanding your vocabulary will help you become better communicators. Keep up the great work and continue to explore new words and their meanings. [mediator_tech]