Food and Nutrition : Meaning, Importance and effects of Nutritional Deficiency Primary 4 Second Term Week 10 Physical and Health Education (PHE)







Food and Nutrition : Meaning, Importance and effects of Nutritional Deficiency Primary 4 Second Term Week 10 Physical and Health Education (PHE)

Previous Lesson 



Learning Objectives

By the end of the lesson, pupils should
be able to:

  • Mention diseases that are associated with insufficient nutrients
  • Define what nutrition means and why it is important for our bodies
  • Identify the different nutrients found in foods and how they help our bodies
  • Recognize the importance of eating a balanced and varied diet for good health
  • Understand what nutritional deficiency diseases are and their effects on the body
  • Learn how to prevent nutritional deficiency diseases through healthy eating habits




Learning Activities

  • Pupils as individuals define nutrition
  • Pupils in small groups state the importance of nutrition
  • Pupils as while class mention the diseases associated with insufficient nutrition
  • Pictures of different types of healthy foods
  • Handouts on different types of nutritional deficiency diseases
  • Interactive quiz questions on nutrition and nutritional deficiency diseases




Embedded Core Skills

  • Collaboration and Communication
  • Leadership and Personal Development
  • Critical thinking and Problem solving



Learning Resources

  • Food samples
  • Charts



Methods of Teaching 


Select suitable and appropriate teaching methods for your lessons.

Remember to incorporate activities that engage and captivate students, regardless of the teaching method chosen.

Primary 4 Second Term Week 6 Physical and Health Education


Reference Materials


  • Scheme of Work
  • 9 Years Basic Education
  • Curriculum
  • Course Book
  • All Relevant Material
  • Online Information




Meaning of Nutrition

Nutrition refers to the study of how food and other substances affect the body and its functions, including growth, maintenance, and repair. It involves understanding the nutrients that the body needs to function properly, as well as how those nutrients are obtained and processed by the body. Nutrition also encompasses the study of food and dietary patterns, as well as the role of physical activity and other lifestyle factors in promoting health and preventing disease. Proper nutrition is essential for optimal health, and a balanced and varied diet that includes all the essential nutrients is necessary to maintain good health throughout life


Nutrition is all about the food we eat and how it helps our bodies grow, stay healthy, and give us energy.

Imagine your body is like a car, and food is like fuel that keeps the car going. Just like a car needs the right type of fuel to run smoothly, our bodies need the right types of food to function properly.

There are different types of food, like fruits, vegetables, grains, and protein. Each type of food has important nutrients that our bodies need to be healthy and strong.

For example, fruits and vegetables give our bodies vitamins and minerals that help us grow and stay healthy. Grains like bread, rice, and pasta give us energy to play and do our daily activities. And protein from foods like meat, fish, and beans help our muscles grow and stay strong.

Just like we take care of our cars by putting the right fuel in them and taking them for regular maintenance, we also need to take care of our bodies by eating a variety of healthy foods and getting plenty of exercise. This helps us stay healthy and feel our best!


Importance of Nutrition

Nutrition is very important for our bodies. Eating healthy foods that are rich in nutrients helps our bodies grow and stay strong.

Here are some examples of why nutrition is important:

  1. Energy: Food gives us energy to play, study and do other activities. Just like a car needs fuel to move, our bodies need food to give us energy. Eating a healthy breakfast, like oatmeal or eggs, can give us energy to start our day.
  2. Growth: Nutrients in food help our bodies grow. For example, milk and cheese help our bones grow strong, while fruits and vegetables help us grow taller.
  3. Health: Eating healthy foods can help us stay healthy and prevent diseases. For example, eating foods with vitamin C, like oranges and strawberries, can help keep our immune system strong and prevent us from getting sick.
  4. Brain Power: Some foods, like fish and nuts, have special nutrients that help our brains work better. Eating healthy foods can help us think and learn better in school.
  5. Mood: Believe it or not, food can also affect our mood! Eating a balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables can help us feel happy and less grumpy.

Eating healthy foods and getting proper nutrition is important for our bodies to grow, stay healthy and feel our best. So, let’s remember to choose healthy foods and eat a balanced diet every day!


  1. Which of the following is an example of how nutrition can help our bodies grow? a) Eating junk food b) Eating fruits and vegetables c) Skipping meals
  2. How does nutrition affect our energy levels? a) Eating healthy foods gives us energy b) Eating unhealthy foods gives us energy c) Eating any type of food doesn’t affect our energy levels
  3. Which of the following nutrients helps our bones grow strong? a) Vitamin C b) Calcium c) Iron
  4. How can nutrition help prevent diseases? a) Eating healthy foods can make us taller b) Eating unhealthy foods can make us stronger c) Eating healthy foods can keep our immune system strong
  5. Which of the following foods can help our brains work better? a) Fish and nuts b) Sugary snacks and sodas c) Fried foods
  6. Why is it important to eat a balanced diet? a) So we can eat only our favorite foods b) So we can get all the different nutrients our bodies need c) So we can skip meals without feeling hungry
  7. How can nutrition affect our mood? a) Eating healthy foods can make us feel happier b) Eating unhealthy foods can make us feel grumpy c) Eating any type of food doesn’t affect our mood
  8. Which of the following is an example of a healthy breakfast? a) Chocolate cake b) Oatmeal c) French fries
  9. Why is it important to eat foods with vitamin C? a) To keep our immune system strong b) To make us taller c) To give us energy
  10. Which of the following is an example of a food that can help our muscles grow? a) Meat and beans b) Ice cream and candy c) Chips and cookies



Nutritional Deficiency Diseases

Nutritional deficiency diseases are health problems that occur when our bodies don’t get enough of the important nutrients that we need from our food.

Here are some examples of nutritional deficiency diseases and how they can affect our health:

  1. Anemia: Anemia is a condition that occurs when we don’t have enough iron in our bodies. Iron helps our red blood cells carry oxygen throughout our bodies. When we don’t have enough iron, we can feel tired and weak.
  2. Rickets: Rickets is a condition that occurs when we don’t have enough vitamin D in our bodies. Vitamin D helps our bodies absorb calcium, which is important for strong bones. Without enough vitamin D, our bones can become weak and soft.
  3. Beriberi: Beriberi is a condition that occurs when we don’t have enough vitamin B1 in our bodies. Vitamin B1 helps our bodies use the energy from food. Without enough vitamin B1, we can feel tired and weak, and our muscles may become weak.
  4. Scurvy: Scurvy is a condition that occurs when we don’t have enough vitamin C in our bodies. Vitamin C helps our bodies heal wounds and fight infections. Without enough vitamin C, our skin can become dry and itchy, and our gums may bleed.
  5. Goiter: Goiter is a condition that occurs when we don’t have enough iodine in our bodies. Iodine is important for our thyroid gland to function properly. Without enough iodine, our thyroid gland can become enlarged and cause problems with our metabolism.
  6. Pellagra: Pellagra is a condition that occurs when we don’t have enough niacin (vitamin B3) in our bodies. Niacin helps our bodies use energy from food, and also plays a role in maintaining healthy skin and nerves. Without enough niacin, we can develop symptoms like diarrhea, skin rashes, and mental confusion.
  7. Kwashiorkor: Kwashiorkor is a type of malnutrition that occurs when we don’t get enough protein in our diet. Protein is important for building and repairing tissues in our body, and also helps our immune system function properly. Without enough protein, we can develop symptoms like a swollen belly, thinning hair, and a weakened immune system.
  8. Night blindness: Night blindness is a condition that occurs when we don’t have enough vitamin A in our bodies. Vitamin A is important for maintaining good vision, especially in low-light conditions. Without enough vitamin A, we may have trouble seeing in the dark or have difficulty adjusting to changes in light.
  9. Osteoporosis: Osteoporosis is a condition that occurs when we don’t get enough calcium and vitamin D in our diet. Calcium and vitamin D are important for building and maintaining strong bones. Without enough of these nutrients, our bones can become weak and brittle, which increases the risk of fractures.



  1. Which nutrient deficiency can cause anemia? a) Calcium b) Iron c) Vitamin C
  2. Which deficiency disease can cause weak and soft bones? a) Rickets b) Pellagra c) Night blindness
  3. Which nutrient deficiency can cause beriberi? a) Vitamin B1 b) Vitamin C c) Vitamin D
  4. Which deficiency disease can cause scurvy? a) Vitamin A b) Vitamin C c) Vitamin D
  5. Which nutrient deficiency can cause goiter? a) Calcium b) Iodine c) Iron
  6. Which deficiency disease can cause pellagra? a) Vitamin B3 b) Vitamin B1 c) Vitamin C
  7. Which nutrient deficiency can cause kwashiorkor? a) Calcium b) Protein c) Vitamin D
  8. Which deficiency disease can cause night blindness? a) Vitamin A b) Vitamin B12 c) Vitamin C
  9. Which nutrient deficiency can cause osteoporosis? a) Calcium and vitamin D b) Iron and vitamin C c) Protein and vitamin B12
  10. Which deficiency disease can cause a swollen belly and weakened immune system? a) Scurvy b) Anemia c) Kwashiorkor



Lesson Presentation


  • Revise the previous lesson with the pupils
  • Ask leading questions that will lead to the introduction of the new topic

Introduction (10 minutes):

  • Begin by asking students what they think nutrition means and why it is important for our bodies.
  • Explain that nutrition refers to the study of how food and other substances affect the body and its functions, including growth, maintenance, and repair.
  • Discuss the importance of eating healthy foods to fuel our bodies and help us stay healthy.

Body (30 minutes):

  • Show pictures of different types of healthy foods and ask students to identify the nutrients found in each type of food.
  • Discuss the different types of nutrients found in foods, such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals, and explain how they help our bodies.
  • Explain the importance of eating a balanced and varied diet to get all the different types of nutrients our bodies need to function properly.
  • Introduce the concept of nutritional deficiency diseases, and discuss some examples of diseases that can occur when our bodies don’t get enough of certain nutrients.
  • Show pictures and hand out information on different types of nutritional deficiency diseases, such as anemia, rickets, and scurvy.
  • Discuss the symptoms and effects of each type of disease on the body, and explain how they can be prevented through healthy eating habits.


  1. ___________ refers to the study of how food and other substances affect the body and its functions.
  2. Eating a balanced and varied diet is important for getting all the different types of ___________ our bodies need to function properly.
  3. ___________ is a condition that occurs when we don’t have enough iron in our bodies.
  4. ___________ is a condition that occurs when we don’t have enough vitamin D in our bodies.
  5. ___________ is a condition that occurs when we don’t have enough vitamin B1 in our bodies.
  6. ___________ is a condition that occurs when we don’t have enough vitamin C in our bodies.
  7. ___________ is a condition that occurs when we don’t have enough iodine in our bodies.
  8. ___________ is a type of malnutrition that occurs when we don’t get enough protein in our diet.
  9. Calcium and vitamin D are important for building and maintaining ___________.
  10. Eating a balanced diet and getting proper nutrition is essential for promoting ___________ and preventing disease

Conclusion (10 minutes):

  • Review the key points of the lesson, including the meaning and importance of nutrition, the different types of nutrients found in foods, and the importance of eating a balanced and varied diet.
  • Review the different types of nutritional deficiency diseases and how they can be prevented through healthy eating habits.
  • Engage students in an interactive quiz game to test their knowledge and reinforce the concepts covered in the lesson.
  • Encourage students to continue making healthy food choices and to share what they have learned with their families and friends.


  • Monitor students’ participation in class discussions and interactive quiz game.
  • Provide handouts on different types of nutritional deficiency diseases for students to take home and read.
  • Assess students’ understanding of the lesson by asking them to write a short paragraph on the importance of eating healthy foods and preventing nutritional deficiency diseases

Weekly Assessment /Test

  1. What is nutrition, and why is it important for our bodies?
  2. What are some examples of healthy foods that provide important nutrients for our bodies?
  3. What are the different types of nutrients found in foods, and how do they help our bodies?
  4. Why is it important to eat a balanced and varied diet?
  5. What are nutritional deficiency diseases, and how can they affect our health?
  6. What are some examples of nutritional deficiency diseases, and what nutrients are lacking in each one?
  7. What are some symptoms of nutritional deficiency diseases?
  8. How can we prevent nutritional deficiency diseases through healthy eating habits?
  9. What is the importance of physical activity in maintaining good health?
  10. How can we make healthy food choices in our daily lives?
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