Meaning and Objectives of Traditional Apprenticeship System

Class : Primary 5

Subject : Cultural And Creative Art Third Term.

Term : Third Term Week : Week 3

Topic : Meaning and Objectives of Traditional Apprenticeship System 

Title: Traditional Apprenticeship: Meaning, Objectives, Types, Trade and Attitude Needed for Acquiring Skills

Grade Level: Primary 5

Time: 1 hour

Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

  1. Define traditional apprenticeship and identify its objectives.
  2. List different types of apprenticeship relationships.
  3. Identify trades in Nigeria where traditional apprenticeship is practiced.
  4. Explain the attitudes needed for acquiring traditional apprenticeship skills.


  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Chart paper and markers
  • Handouts for each student
  • Video clips and images of traditional apprenticeship practices in Nigeria


Meaning of Traditional Apprenticeship System:

  1. Traditional apprenticeship is a learning system that involves a master or skilled craftsman training an apprentice in a particular trade or craft.
  2. This system has been used for centuries as a way of passing on knowledge and skills from one generation to another.
  3. It is an important part of many cultures, including Nigerian culture, and is still used today in some industries.

Objectives of Traditional Apprenticeship System:

  1. To pass on traditional knowledge and skills from one generation to another.
  2. To ensure the preservation and continuity of cultural practices and values.
  3. To provide practical training and experience for individuals who wish to learn a trade or craft.
  4. To foster a sense of community and shared identity among apprentices and their mentors.
  5. To promote economic development by providing a skilled workforce for various industries.
  6. To encourage creativity and innovation by allowing apprentices to learn from experienced professionals and develop their own unique styles and techniques



Types of Apprenticeship relationship

  1. Traditional apprenticeship: This is the classic model where a master craftsman or artisan takes on an apprentice and teaches them the skills of the trade.
  2. Modern apprenticeship: This is a more structured and formalized version of the traditional model, typically with a set curriculum and certification process.
  3. Group apprenticeship: This involves a group of apprentices working together under the guidance of one or more master craftsmen or trainers.
  4. International apprenticeship: This involves an apprenticeship that takes place across international borders, often with the aim of gaining exposure to different cultural practices and techniques.
  5. Joint apprenticeship: This involves a partnership between multiple organizations or companies to provide apprenticeship training.
  6. Youth apprenticeship: This is a program that allows high school students to begin an apprenticeship while still in school, typically leading to a job offer upon graduation.
  7. Pre-apprenticeship: This is a training program that prepares individuals for an apprenticeship by teaching them basic skills and knowledge relevant to their chosen trade or craft


Some trades in Nigeria where traditional apprenticeship is commonly practiced:

  1. Blacksmithing: Blacksmiths use metalworking techniques to create tools, weapons, and other objects.
  2. Carpentry: Carpenters work with wood to create furniture, buildings, and other structures.
  3. Pottery: Potters use clay to create various types of pottery, such as bowls, plates, and vases.
  4. Textile weaving: Weavers use traditional techniques to create fabrics, such as Adire, Aso Oke, and Akwete.
  5. Adornment and jewelry making: Jewelers create traditional jewelry such as beads, bracelets, and necklaces.
  6. Leatherwork: Leather workers create products such as shoes, belts, bags, and wallets.
  7. Auto mechanics: Auto mechanics learn to repair and maintain automobiles, motorcycles, and other vehicles.
  8. Hairdressing and beauty: This involves learning to style and care for hair and other beauty-related services.
  9. Barbering: Barbers learn to cut hair, shave, and groom facial hair.
  10. Tailoring and fashion design: Tailors and fashion designers learn to create clothing and other fashion items



  1. Meaning and Objectives of Traditional Apprenticeship System:

a) Traditional apprenticeship is a learning system that involves a master or skilled craftsman training an __________ in a particular trade or craft. a) apprentice b) artisan c) entrepreneur

b) Traditional apprenticeship is an important part of many cultures, including __________ culture. a) Nigerian b) Indian c) Chinese

c) The objectives of traditional apprenticeship include passing on __________ knowledge and skills from one generation to another. a) modern b) traditional c) futuristic


  1. List Types of Apprenticeship relationship:

a) Modern apprenticeship is a more structured and formalized version of the __________ model. a) traditional b) group c) youth

b) International apprenticeship involves an apprenticeship that takes place across __________ borders. a) state b) international c) city

c) Youth apprenticeship is a program that allows high school students to begin an apprenticeship while still in school, typically leading to a job offer upon __________. a) graduation b) enrollment c) suspension


  1. Trade in Nigeria where traditional apprenticeship is practiced:

a) Blacksmiths use metalworking techniques to create tools, weapons, and other __________. a) furniture b) objects c) appliances

b) Weavers use traditional techniques to create fabrics, such as Adire, Aso Oke, and __________. a) Ankara b) Kente c) Akwete

c) Auto mechanics learn to repair and maintain automobiles, motorcycles, and other __________. a) tools b) equipment c) vehicles


Attitude needed for acquiring traditional apprenticeship skills

  1. Patience: Learning a trade or craft through traditional apprenticeship takes time and dedication. Patience is a key attitude needed to persevere through the challenges that come with the learning process.
  2. Humility: Apprentices must be willing to learn from their masters and accept constructive criticism. A humble attitude allows apprentices to learn from their mistakes and grow as craftsmen.
  3. Respect: Showing respect towards one’s master and other members of the apprenticeship community is crucial for building positive relationships and learning the values of the trade or craft.
  4. Eagerness to Learn: Apprentices should have a strong desire to learn and improve their skills. They should be open to trying new techniques and seeking out knowledge to further their craft.
  5. Attention to Detail: Traditional apprenticeship involves working with intricate details and precise measurements. Having a keen eye for detail is essential for producing high-quality work.
  6. Hard Work: Traditional apprenticeship is a hands-on learning experience that requires physical and mental effort. A strong work ethic is needed to persevere through long hours and challenging tasks.
  7. Flexibility: Apprentices must be flexible and adaptable to changes in their work environment or the needs of their masters. Being able to adjust to new situations and challenges is essential for success.
  8. Responsibility: Apprentices must take responsibility for their own learning and progress. They should be proactive in seeking out opportunities to improve their skills and take initiative in their work.
  9. Creativity: Apprentices should be open to exploring their creativity and developing their own unique style within the trade or craft. This can help to differentiate them from others and bring new perspectives to the field.
  10. Passion: Above all, apprentices should have a deep passion for the trade or craft they are learning. This drive will fuel their motivation to learn, grow, and succeed in their chosen field.




  1. Traditional apprenticeship requires a lot of __________ and dedication to learn a trade or craft. a) creativity b) patience c) speed
  2. Apprentices must show __________ towards their masters and other members of the apprenticeship community to learn the values of the trade or craft. a) humility b) arrogance c) aggression
  3. Eagerness to learn is a key attitude needed for apprentices to improve their __________. a) work ethic b) physical health c) skills
  4. __________ is essential for producing high-quality work when working with intricate details and precise measurements. a) attention to detail b) carelessness c) inaccuracy
  5. Apprentices should be __________ and adaptable to changes in their work environment or the needs of their masters. a) flexible b) rigid c) stubborn
  6. Hard work is needed to persevere through long hours and challenging tasks that are part of traditional apprenticeship, as it is a __________ learning experience. a) theoretical b) hands-on c) virtual
  7. __________ should take responsibility for their own learning and progress as an apprentice. a) the master b) the apprentice’s friends c) the apprentice
  8. Creativity can help differentiate apprentices from others and bring new perspectives to the field they are learning, making it important to explore their __________. a) work-life balance b) business skills c) creativity
  9. Apprentices should have a deep __________ for the trade or craft they are learning to fuel their motivation to learn, grow, and succeed in their chosen field. a) passion b) apathy c) indifference
  10. A __________ attitude allows apprentices to learn from their mistakes and grow as craftsmen. a) humble b) arrogant c) ignorant


Lesson Presentation

Previous Lesson

Introduction (5 minutes):

  • Greet the students and introduce the topic of traditional apprenticeship.
  • Ask the students if they know what traditional apprenticeship is and why it is important.
  • Introduce the objectives of the lesson.

Instructional Delivery (35 minutes):

  1. Meaning and Objectives of Traditional Apprenticeship System (10 minutes):
  • Define traditional apprenticeship and explain the concept to the students.
  • List the objectives of traditional apprenticeship.
  • Discuss how traditional apprenticeship has been used in different cultures, including Nigeria.
  • Show video clips and images of traditional apprenticeship practices in Nigeria.
  1. Types of Apprenticeship relationship (10 minutes):
  • List different types of apprenticeship relationships.
  • Explain each type of apprenticeship relationship.
  • Give examples of trades or crafts where each type of apprenticeship is commonly used
  1. Trade in Nigeria where traditional apprenticeship is practiced (10 minutes):
  • List different trades in Nigeria where traditional apprenticeship is practiced.
  • Discuss the importance of traditional apprenticeship in preserving cultural heritage.
  • Highlight how traditional apprenticeship has contributed to the development of Nigeria’s economy and society.
  1. Attitude needed for acquiring traditional apprenticeship skills (5 minutes):
  • List and explain the attitudes needed for acquiring traditional apprenticeship skills.
  • Emphasize the importance of having a positive attitude and the willingness to learn and grow.

Assessment (10 minutes):

  • Distribute handouts to each student.
  • Ask students to answer fill-in-the-blank and multiple-choice questions related to the meaning and objectives of traditional apprenticeship, types of apprenticeship relationships, trades in Nigeria where traditional apprenticeship is practiced, and attitudes needed for acquiring traditional apprenticeship skills.
  • Review answers with the students and provide feedback.

Conclusion (5 minutes):

  • Summarize the key points of the lesson.
  • Emphasize the importance of traditional apprenticeship in preserving cultural heritage and contributing to the development of Nigeria’s economy and society.
  • Thank the students for their participation and attention.


  • Ask the students to research more about the trades in Nigeria where traditional apprenticeship is practiced and create a poster or presentation on what they have learned

Weekly Assessment /Test

  1. __________ is a learning system that involves a master or skilled craftsman training an apprentice in a particular trade or craft. a) Modern apprenticeship b) Traditional apprenticeship c) Group apprenticeship
  2. Traditional apprenticeship is an important part of many cultures, including __________ culture. a) Nigerian b) Indian c) Chinese
  3. The objectives of traditional apprenticeship include passing on __________ knowledge and skills from one generation to another. a) modern b) traditional c) futuristic
  4. International apprenticeship involves an apprenticeship that takes place across __________ borders. a) state b) international c) city
  5. Youth apprenticeship is a program that allows high school students to begin an apprenticeship while still in school, typically leading to a job offer upon __________. a) graduation b) enrollment c) suspension
  6. Apprentices must be willing to learn from their masters and accept __________ criticism. a) positive b) negative c) constructive
  7. Eagerness to learn is a key attitude needed for apprentices to improve their __________. a) work ethic b) physical health c) skills
  8. Blacksmiths use metalworking techniques to create tools, weapons, and other __________. a) furniture b) objects c) appliances
  9. Apprentices should have a deep __________ for the trade or craft they are learning to fuel their motivation to learn, grow, and succeed in their chosen field. a) passion b) apathy c) indifference
  10. Tailors and fashion designers learn to create clothing and other fashion items through __________ apprenticeship. a) modern b) group c) traditional
  11. Apprentices should be __________ to changes in their work environment or the needs of their masters. a) flexible b) rigid c) stubborn
  12. __________ allows apprentices to learn from their mistakes and grow as craftsmen. a) Humility b) Arrogance c) Ignorance
  13. Weavers use traditional techniques to create fabrics, such as Adire, Aso Oke, and __________. a) Ankara b) Kente c) Akwete
  14. Hard work is needed to persevere through long hours and challenging tasks that are part of traditional apprenticeship, as it is a __________ learning experience. a) theoretical b) hands-on c) virtual
  15. Apprentices must take responsibility for their own learning and progress, as __________. a) the master b) the apprentice’s friends c) the apprentice
  16. Respect is crucial for building positive relationships and learning the __________ of the trade or craft. a) values b) disadvantages c) differences
  17. Apprentices should be open to exploring their __________ and developing their own unique style within the trade or craft. a) work-life balance b) business skills c) creativity
  18. Carpentry involves working with wood to create furniture, buildings, and other __________. a) objects b) appliances c) structures
  19. Apprentices should have a keen eye for detail, as __________ is essential for producing high-quality work. a) creativity b) attention to detail c) carelessness
  20. __________ is essential for providing a skilled workforce for various industries. a) Traditional apprenticeship b) Modern apprenticeship c) Joint apprenticeship
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