Dictation For The Week Primary 5 Second Term Week 8

Subject : English Spelling / Dictation

Class : Primary 5

Term : Second Term

Week : Week 5

Topic : Spelling for the 8th week Second Term Primary 5

Learning Objectives:

Learners are guided to learn the following words : gubernatorial, controversial, contemporaneous, editorial, herbaceous, negotiation, experimental, electrician, humanitarian, magnetic


Learning Activities

  1. For home study, each pupil looks up the meaning of the given words
  2. Pupils use their dictionary to learn the transcription and pronunciation of the given words
  3. Pupils make use of the given words in at least a sentence.

Embedded Core Skills 

  1. Communication and collaboration
  2. Critical thinking and problem solving
  3. Digital Literacy
  4. Leadership and Personal development


Learning Resources 

  1. Hardcopy dictionary
  2. Online dictionary 
  3. Textbook or Workbook with definitions, sample sentences, and exercises
  4. Whiteboard or overhead projector
  5. Computer with internet access (optional)



Dictionary meaning of the given words

  1. “gubernatorial” refers to the office or authority of a governor.
  2. “controversial” means something that is likely to cause disagreement or debate.
  3. “contemporaneous” means happening or existing at the same time.
  4. “editorial” refers to an article or statement expressing an opinion, typically one written by the editorial board of a newspaper or magazine.
  5. “herbaceous” refers to a plant that is not woody and dies back to the ground at the end of each growing season.
  6. “negotiation” refers to the process of discussing and reaching an agreement with others.
  7. “experimental” means based on or involving experimental methods.
  8. “electrician” refers to a person who specializes in installing, maintaining, and repairing electrical systems and equipment.
  9. “humanitarian” refers to the concern for or promotion of the welfare of human beings.
  10. “magnetic” means having the properties of a magnet or being attracted to a magnet.

Use the given words in sentences

  1. The governor is running for re-election in the upcoming Gubernatorial race.
  2. The topic of gun control is a controversial issue in many countries.
  3. The event was contemporaneous with the launch of the new product.
  4. The newspaper’s editorial condemned the government’s decision.
  5. The herbaceous plants in the garden had died back for the winter.
  6. The negotiation between the two companies took months to reach a final agreement.
  7. The scientists conducted an experimental study to test their hypothesis.
  8. The electrician came to fix the wiring in the house.
  9. The organization’s mission is to provide humanitarian aid to refugees.
  10. The iron filings were attracted to the magnetic field generated by the magnet.



Lesson Presentation


  • Begin the lesson by asking the students if they have ever come across a word that they didn’t understand.
  • Share that one way to understand a word is to look up its meaning in a dictionary.

Direct Instruction:

  • Introduce the 10 words and have the students look them up in the dictionary.
  • As a class, go over the meanings of each word.
  • Provide examples and non-examples to ensure students understand the meanings.

Guided Practice:

  • Divide the students into small groups.
  • Give each group one of the 10 words and ask them to come up with their own sentence using the word.
  • Have each group share their sentence with the class.
  • Discuss any difficulties the groups had in understanding the word or in constructing a sentence.

Independent Practice:

  • Provide each student with a list of the 10 words and ask them to write a sentence for each word.
  • Allow time for students to share their sentences with a partner or small group.

Review Practice Questions :

  1. The _________ race is heating up as the primary elections approach.
  2. The topic of climate change is _________ among politicians and scientists.
  3. The discovery of the new species was _________ with the deforestation of the area.
  4. The newspaper’s _________ criticized the government’s handling of the pandemic.
  5. The _________ plants in the garden were in full bloom in the summer.
  6. The _________ between the two countries over trade tariffs has been ongoing for months.
  7. The researchers used _________ methods to test the efficacy of the new drug.
  8. The _________ had to replace a faulty circuit breaker in the building.
  9. The charity organization focuses on providing _________ aid to communities affected by war.
  10. The compass needle aligns itself with the _________ field of the earth.


  • Summarize the meanings of the 10 words and ask students to give an example sentence for each word.
  • Remind students that looking up words in the dictionary is a useful strategy for understanding new or difficult words.


  • Observe students during independent practice to assess understanding of word meanings and sentence construction.
  • Collect and grade written sentences as a formative assessment.
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