Safety : Meaning of safety and some safety precautions


SUBJECT: Security Education

Term : Second Term

Week :  Week 1





1. Introductory Activities

2. Meaning of Safety Precautions

3. Examples of Safety Precautions

4. Lesson Evaluation and Weekly Assessment


By the end of the lesson, most pupils should have attained the following objectives –

1. Explain the meaning of safety precautions.

2. State some of the safety precautions.

ENTRY BEHAVIOUR: The pupils can state basic safety precautions.

INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS:  The teacher will teach the lesson with the aid of pictures and charts safety precautions.




Safety means keeping yourself and others free from harm or danger.

That’s being careful not to fall, bump or run into things.

In order to keep ourselves, other and things safe, there is need to observe and keep to all safety precautions.


Safety precaution is the actions taken to ensure that we are protected from possible danger or injury.

For examples,

1. Wearing sunglass

2. Wearing hand gloves

3. Wearing safety boots

4. Wear hamlet

5. Fasten seat belt

6. Follow safety symbols or signs

7. Be tidy

8.  Inspect all tools or equipments before use

9.  Always clean your mess

10. Always use the right tools and equipments

11. Always wear your personal protective equipment (PPE), such as nose mask etc.

12. Don’t walk  in the dark.


As stated in performance objectives or lesson evaluation.


To deliver the lesson, the teacher adopts the following steps – he/she,

1. Revises the previous lesson based on the pupil’s related knowledge or experience.

Pupil’s Activities – Participate actively in lesson review.

2. Displays some safety precautions or pictures/chart showing safety precautions.

3. Lets the pupils examine and discuss their uses.

Pupil’s Activities – Examine the safety precautions and discuss their uses.

4. Uses their responses to introduce and lead a discussion on the meaning of safety precautions.

Pupil’s Activities – Pay attention to the lesson introduction and participate actively in class discussions.

5. Takes pupils to the nearest factory, company or workshop to ask questions on some of their safety precautions or rules.

Pupil’s Activities – Take part in the excursion.

6. Summarizes the lesson on the board.

Pupil’s Activities – Participate actively in the lesson summary and write as instructed.



To conclude the lesson for the week, the teacher revises the entire lesson and links it to the following week’s lesson.

NEXT LESSON:  Meaning of Source of Dangers

LESSON EVALUATION : Ask pupils to:

1. Explain the meaning of safety precautions.

2. State 5 of the safety precautions.




1. ______ means keeping yourself and others free from harm or danger.

A. Safety B. Precaution  C. Danger

2. ______ is the actions taken to ensure that we are protected from possible danger or injury.

A. Safety precaution  B. Safety   C. Precaution

3. ______ is used when riding a bicycle. A. Helmet  B. Face cap   C. Cover

4. ______ is used for driving a car. A. Seat belt    B. Waist belt    C. Fan belt

5. It is important to wear ______ in the sun. A. face mask   B. sunglass  C. sun shade

6. ______ is used for protecting our hands.  A. Safety glass   B. Safety boat  C. Hand glove

7. ______ is used for protecting our legs. A. Safety glass  B. Safety boat  C. Hand glove

8. ______ can be used to prevent transmitted diseases.  A. Nose mask  B. Face mask  C. Face glass

9. Inspect tools or equipments before use is very important.  A. True   B. False

10. Cleaning is your mess is one of the safety precautions. A. True   B. False

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